Swap Participants (C=Confirmed)
1. C Ross - ???
2. C Sluggerdog - German Pilsner NO FOOD
3. C Mothballs- Porter
4. C Coodgee- Oatmeal Stout
5. C Frogman- American Pale Ale (Can be consumed immediatley.)
6. C TidalPete - American Amber Ale (Bottled 1-11-06) Work it out for yourself.
7. C Jye - Wheatburst
8. C InCider - Uppin Cider
9. C Browndog - American Pale Ale (Can be consumed immediatley.)
10. C Derrick - TBA
11. C Screwtop - Hefe Wiezen
12. C Snow - Schwartzbier
13. C PistolPatch - Northern German Pilsner (Can be consumed immediatley.)
14. C Batz - Scottish Ale
15. C Sqyre - Hosting so no beer required.
16. C OLD DOG - american style ale NO FOOD
17. C bconnery- some kind of ale (Can be consumed immediatley.)
18. C Kenny - Some kind of Pale Ale
19. C Aussie Claret - American Brown NO FOOD (Can be consumed immediatley.)
20. C Brissybrew
21. C Kiwi_Greg - TBA
22. C David Bunzil - TBA
23. ? Hoops - TBA
24. C Zizzle - TBA
25. C sjc - Adelscott Clone
26. C vjval1974 - American Pale Ale (Can be consumed immediatley.)
Attending / Reserves
27. Wildayeast - (Reserve)
28. FNQBunyip
29. AndrewQld - very slight chance of attending.
30. Winkle - hoping to attend.
31. Brizbrew.
Just updated my consumption date.
Will also throw in a bottle for JJ.
Cheers Frogman.
Not all of us are on the ball as you Pete. Some of us carbonate naturally, some of us force carbonate. I'd appreciate if everyone put my bottle in the fridge as soon as they got home and drank it that night.refuse to pander to the "Can be consumed immediatley" brigade. If you lot can't work out if a beer is drinkible by it's date of bottling then it's time for you to donate your kegging gear to the Sharkbait Brewery & give the game away.
Not all of us are on the ball as you Pete. Some of us carbonate naturally, some of us force carbonate. I'd appreciate if everyone put my bottle in the fridge as soon as they got home and drank it that night.refuse to pander to the "Can be consumed immediatley" brigade. If you lot can't work out if a beer is drinkible by it's date of bottling then it's time for you to donate your kegging gear to the Sharkbait Brewery & give the game away.
To right Pete, I'm really looking forward to this one, it's going to be great. Hopfully the weather will be kind to us too. Been a bit of a stinker here in Ippy today.Not long now mate?
I have Tidalpete navigating,we could arrive at any time :blink:
He took me down to Ross's place a few months ago,nice to see my mum in Adelaide anyway
I have Tidalpete navigating,we could arrive at any time
He took me down to Ross's place a few months ago,nice to see my mum in Adelaide anyway
I have Tidalpete navigating,we could arrive at any time
He took me down to Ross's place a few months ago,nice to see my mum in Adelaide anyway
This is us looking for the train station when Tidalpete took me to Ross's place on the wrong day
All we had to do is get out at the correct station,interesting beer in Tibet home soon love Petes just checking the map
I mean quite a few of us have noticed that you say your beers are too 'green' to be drunk regardless of when bottled.
Batz, I'm just speculating here but I think, 'personal reasons' might have something to do with the Japanese exchange student that Coodgee recently had move in.
Coodgee invited me up to meet her before she arrived. Then she did arrive and I heard no more
Coodgee, that is one for the team I happily would have taken