Qld Xmas Case '06

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My Anniversary came up in the discussion of when the case swap was and SWAMBO took a lot of time to convince to agree to the case swap on the 2nd, the same day as our anniversary. :D Then I checked the thread and it's the 9th. Bugger me! :blink:

I need a secretary.

Just had a taste of my (accidentally imperial) IPA and am sorry to say it won't be on the bar for the swap. I'm not sure if it is the Nottingham yeast as it is the first time I have used it, but there is just something about it I don't like. Could be the lack of residual sweetness I normally have with my beers. I'll bring a bottle for the experts to sample. The good news is I have 20L of Pumpy's bitter coming out of secondary on friday and I'll be bringing that instead :)



BD, to me Nottingham always has an aroma and taste when the beer is first carb'd which seems to completely disappear after a week or so. Hard to describe, earthy but not unpleasant. Am sure you've used this yeast before, so probably telling you nothing you didn't already know, but thought I'd mention it. Cheers.
Just had a taste of my (accidentally imperial) IPA and am sorry to say it won't be on the bar for the swap. I'm not sure if it is the Nottingham yeast as it is the first time I have used it, but there is just something about it I don't like. Could be the lack of residual sweetness I normally have with my beers. I'll bring a bottle for the experts to sample. The good news is I have 20L of Pumpy's bitter coming out of secondary on friday and I'll be bringing that instead :)



BD, to me Nottingham always has an aroma and taste when the beer is first carb'd which seems to completely disappear after a week or so. Hard to describe, earthy but not unpleasant. Am sure you've used this yeast before, so probably telling you nothing you didn't already know, but thought I'd mention it. Cheers.

Yes, patience BD, the first time I used this yeast I was very unimpressed with the initial flavour, as Michael said, earthy, cardboardy, almost astringent taste. This dissapates quite quickly & my beer went on to win a first place in the Qld state comp. Bring a bottle over if you're passing :chug:

cheers Ross
I'll happilly do collections for JimmyJack's case (whatever donations anyone is prepared to throw in) as long as I don't get into trouble for offering to do so - )

Thanx guys :super: I would love that as my brewing will probably slow down in Jan with bub and no sleep on the way. Dont stress it if you cant make up a case, i am forever sponging beer off of Ross when I hit his house and it is about time i repaid the generosity of this forum and its members. I dont think i would of made the jump to ag if it werent for they great info and support from you guys. I will definately be at the next swap with guns blazing and hopefully alot more brews under my belt

Cheers, JJ
Pat there will be an extra bottle me from also, I have a couple of extras for the Xmas swap.
I'm sure I'll have room to wack in an extra bottle for jimmy too. great idea.

BD, to me Nottingham always has an aroma and taste when the beer is first carb'd which seems to completely disappear after a week or so. Hard to describe, earthy but not unpleasant. Am sure you've used this yeast before, so probably telling you nothing you didn't already know, but thought I'd mention it. Cheers.

This is the first time I've used Nottingham Mike, I'll give it some time and see how it goes.


I've done one for JJ also but...

I've got important news for all the QLD AHB members, we are loosing our very own PistolPatch before xmas. That's right, Pat is pissing off a few days before xmas back to Sandgrouper land where he was whelped. That is a big loss for us guys and a major win for the Perth blokes. So we will have to make it an Extra special big one to send Pat off 4hrs into the future.

woof woof

I've done one for JJ also but...

I've got important news for all the QLD AHB members, we are loosing our very own PistolPatch before xmas. That's right, Pat is pissing off a few days before xmas back to Sandgrouper land where he was whelped. That is a big loss for us guys and a major win for the Perth blokes. So we will have to make it an Extra special big one to send Pat off 4hrs into the future.

woof woof


He is only going there cause of the good micros!! :rolleyes:
we are loosing our very own PistolPatch before xmas. That's right, Pat is pissing off a few days before xmas back to Sandgrouper land where he was whelped.

Oh well....Shape up or ship out !!! ;)

Pat's only leaving because he doesn't like the way the curtains fade in QLD. And the three hour time difference will give him more time to add posts. :D

InCider & Sister.


Wooh Hoo! Two weeks! Can't wait

Homepathic, free range, organic beer & vegatarian gluten free pig-on-a-spit

I will try to print my name on a T-shirt. Make identification easier. I'll recongnise Sqyre from his avatar :D
Can see Pat now, the van stopped by the side of the road around Cocklebiddy, travellers all gathered round, gas burner going and wort boiling.

"Now this is BIAB folks, the new easy way to brew fantastic beer, it's so easy, even you can do it! If ya run out like I did here on the Nullarbour folks, ya just drag the gear outta the van and throw on a brew, ya never gotta go thirsty, or sober again". "Here take a card folks, me phone number's on there, I'll be in Perth in a few weeks after I have me kegs filled again and I'll be opening up a home brew supply business called KRAFT Brewer", thats cos I Kant Remember a F--kin Thing after a few beers". "I'm gunna be marketing a new complete portable BIAB system specially for use here in WA. It's perfect for such a big state with the distances people have to travel, ya can pack it in ya van and take it with ya, the boiler works off a heat exchanger connected to the radiator, so ya can brew wherever ya go". No worries with supplies, if ya run outta stuff just ring me with ya credit card, I'll flag down a truckie and slip him some Schwarzbier ta deliver it to ya", just make sure ya flash ya lights and wave a lot when ya see him commin, cos that stuff a mine can put ya in a bit of a trance"!
Can see Pat now, the van stopped by the side of the road around Cocklebiddy, travellers all gathered round, gas burner going and wort boiling.

"Now this is BIAB folks, the new easy way to brew fantastic beer, it's so easy, even you can do it! If ya run out like I did here on the Nullarbour folks, ya just drag the gear outta the van and throw on a brew, ya never gotta go thirsty, or sober again". "Here take a card folks, me phone number's on there, I'll be in Perth in a few weeks after I have me kegs filled again and I'll be opening up a home brew supply business called KRAFT Brewer", thats cos I Kant Remember a F--kin Thing after a few beers". "I'm gunna be marketing a new complete portable BIAB system specially for use here in WA. It's perfect for such a big state with the distances people have to travel, ya can pack it in ya van and take it with ya, the boiler works off a heat exchanger connected to the radiator, so ya can brew wherever ya go". No worries with supplies, if ya run outta stuff just ring me with ya credit card, I'll flag down a truckie and slip him some Schwarzbier ta deliver it to ya", just make sure ya flash ya lights and wave a lot when ya see him commin, cos that stuff a mine can put ya in a bit of a trance"!


Brilliant work Michael.

I can see Pat puncturing his own tyres as an excuse to stop and brew! :D
Thanks for thinking of me Browndog. Bloody good of you.*

If the Sandgropers show me a tenth of the generosity, education, friendship and top quality humour as you guys, Ill be wrapped.

Hows Screwtops post? The amount of times that guy has made me crack up is countless. I want him to write a book. And InCider, you won't need your name on a T-Shirt mate!

Welcome back Batz! I did two update threads while you were away and didnt get into any trouble at all I have been a good boy.

Grrrr! I have to go and do a job now. This sudden jump in heat is driving us tradies mad. Beer sales must have doubled in the last week. :chug:

Spot ya ron,

*I actually asked BD to do that post but he refused. I then offered him ten dollars and he agreed immediately. Like InCiders sister, Tony will do anything for a minimal amount of money. I highly recommend him.

Swap Participants (C=Confirmed)

1. C Ross - ???
2. C Sluggerdog - German Pilsner NO FOOD
3. C Mothballs- Porter
4. C Coodgee- Oatmeal Stout
5. C Frogman- American Pale Ale (Can be consumed immediatley.)
6. C TidalPete - American Amber Ale (Bottled 1-11-06)
7. C Jye - Wheatburst
8. C InCider - Uppin Cider
9. C Browndog - American Pale Ale (Can be consumed immediatley.)
10. C Derrick - TBA
11. C Screwtop - Hefe Wiezen
12. C Snow - Schwartzbier
13. C PistolPatch - Northern German Pilsner (Can be consumed immediatley.)
14. C Batz - Scottish Ale
15. C Sqyre - Hosting so no beer required.
16. C OLD DOG - american style ale NO FOOD
17. C bconnery- some kind of ale (Can be consumed immediatley.)
18. C Kenny - Some kind of Pale Ale
19. C Aussie Claret - American Brown NO FOOD (Can be consumed immediatley.)
20. C Brissybrew
21. C Kiwi_Greg - TBA
22. C David Bunzil - TBA
23. ? Hoops - TBA
24. C Zizzle - TBA
25. C sjc - Adelscott Clone
26. C vjval1974 - American Pale Ale (Can be consumed immediatley.)

Attending / Reserves

27. Wildayeast - (Reserve)
28. FNQBunyip
29. AndrewQld - very slight chance of attending.
30. Winkle - hoping to attend.
31. Brizbrew.

Just updated my consumption date.
Will also throw in a bottle for JJ.
Cheers Frogman.