Qld Xmas Case '06

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If things are a bit tight sqyre,I am sure we could all pay you now so you can buy what ever is required.
Let us know it's just bank transfer away.

Well i just finished bottling the Schwartzbier for the swap. Now I remember why I took up kegging <_< ..man bottling sucks! Although, to look on the bright side, i did drink a lot more beer than I do when I keg a batch :chug: ......because it took so ******* long :angry:

Anyway, preliminary tasting indicates it will be a nice beer. Looking forward to trying everyone else's brews.

Squyre, let us know if you need any moula before the day to pay for food. It's no hassle at all to transfer the cash into your account.

Cheers - Snow.
[Edit: Wrote the below straight after Batz's goat comment - lol. I missed the subsequent posts but if it's OK with you guys, I'm happy to do the below. Might save on a billion bank transfers etc]

Too right Batz!

Seriously Sqyre, like I said before, I'm happy to chuck the up-front cash in - no worries. (I've just had an ATO extension on my GST.)

Let cash be the least of your worries mate. You are putting yourself way out already.

In fact mate, let's make it easy. I'll pay for all up-front costs and that way everyone owes me. If they don't pay me back I'll bag them on the forum - lol!!!

Will chat to you tomorrow but for now, just relax and leave the finances to me. No one here is going to worry about a few dollars. Spend what you think is right and have fun. If anyone doesn't cough up eventually then that's my problem - not yours.

Looking forward to it Sqyre!!!!
Sqyre / PP,

It is a lot of bugs bunny to cough up in one hit - let me know and I will transfer to whichever account. Nothing from the Cayman islands though! :D


LOL Sean! Bugs Bunny - how do you come up with this stuff?

It's no worries for me to do the above. I've sent Sqyre a PM so hopefully he'll accept the offer.

Spot ya,
Gez Pat, where have you been? Can't go anywhere without Bugs Bunny in ya Skyrocket.

Sqyre, happy to cough up the lefta, if you want a few drachma in advance.
Its all good fella's... :)

I have reluctanly accepted Pat's offer of finacial support..

In exchange for some comprimising photo's of my missus.

It's a small price to pay for the success of the swap meet...

(Extremely small price actually :lol: Hell, i might have to give him money yet.)

so anyway its all taken care of..

Thanks for the backup guys. :super:
Running late for a beer with Old Dog but just quickly, don't worry about coughing up in advance. Easier to fix it up when you arrive as by this stage we'll know final numbers and cost.

Running late for a beer with Old Dog but just quickly, don't worry about coughing up in advance. Easier to fix it up when you arrive as by this stage we'll know final numbers and cost.


mmm....yer... eerrr.. no worries mate :p

Fix up a later hey?............Hell he's leaving the state you know ;)

mmm....yer... eerrr.. no worries mate :p

Fix up a later hey?............Hell he's leaving the state you know ;)


He'll need all the Oxford Scholars he can get his mitts on to pay for his excess baggage: S/s pots, fermenters, kegs etc when he's on his way to Panama. :rolleyes:

Good on ya Pat. A very noble gesture. Everyone will have to shout you a beer or 3 on the day. I have good news on the beer supply for the day. Jimmyjack has dropped off his generous donation of 5 cartons of James squire beers at the shop today. 3 cartons of Golden Ale and 2 cartons of Amber Ale. Thanks very much Jimmyjack :beer: , but it will be very tempting to not do some quality assurance in the next week or so :p . Hopefully I will be bottling my case porter tomorrow.

Its all good fella's... :)

I have reluctanly accepted Pat's offer of finacial support..

In exchange for some comprimising photo's of my missus.:super:

I am spewing! Sqyre just sent me the preliminary compromising photos of his missus.*

Exactly the same girl as in the poster that Batz gave me! I'll be bringing the poster to the Swap. See if you can tell if I've been rippped off or not.

*Rennae, I know you are going to be reading this post. The above is just a joke but some people take stuff seriously on AHB so make sure you do get the photos taken as agreed with Sqyre ;)

** Rennae is a good sport so this post does NOT need to be deleted.
Sqyre has the best Bar in OZ no doubt but he could do with a brew assistant like ours Pat. Sorry she can't move to WA with you but the rest of us on the Sunny Coast have heaps for her to do helping out on brew days. Have included the pic I took of her at Batz place on the yeast swap weekend. Thanks to Batz for suggesting such a novel way of swapping yeast.

She's agreed to help me any day when she's not working as a meter maid on the Gold Coast.

**** Rennae!

I'm very dissapointed. When I offered to help out in return for some photos, I thought this meant I had an exclusive.

I just spoke to Screwtop on the phone and he told me the above pic was not from the inernet but from his family photo album.

What is going on here? Seriously thinking of pulling out of the swap now.


P.S. Have only spoken to Renae twice. Am seriously hoping her sense of humour is as good as I remember!
Sqyre has the best Bar in OZ no doubt but he could do with a brew assistant like ours Pat. Sorry she can't move to WA with you but the rest of us on the Sunny Coast have heaps for her to do helping out on brew days. Have included the pic I took of her at Batz place on the yeast swap weekend. Thanks to Batz for suggesting such a novel way of swapping yeast.

She's agreed to help me any day when she's not working as a meter maid on the Gold Coast.

View attachment 10313

She's a sweetie at the cave I admit Screwy,poster Pat has is a little different from the one that she is posing in there.
It was posted on this fourm some years back,and it's still here ;)

I have to keep her in the back shed these days,only let her out for Batcave brewdays,she's getting strong lifting all those kegs.....oh she said to say hi Pete

Oh she's pleased you have kegs now as well

oh she said to say hi Pete


I think I remember Pete telling me that story.

Pete, was that when you said, How hi do you want it?"

(God I hope POL isn't checking my posts!)

Swap Participants (C=Confirmed)

1. C Ross - ???
2. C Sluggerdog - German Pilsner NO FOOD
3. C Mothballs- Porter
4. C Coodgee- Oatmeal Stout
5. C Frogman- American Pale Ale (Can be consumed immediatley.)
6. C TidalPete - American Amber Ale (Bottled 1-11-06)
7. C Jye - Wheatburst
8. C InCider - Uppin Cider
9. C Browndog - American Pale Ale (Can be consumed immediatley.)
10. C Derrick - TBA
11. C Screwtop - Hefe Wiezen
12. C Snow - Schwartzbier
13. C PistolPatch - Northern German Pilsner (Can be consumed immediatley.)
14. C Batz - Scottish Ale
15. C Sqyre - Hosting so no beer required.
16. C OLD DOG - american style ale NO FOOD
17. C bconnery- some kind of ale (Can be consumed immediatley.)
18. C Kenny - Some kind of Pale Ale
19. C Aussie Claret - American Brown NO FOOD (Can be consumed immediatley.)
20. C Brissybrew
21. C Kiwi_Greg - TBA
22. C David Bunzil - TBA
23. ? Hoops - TBA
24. C Zizzle - TBA
25. C sjc - Adelscott Clone
26. C vjval1974 - American Pale Ale (Can be consumed immediatley.)

Attending / Reserves

27. Wildayeast - (Reserve)
28. FNQBunyip
29. AndrewQld - very slight chance of attending.
30. Winkle - hoping to attend.
31. Brizbrew.