Alrighty. Just back from Aldi. I've done some calculations (using a scientific approach -- so it can't be wrong). So to save everyone from having to bring things for breakfast and then carting most of it home again, I think I've pretty well go that meal covered (unless of course you have special dietary needs like All-Bran or Coffee)
1 kg shortcut bacon
2 doz eggs
2 doz bread rolls (I think our CrazyParisienne friend has got the ones for the previous nite organised)
18 (??) paper plates
18 (??) clear plastic cups
BBQ and Tomato sauce
Olive Oil for the BBQ and to keep Popeye happy
(Sorry, I forgot about plastic cutlery, but I'm a grub too so I should fit right in with Fattox.). I think Ben (?) said he might bring some sausages too, but hopefully we won't need too much more. Otherwise, we'll be there for days or weeks and it takes a long long time to get an eviction order acted upon.
Antiphile's Scientific Breakfast Requirement Calculator:
There's an expectation of around 24 people for the swap. 10% will wake up on Saturday morning and forget. Of the remaining, 5% will get towards the departure time and say "Oh, fork it! Get me another beer outta the fridge, kids!" So we're down to 21. Now, at about 2 am when everyone is looking for their car to sleep in whilst emitting a bright red glow that people in Warwick can read by, there's always someone who can't navigate and will sleep at the bottom of the nearest creek. So only 20 breakfast eaters left.
However, at least 30% of people won't be given "sleep-over permission slips" by their well-meaning partners. Of these 6, 5 will make it home (albeit with a re-arrangement of their car panels), and the other will be served breakfast in bed at the Toowoomba watch house. Of the remaining 14 contenders, one won't wake up before 3 pm, and another will think he did something so embarassing the previous night he won't be game to show his face.
So all in all, there'll be tons to eat for 12 breakfasts. QED.