Plane shot down with 27 Aussies on board.

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Somebody gave the village idiot the keys to a Ferrari.

It wasn't shot down with what the rebels have at the moment, portable missile launchers.
None have the range, so it was shot down with a dedicated Surface To Air Missile system.
Rumour has it was a BUK Missile system, being a SA-11 Gadfly.
This system is designed to bring down NATO Bombers. It requires a crew of 4 "trained" operators to use it.
It aint like playing a PS3 game.
A experienced radar operator would have seen by the altitude and path of the plane, that it was a commercial airliner.
BUT, the village idiot was at the controls..
One big stuff up for all..
****, the village idiot is a member of our brew club. I'm seeing him tomorrow at a club event. If he's draped in a red white and blue flag, and says such words as "da", "speciba" and "naz drovya" I'll let you guys know.
Dave70 said:
Jews? ********.
Illuminati FTW.
Those damn kabbalist shapeshifting space lizards! Should have known
mje1980 said:
****, the village idiot is a member of our brew club. I'm seeing him tomorrow at a club event. If he's draped in a red white and blue flag, and says such words as "da", "speciba" and "naz drovya" I'll let you guys know.
You can never tell.
Re the Russian Gas supplies.

Western Europe is already going hammer & tongs to get gas out of the north sea so that Russia cant hold them to ransome
Lincoln says: "Send in the troops."

If our boys can't clean out these borscht eating morons I want my tax dollars back. We have allies in the neighbourhood and we can test out our new fighter jets; give our lads some Baltic Porter or RIS for acclimatisation purposes and spank these donkey thugs back to Moscow.

Sack up Tony. It's easy to bash the weak; let's take on some genuine dipsh1ts.
Dave70 said:
Jews? ********.
Illuminati FTW.

Lincoln2 said:
Lincoln says: "Send in the troops."

If our boys can't clean out these borscht eating morons I want my tax dollars back. We have allies in the neighbourhood and we can test out our new fighter jets; give our lads some Baltic Porter or RIS for acclimatisation purposes and spank these donkey thugs back to Moscow.

Sack up Tony. It's easy to bash the weak; let's take on some genuine dipsh1ts.
**** yeah let's invade tonga, they've got heaps of coconuts. **** yeah
Quite a few years ago now I was managing a department at one of the local hospitals.
One of the sections I was responsible for was the Hospital Assistants, staff who maintained and cleaned hospital equipment, ranging from beds to humidicribs.

One time when I was interviewing applicants for a casual Hospital Assistant position I met a lady called Liliane.
Liliane told me she was originally from Amsterdam, was the mother to two young girls, had been through a
relationship breakdown and had pretty much been doing it tough for a while but wanted to get he life back on track and that she just needed a chance to make things better for herself and her girls.

I ended up employing Liliane and she became one of the better staff that I had, worked hard, always willing to help out with whatever I needed.

Liliane ended up getting a full time position and became one of the staff that (and this may make me sound like a ******) I felt a sense of pride in. I had a few staff who life had thrown them lemons and after I was able to give them a job, allowed them to improve their situation. It always made me feel good seeing them become happier with their lives after getting a job that paid ok and with good conditions.

After a few years Liliane was offered a position in another section of the hospital where the work was more clerical in nature and developed skills in this area. She eventually left the hospital and moved on to bigger and better things. I caught up with her about a year ago where she told me how well life was going for her and her girls.

This afternoon I found out Liliane was a passenger on Malaysia Airlines MH17, which really sucks.

I've had a couple of beers and felt the need to tell someone that Liliane was a good person, the type this country needs. She could have stayed on welfare, lived of the tax payer, but she wanted to have a go and do the right thing by herself and her family, and she did it.

Thanks for listening.,
Don't know what to say Mattress. Just wow. Condolences to you for your good freind. Sad thing is how many people this effects both directly and indirectly.
Mattress said:
This afternoon I found out Liliane was a passenger on Malaysia Airlines MH17, which really sucks.
Sorry to hear it mate.

Liliane sounds like she was a honourable woman. Our thoughts are, and should be, with her family and the families of others that have passed as a result of this tragedy.
My heartfelt condolences Mattress. There are few words and no explanations for times like these.
It seems as though there may have been quite a few very decent people on this flight and your friend was one among them.

Unfortunately, the concept of decency doesn't exist for the perpetrators of this horrendous crime.

I'm sorry for your loss Mattress and everyone else who has lost someone dear to them.
mje1980 said:
It'd be a great way to frame Putin if you think about it. Everyone pretty much thinks he's responsible anyway. He wouldn't be that stupid.

Tragedy anyway
What'd be the point of framing him? He annexed Crimea and nobody did anything. If they want to go after him they have plenty of reasons to do so, murdering innocents wouldn't be necessary.
Mattress, im with you. Im sorry to hear the loss of your friend. I myself know the grandfather from WA with his 3 grandchildren on the flight, moreso his son but I have known him through sailing as a young kid. My friends business parnet was also frineds with one of the pilots. It is a sad day and thoughts are with all the families.
Les the Weizguy said:
So, can you state that they NEVER have done anything like it?
Never traded drugs for guns, or anything morally questionable?

Ah look, it was a theoretical scenario. Just saying that no-one questions it, or says it's even possible. Never heard of 'covert ops'?

Yeah, you're right. I'm wrong for trying to think independently. Well argued!
I argued nothing, but only asked a direct question in earnest. You read an argument between the lines.

But since we're apparently arguing anyway, I'll note that it's pretty laughable to equate independent thinking with believing conspiracy theories. The first resort of a truly independent thinker would be the principle of parsimony, which states that the simplest explanation (the one with the fewest untested assumptions) is the most likely.
Mr Abbott just said,
" Australia announced that it was reconsidering Russian president Vladimir Putin's attendance at the G20 in November"

I wonder if he could or would enforce this?

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