Office Home Brew

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Ringwood, Melbourne
hay fellows, I had an idea the other day at the office and sent out an email asking for any interested parties to get back to me, Ive ended up with 10 fellow brewers.

The thought was, The office pays for end of month drinks (quite a sizable figure it seems) and it was my thought that we could get the job done alot cheaper and better.. however I now need to (sigh) go through all sorts fo OH&S issues etc..

does anyone else have this in their office? Problems? Work arounds?

we arent selling it so there should be a way to make it possible (I feel) and the idea of having my work pay for the ingerdiants produces a nice warm fuzzy feeling... not to mention I will end up with free beer at the end of it all should go some way to helping said warm fuzzy feeling... :rolleyes:

any thoughts on how to make this happen? Ideas on getting OH&S to play the game?

i would be keeping it completely off the books. just pretend that every month, on a whim, you rock up to work with a few kegs of beer for people to try.
you wont get it passed OH&S. and if you do, the OH&S cttee isnt doing their jobs very well (putting my OH&S Management Rep hat on).

if you can get it to work and be compeltely assured that your legally coverd then go for it. but id be wary. last thing you want is for the office nuff nuff to get hammered and drive, get nabbed (hopefully only looses licence and doesnt injury someone) and then launch lagal action against you and your employer for serving beverages of an unknown/untested alc % (yes we roughly know what %alc we brew but its not a legal test).

In saying this, I know a guy who has just bought in a keg of his brew to work for people to try at Friday drinks. completely off the books. that way there isnt any thing written down that can used against him.

oh and make people pour their own beers. that way you avoid the responsible service of alc issue that they could try and nab you with if you were the one serving all the drinks.
hay fellows, I had an idea the other day at the office and sent out an email asking for any interested parties to get back to me, Ive ended up with 10 fellow brewers.

The thought was, The office pays for end of month drinks (quite a sizable figure it seems) and it was my thought that we could get the job done alot cheaper and better.. however I now need to (sigh) go through all sorts fo OH&S issues etc..

does anyone else have this in their office? Problems? Work arounds?

we arent selling it so there should be a way to make it possible (I feel) and the idea of having my work pay for the ingerdiants produces a nice warm fuzzy feeling... not to mention I will end up with free beer at the end of it all should go some way to helping said warm fuzzy feeling... :rolleyes:

any thoughts on how to make this happen? Ideas on getting OH&S to play the game?

Maybe do it through a brew on premises place? Or get some fresh wort kits?

i would be keeping it completely off the books. just pretend that every month, on a whim, you rock up to work with a few kegs of beer for people to try.
you wont get it passed OH&S. and if you do, the OH&S cttee isnt doing their jobs very well (putting my OH&S Management Rep hat on).

if you can get it to work and be compeltely assured that your legally coverd then go for it. but id be wary. last thing you want is for the office nuff nuff to get hammered and drive, get nabbed (hopefully only looses licence and doesnt injury someone) and then launch lagal action against you and your employer for serving beverages of an unknown/untested alc % (yes we roughly know what %alc we brew but its not a legal test).

In saying this, I know a guy who has just bought in a keg of his brew to work for people to try at Friday drinks. completely off the books. that way there isnt any thing written down that can used against him.

oh and make people pour their own beers. that way you avoid the responsible service of alc issue that they could try and nab you with if you were the one serving all the drinks.

You need better OH&S people. ;)

I'm sitting at my desk at work with a CPA in hand (5th for the day). We regularly have bbqs on site that have as much beer available as you can drink.

And yes, that explains my responses to any thread post 1pm today :lol:
You need better OH&S people. ;)

I'm sitting at my desk at work with a CPA in hand (5th for the day). We regularly have bbqs on site that have as much beer available as you can drink.

And yes, that explains my responses to any thread post 1pm today :lol:

I think you've just opened the floodgates to a huge number of job applications Doc. Any vacancies??
Thanks for the advice above.. indeed it helped me on a number of points.. We have a work around on the cards now (off the books as noted) and all brewers are preparing (6-7 now).

however.. Im still going to prepare some paperwork just in case. One being a HACCP.. (thinks to self... I might post this in brewversity)
another being some type of food prep.. safety... something or other.. (yawns and scratches)... though I think I can wrap that up in the HACCP (Hassard Analysis Critical Control Point)

Anywhoo.. has anyone any experience with one of these bad boys? I think I can manage a fair one from scratch but... well.. (yawns and scratches)...

theres brewin to be done :p

[edit] spolling
[Re-edit] - cant post to brewversity... guess I can understand.. <_<
Well it's time to drag this old one up.. I completed a (rudimentry) HACCP plan for Homebrew situations (edit) for the OH&S worry worts, it is aimed more toward the OP than an extensive 'complete' HACCP. Anywhoo ive attatched it if anyone cares enough to have a look... it's what we all know anyway so I dont think there is much in it for most of you.

Anywhoo.. this is what happened. Much interest from my fellow 'company' brewers and Ive gathered 7 including myself. The Events Group were backing me until... well it doesnt really matter why but the floor was dropped from under me.. no real surprise there and at the end of the day I really don't give a shit...

No Wukkas methinks... Ive found a local (Hawthorn Vic) venue that has a BYO liscence only ( :excl: )... perfect... Hire price $100 (that s right only a hunge) and has room for about 50-60 people but will probably cap it at 50 I think.

We are, at this point, going to supply 2 Cartons each (stubbies) for the event but I waas wondering if anybody from the community here wants to jump in. (3 more brewers would be perfect IMO) and we can each drop down to 1 carton which is a fair tasing I should think. (though I will probably still bring 2 as Ive already cleaned the stubbies and Im damned if I will throw them out now)

This is what we have on the plate thus far.

Mixture of K&K/E and AG Brewers

15 April 6-10 PM

Dish 1: Belgian Blonde
Dish 2: LCPA(ish) Ale
Dish 3: Pale Ale
Dish 4: English Ale
Dish 5: ? (Hasnt told me yet)
Dish 6: Pilsner
Dish 7: Porter
Dish 8: ? (Available slot)
Dish 9: ? (Available slot)
Dish 10: ? (Available slot)

So can anyone see any potential issues going this direction?
Many large disclaimers and "Please drink responsibly" Posters will adorn the venue (and My label)

a good opportunity to get some feedback methinks :D

View attachment HACCP.pdf
