Nsw Xmas In July Tasting Notes

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Thanks Muggus, that was a very positive review :)

I put the recipe in the recipe DB in case anyone wants to have a look at it while trying the beer:

http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum//index.php?showtopic=45816&hl=bear ://http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/for...16&hl=bear

The yeast was WLP001, American Ale Yeast.

I have made two versions of that beer, one with Amarillo and one with Styrian Goldings. The case swap one is with SG.
I want to make that beer again on Sunday actually, but going back to Amarillo.

17. matho APA

Pours quit hazy straw. Suitable aroma of citrus hops with some caramel malts. Flavour is along the same lines. Hop flavour is at the light end of style, they let the malt flavours come through nicely. Medium carb. Light medium body. Nice lingering bitterness.Good balance. Clean. I could down a quite a few of these on a hot day. Very nice APA, thanks Matho.


im glad you liked it andrew i was a bit dissapointed with how both batches turned out the first one is undercarbed and the one you got, i think is hazy all i can put it down to is that i had to use water that was bought from the shop thanks to sydney water. i didnt notice the calcium level of the water until it was too late, it was 0.2 ppm also i had to mash for 2.5 hrs. it usually turns out fairly clear with just a slight haze but this one is just not clearing. The recipe is the only one i have in the database.

cheer's steve
11. Gruntus - Marzen, WY2633, 5.2%

Dominated by the warm and toasty malt flavours. Balanced slightly to sweet but that's delicious on a cool evening. Some smooth hop flavour and aroma but mostly about the malts. Clean with perhaps a soft touch of alcohol peeking through. A well made beer that really seems true to style. Delicious and I'm sorry it's all gone now. :icon_drunk:
27. Smilee-English bitter.

Pours amber red with quite a large head that falls back to about 1cm. Earthy fruit hop aroma, a touch of yeast - quite different but enticing. Flavour is more of the fruit that comes up in the aroma - it comes up quite orange like in flavour. Some light malt flavours in the finish. Medium bodied. Medium carb. Enough bitterness to balance. Very nice well made beer. Thanks Smilee - looking forward to tasting more of your beers in future swaps.

22. Bjorn J - Bjorn's Brown Bear

Pours a lovely clear reddish brown. Decent dense head that falls back. Light hop aroma, floral lemon, spice, a bit if yeast character. Flavour is driven by the lemony hop flavours, light sweet malt in the background. Clean. Light medium body, medium high carb, medium bitterness with a drying finish. Nice clean beer, Bjorn. It could probably do with a bit more malt character for my tastes - perhaps a bit more munich or a bit of something like amber.

Djr apa is very nice I'm a bit to drunk to go into details but it tastes very nice thanks mate

Cheers steve
Thanks Andrew...My first swap so was keen for feedback.. Glad you enjoyed


27. Smilee-English bitter.

Pours amber red with quite a large head that falls back to about 1cm. Earthy fruit hop aroma, a touch of yeast - quite different but enticing. Flavour is more of the fruit that comes up in the aroma - it comes up quite orange like in flavour. Some light malt flavours in the finish. Medium bodied. Medium carb. Enough bitterness to balance. Very nice well made beer. Thanks Smilee - looking forward to tasting more of your beers in future swaps.

Djr apa is very nice I'm a bit to drunk to go into details but it tastes very nice thanks mate

Cheers steve

Heh - opened a bottle of that myself last night to test carbonation - it is fine but could do with another week, then again for those in warmer spots it's probably OK :)

Weyermann Vienna :icon_drool2:
24. grantw - smokey the porter

Feeling lazy tonight, so I looked back and saw the note by Muggus and pretty much agree ;) . The beer has terrific balance, the smokiness is where I like it (just adding background complexity). As usual, very nice beer, Grant. Wish I had another. Thanks for sharing.

Beer: 19. Fatgodzilla Dark English Bitter
Date: 13th August 2010
Details: 750ml gold cap 19, Ringwood ale yeast
Sampling Notes:
Served in a pint glass.

Pours a bronze body with decent clarity. A finger worth of light tan foam persists.

Good amount of aroma; proper British crystal malts with sweet biscuit, toffee and roasted nuts, accompanied by a complimentary dose of floral, marmalade-y hops.

Medium-lean body, nice sticky malt texture, carbonation a bit high and prickly for the style I spose.

More of that tasty sweet English malt on the body; golden syrup, candied cashews, bread crust, hint of red fruits and orange marmalade. Bitterness hits its mark well, with a lingering leafy hop note.

Really well made bitter! Memories of sitting back in a warm pub on a dark, drizzly, gloomy in the English countryside, whilst musing over a pint of the local ale fresh off the cask come flooding back with every sip. Top notch Ian, cheers!
Beer: Matho - APA
Date: 18th August 2010
Details: 750ml bottled, gold cap with label, bottled 12/6/10, 6%
Sampling Notes:
Served in a pint glass.

Very clear gold body with small white head hanging around.

Aroma is quite low intensity. Hops take front seat, bit of grapefruit, grass, wood spice with a hint of caramel malt.
Medium weight body, carbonation a tad low, slick mouthfeel.

Caramel and toasted cereal malts on the body. Bit of sweetness combines with woody, pine-like, citrusy hops and a moderate bitterness.

Bit of a subdued APA. Gets more enjoyable as it warms. Cheers Matho.
Beer: Davelovesbeer Copper Ale
Date: 18th August 2010
Details: 750ml bottled, gold cap 14
Sampling Notes:
Served in a pint glass.

Silent opening has me worried. Luckily I manage to pour out a centimetre of white foam that sits atop a clean copper body.

Subtle aroma. Bit of citrus hop, pepper and leafiness, some sweet bready malts and yeast phenolics peak through.

Carbonation is there, despite the opening. Medium weight to the palate.

Flavour is also a bit subdued at first. More of those citrusy hops and bread, but it seems to become increasingly phenolic and starts developing some off sort of esters as it warms; bit like rotten apple/butyric acid.

Wasnt sure what to make of this beer. Seemed alright, bit like an APA at first, but the taste became a bit off-putting, and I thought I may have got an infected bottle. Hope its just a bad bottle. Cheers Dave
just drinking no 27 smilee's bitter

beautiful colour dark amber, solid off white head that drops off a bit, earthy with raisin notes
very nice and tastes even better when it warms up a bit. very nice smilee thanks

cheer' matho
just drinking no 27 smilee's bitter

beautiful colour dark amber, solid off white head that drops off a bit, earthy with raisin notes
very nice and tastes even better when it warms up a bit. very nice smilee thanks

cheer' matho

Thank you! Allways nice to get feed back and glad you enjoyed it..

Nr 19: Fatz' Dark English Bitter.

The first case swap beer I am trying, looking forward to trying all the different beers over the coming weeks!

The beer is quite dark, more ruby-red than brown-black, looks great. Good clarity when putting a flash-light to the side of the glass, I can read the date of my watch through the glass.
A good head that leaves a ring of foam all the way down while emptying the glass.

No off-smells or anything "funny", smells nice and roasty, kind of like a porter?
The taste is nice and clean, would not have guessed this was homebrew which is more than can be said for a lot of my beers :lol: (so I speak from experience..)
I would have thought it was a brown porter had I had to guess, with the roasty aroma and flavour notes, guessing some roasted wheat/chocolate malts?

Nice and balanced all the way through, not too bitter, no harsh roasted tones.
Tastes like it is quite dry, is there sugar in it to get low FG while the roasted grains keeps "body" up?

I really like it, would easily have bought a six-pack of that one.
Not hopped over the top, no faults my not-a-beer-judge palet can pick up, I like it!


22. Bjorn J - Bjorn's Brown Bear

Pours a lovely clear reddish brown. Decent dense head that falls back. Light hop aroma, floral lemon, spice, a bit if yeast character. Flavour is driven by the lemony hop flavours, light sweet malt in the background. Clean. Light medium body, medium high carb, medium bitterness with a drying finish. Nice clean beer, Bjorn. It could probably do with a bit more malt character for my tastes - perhaps a bit more munich or a bit of something like amber.


Thanks for the feedback, Andrew.
I made this beer again last Sunday, but this time I went back to Amarillo rather than Styrian Golding for some more "late hoppiness".
I also ditched the sugar and went all malt, doubling the Munich. Hoping it will keep the roasty notes but get a bit more body. Sounds like we feel the same way about this one.

Gregor's NZ Rye Pale Ale.

My first ever beer made with rye, was really looking forward to trying it after reading about rye beers.
The bottle has a great label giving info on OG/FG, ingredients with malts, hops, yeast, etc.
Very interesting to have all that good info while tasting it, trying to taste the hops, etc.

Pours a nice amber colour, good foam that dies down to a disc of foam that stays for a while.
4 different hops makes for a complex, nice aroma and taste.
Tastes full-bodied, malty and clean.
The label gives the FG as 1.010 but it tastes a bit sweeter or more full-bodied, can it be the rye maybe?

Ok clarity, probably would benefit from a week in the fridge to clear up.

A very nice beer, wouldn;t mind having it again,


Thanks for the feedback, Andrew.
I made this beer again last Sunday, but this time I went back to Amarillo rather than Styrian Golding for some more "late hoppiness".
I also ditched the sugar and went all malt, doubling the Munich. Hoping it will keep the roasty notes but get a bit more body. Sounds like we feel the same way about this one.


You will have to bring a bottle along for brown ale night.

Brown ale night, when is that?

I now have
-DGA *this beer with Amarillo and sugar
-BBB -this beer with Styrian Golding and sugar
-BBBII -this beer with Amarillo but all malt , no sugar.

I really liked Fatz Dark English Bitter from the last case swap, thinking maybe I should try to make my beer more like that one.


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