8. Gruntus - Where has all my EKG gone - English IPA - ~ 7.5%
Colour is a deep amber, head falls back. Aroma is initially quite light, some caramel malt, a bit of yeast. Earth notes and further caramel and yeast come up as it warms. Flavour is malt sweetness up front, some coffee/roast, followed with some UK hop bitter orange on the finish. Medium body. Medium low carb. Bitterness is there. Alcohol is very well hidden. Very nice beer Grant, especially as it warms. Thanks.
Colour is a deep amber, head falls back. Aroma is initially quite light, some caramel malt, a bit of yeast. Earth notes and further caramel and yeast come up as it warms. Flavour is malt sweetness up front, some coffee/roast, followed with some UK hop bitter orange on the finish. Medium body. Medium low carb. Bitterness is there. Alcohol is very well hidden. Very nice beer Grant, especially as it warms. Thanks.