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I'm pleased to report the body building program is working........

Jeez, he's ALL bones.

Look closer at the picture on the left.
I was gonna say he is all meat and no potatoes but I guess that's not true.

He's all twig and no berries.
you've all heard of wheat grass right? you know the trendy thing to buy at juice bars etc.
well ive started having the brewer's version......barley grass. something like 5 times more nutritional than wheat grass etc.
it even sort of smells like malted barley....then you taste it. :icon_vomit: its awful. there is the tiniest hint of barley flavour then a horrible taste. oh well if it tastes that bad its got to be good for you.
you've all heard of wheat grass right? you know the trendy thing to buy at juice bars etc.
well ive started having the brewer's version......barley grass. something like 5 times more nutritional than wheat grass etc.
it even sort of smells like malted barley....then you taste it. :icon_vomit: its awful. there is the tiniest hint of barley flavour then a horrible taste. oh well if it tastes that bad its got to be good for you.
I've been taking the concentrated form of this lately - very good for you, especially if you consider the new Milo ad - apparently malted barley is their prime selling point.

Anyone else want some concentrated extract? I store mine watered down, under pressure in refrigerated 19L stainless steel vessels. Barley juice. Lovely. May have been infected with S. Cerevisiae, but I can't seem to help that.
I've been taking the concentrated form of this lately - very good for you, especially if you consider the new Milo ad - apparently malted barley is their prime selling point.

Anyone else want some concentrated extract? I store mine watered down, under pressure in refrigerated 19L stainless steel vessels. Barley juice. Lovely. May have been infected with S. Cerevisiae, but I can't seem to help that.
yeah ive got the powered form also. wasting one of my kegs on that stuff is too much to bear. I mix mine in with juice.
and ive just worked out that your talking about beer rather than the barley grass *slaps forhead*. very funny.
yeah ive got the powered form also. wasting one of my kegs on that stuff is too much to bear. I mix mine in with juice.
and ive just worked out that your talking about beer rather than the barley grass *slaps forhead*. very funny.
oh well if it tastes that bad its got to be good for you.

Actually its not all that good for you. Its about as good for you as eating regular grass. You might as well run the contents of your grass catcher through the blender.

What it is very good for is filling the wallets of the people who sell the stuff.

I find it amazing that people can be convinced to spend some serious coin on a teeny, tiny glass of something truly horrid based partially on unsubstantiated claims of nutritional value and mostly on the fact that everyone else is doing it.

And yes, I am feeling grumpy this week. I think its an overdose of christmas music from my last trip to the shops.
oh well if it tastes that bad its got to be good for you.
I was kidding about that.

i did the research to check whether the nutritional value was digestible/transferable as a lot of grasses etc arent. apparently this stuff is. alot of the bodybuilding/fitness guys take it. now of course if your nutritional intake is fine then its not going to do diddly squat. but if your lacking then it can help. same as vitamins. besides it didnt cost much and my guts are a mess so anything is worth a try.

its all cool airgead. maybe im just not getting enough mead ;)

edit: i hate the overcommercialised xmas thing also. i feel your pain. actually im not a big of xmas anyway. really just another public holiday to me.
somebody's not getting into the spirit of the occasion !

I love all the silly christmas stuff at the shops. It only happens once a year, so enjoy it while it lasts. Soon enough the festive season will be over and it' s back to the grindstone for another year.
Does this mean your now struting around in parachute pants with your stash of "herbal supplaments' stored safely in your bum bag??? :lol:

Cheers SJ
:lol: hilarious thought. actually recently your more likely to catch me carrying assorted brewing equipment or hops to send to people.

somebody's not getting into the spirit of the occasion !
nah i just dont particularly like it. I do 'get into the spirit' for others. my best mate hold a big xmas party for family and close friends on xmas eve every year. last year i dressed up as santa and rode the motorbike around to entertain the little kids. thats my contrinution to the holidays.
somebody's not getting into the spirit of the occasion !

I love all the silly christmas stuff at the shops. It only happens once a year, so enjoy it while it lasts. Soon enough the festive season will be over and it' s back to the grindstone for another year.

BAH! Humbug!
its all cool airgead. maybe im just not getting enough mead ;)

Mead will cure all.

If you want to up your barley intake though, may I suggest drinking more beer?

Barley grass man that shit is horrid. Naturopath made me start drinking some of that shit (along with some concoction of other 'orrible shit) when my liver was rooted a few years back. Certainly helped fix me up though!
Wouldnt touch it if i didnt have to again though! She wanted me to continue taking it but once i was good as gold I decided that it was just lining her pockets more than it was actually helping me. Horses for courses and all that though.
Best way I found to take it was fairly concentrated in some clear (ie not cloudy) apple juice followed by a second small "chaser" of apple juice ;)
i did the research to check whether the nutritional value was digestible/transferable as a lot of grasses etc arent. apparently this stuff is. alot of the bodybuilding/fitness guys take it.

Probably the detox-dieting, juice-fasting, yuppy cardio bunnies would take it if it was spruiked to them, but eating vegetables instead is much better as it spreads the nutrients out (better absorption), more fibre (not just for good shitting, it fills the guts and reduces overeating) and doesn't taste horrible.
$57m for this perth property and not a microbrewery, brewing room or walk-in coolroom in sight. sad really.
somebody's not getting into the spirit of the occasion !

I love all the silly christmas stuff at the shops. It only happens once a year, so enjoy it while it lasts. Soon enough the festive season will be over and it' s back to the grindstone for another year.
Going off some of your other posts, I'm suprised to read this one, Ren! :beer:
It's a hectic time of year, but I enjoy it, especially with the wife and kids.
Going off some of your other posts, I'm suprised to read this one, Ren! :beer:
It's a hectic time of year, but I enjoy it, especially with the wife and kids.

What do you mean, Pete... because I'm of Iranian heritage? I drink beer too don't I ?

While I may not believe the real reasons behind christmas, it's still a great time of the year for kids to enjoy the simple thrill of receiving heaps of junk from a fat guy in a red suit - an innocent, harmless deception -, to catch up with friends & family, and basically to chill the **** out for two weeks (my place of work closes down, so Im a free man for this time).

Santa on a motorbike sounds like a great buzz for the kids, CM2.