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    • Vic
      Vic reacted to sp0rk's post in the thread Stone & Wood question with Like Like.
      hmmm, I have a mate who occasionally brews that is up at the Murwillumbah brewery every few months doing maintenance work I'll ask him...
    • Vic
      Vic replied to the thread Stone & Wood question.
      That I don't know. Next time at their brewery in Byron Bay I will ask. My next brew of this style will be with 15% Malted Wheat and 15%...
    • Vic
      Vic replied to the thread Stone & Wood question.
      Cu Current recipe (as per Stone & Wood) uses both malted and unmalted (rolled) wheat.
    • Vic
      Vic replied to the thread Stone & Wood question.
      Depends. If using rolled oats and wheat as in Steve's recipe then yes. If using malted barley and wheat as in my recipe then there is no...
    • Vic
      Vic replied to the thread Stone & Wood question.
      I have never used no chill but I expect it would be a bit higher. You could slightly reduce the 15 min addition. You won't find any...
    • Vic
      Vic replied to the thread Coopers Ales.
      Does not matter if harvested from Pale, Mid or Sparkling ale you should have no problem. This yeast would probably ferment concrete slurry.
    • Vic
      Vic replied to the thread Stone & Wood question.
      I have made this many times and this is very close. Use Pilsner malt. Wheat malt 20% Acidulated malt or other acid as required. Galaxy...
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