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QB, I've caught a few showings of slamball while watching TV at work, awesome sport.
Slamball Anyone?


"Slamball is full-contact basketball, with trampolines."

Shown on ONE every once in a while. Damn crazy sport that is. Somewhat entertaining though. The trampolines really even up the playing field. Never thought I'd get to say that sentence.

I'll be going through the TV guide looking for this... I've been missing out!!!
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I'll be going through the TV guide looking for this... I've been missing out!!!

Nah. I got hugely excited when I heard about this but the reality is pretty dull. The trampolines actually slow the game down. Real basketball is better. Never thought I'd need to say that sentence.

Watching this you really get the feeling that someone out there thought Baseketball was a documentary.
One of the best Slamballers is a medium-height white guy.

It gives us hope!
Haven't seen it but still pretty hilarious.
No, the answer has already been given. Pay attention please.
Just saw Victorian Assistant Police Commissioner Ken Lay infer permission to do drugs over Christmas in the new Police ad.

Go crazy, kids.
Listening to mashups, currently Queen vs. AC/DC vs. Outkast vs. Led Zeppelin vs. Prince vs. The Beatles vs. Snoop & Dre vs. Crowded House: Rock In Black [Go Home Productions]
I did 3 applications of sunscreen today and I'm still burnt to a crisp.
Listening to mashups, currently Queen vs. AC/DC vs. Outkast vs. Led Zeppelin vs. Prince vs. The Beatles vs. Snoop & Dre vs. Crowded House: Rock In Black [Go Home Productions]
Prodigy [Smack My Bitch Up] vs X, where X is just about anything. Really. I have:

X = Kylie Minogue [Slow]
X = Enya [The Orinocco Flow a.k.a. Sail Away]
X = Beck [Sex Laws]

Absolutely Awesome.

I also have Hendrix [?] vs. Jay Z [99 Problems]. Works.

I'm fond of the new Sash [Encore Une Fois] vs. Stunt [Raindrops] but my favourite has got to be DaRude [Sandstorm] vs. (?) SOS Band [Just Be Good To Me], a.k.a. Soundstorm.
Did anyone see Tool Academy on GO last night?
A bunch of wankers competing in a show they think is called "MR AWESOME"

Reality TV's a crackup.
Listening to mashups, currently Queen vs. AC/DC vs. Outkast vs. Led Zeppelin vs. Prince vs. The Beatles vs. Snoop & Dre vs. Crowded House: Rock In Black [Go Home Productions]

Mashups are yet another sign that our society has become completely derivative and bereft of any new and original ideas.
No. People still listening to mash-ups is proof our society does not want new and original ideas.