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Im at work, I have three projects on the run. Still bored. Want to be on beach!
good to see your back Katie
Does that mean you were glad to see her go? Sounds a bit mean if you ask me. Or is she just turned away from you generally?

Personally, I think it's good to see that you are back, Katie.

On another note...

Does that mean you were glad to see her go? Sounds a bit mean if you ask me. Or is she just turned away from you generally?

Personally, I think it's good to see that you are back, Katie.

On another note...

View attachment 33588

Well, in my defense, the excitement was just too much.
Hopefully my edit has appeased the spelling Nazi.
It wasn't good to see your back Katie, but I'm glad You're back.

Watching the Cinderalla Man and drinking my first 3V beer. Love this movie, but the beer is soso
Hopefully my edit has appeased the spelling Nazi.
Yore miss spilled wards air naught jest wrung, there differ rent warts in tire lee.

Sheesh, poke fun at someone's typo having a double meaning and suddenly you're a spelling Nazi?

I second the littoral nazi-ism.

If your going to talk, talk sense or talk nonsense - but don't go in between.

I've had enough of your in-between-isms and in-betweiners for one life time.

Speaking of which, do you have any idea how warm the weather isn't on the north coast of nsw here?
Do you have any idea of cold it isn't??
Do you realise it's not too wet, not too dry, has altitude, climactic stability, remoteness, relatively recent volcanic activity, best deep-soils in the country, adjacent to beautiful sth east qld, not far from beautiful stradbourke island, in a direct line across from peru?!!
(Pretty easy brewing temps year round two, not to mention the best of both temperate and tropical harvests, year-round!)

Fark it's nice to be here. -_-
Cheers :)
Dude is cuckoo-bananas.
It's ludicrous! Completely lacking in logic!
Just kegged my RIS... damn that's a crazy stout. 9.5%, reeeeeeally thick, heaps of roast flavour.
