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Yeah, he's lurking and lurking a lot Chappo.
Nice to finally meet the other night too, wish I could get down for your brew day.


Yeah it was Andrew and like wise. I would have really liked to have had a much longer chin wag with you that's for sure. I really wanted to pick your brain on some HERMS stuff I have rattling around in my wee little brain. I really need to get up your way this year for a visit and see all these bloody great breweries of the North and maybe get some tips.

Chap Chap
Yeah it was Andrew and like wise. I would have really liked to have had a much longer chin wag with you that's for sure. I really wanted to pick your brain on some HERMS stuff I have rattling around in my wee little brain. I really need to get up your way this year for a visit and see all these bloody great breweries of the North and maybe get some tips.

Chap Chap

I'll keep you notified of upcoming brew events.

I had posted a nice photoshopped image of Emenem's 'will the real lim shady please stand up' and made it 'will the real craftbrewer please stand up'. but no onea where in the off topic thread it is.
Do you think he's wearing happy pants?
Rouge's First Harvest Wet Hop Ale and a Schlenkerla Rauchbier in the fridge for tonight. Bloody stoked.

GAH! Just polishing off the Rogue and opened a peach lambic for the missus and she says it tastes "weird" so it is now mine. Not drinking the rauchbier (that I was literally daydreaming about at work) after a more funked than usual fruit lambic. God shitting cock!

Oh well, looks like tomorrow has improved anyway.
GAH! Just polishing off the Rogue and opened a peach lambic for the missus and she says it tastes "weird" so it is now mine. Not drinking the rauchbier (that I was literally daydreaming about at work) after a more funked than usual fruit lambic. God shitting cock!

Oh well, looks like tomorrow has improved anyway.

Drink the Lambic AND the rauchbier...

You'll need something to clear the taste of the lambic anyway...
I think the balance is actually quite good for a change. They're usually quite sweet and you really need to look for the funk. The sourness is slightly more present in this one and it is much better. 'Er indoors doesn't agree however.
I think the balance is actually quite good for a change. They're usually quite sweet and you really need to look for the funk. The sourness is slightly more present in this one and it is much better. 'Er indoors doesn't agree however.

You should still drink the rauchbier as well...
I'll drink something but I'll save the rauch for when the palate is a bit fresher.
Ahhh but what is old is new again...


I see some of the kids sporting this type of ultra funky cool hair doo...

Good old Pseudo Echo

The guy on the far right looks like a certain Fremantle Dockers captain.

ran out of my personal supply of moccona at work.

instant fair trade coffee from the office kitchen tastes :icon_vomit: no idea how people drink that crap.

oh well its tea for the rest of the day.... go lapsang souchong..hmmmmm smokey flavours
ran out of my personal supply of moccona at work.

instant fair trade coffee from the office kitchen tastes :icon_vomit: no idea how people drink that crap.

oh well its tea for the rest of the day.... go lapsang souchong..hmmmmm smokey flavours
Why not bring a stash of hops in, and then you can dry-hop your tea, gets me through the day.

ps, use the flowers, pellets are not a good idea.
Why not bring a stash of hops in, and then you can dry-hop your tea, gets me through the day.

ps, use the flowers, pellets are not a good idea.
are you shitting me Dave? you dry hop ur tea?
hmmm flowers huh? ive only got nugget. 11%AA might be bit much for tea!

Anythings got to taste better than moccona. :blink:

I guess im spoilt with my Jaspers Organic Coffee across the road :icon_drool2:
nothing wrong with moccona as instant coffee. besides bhuying 4 cups of coffee a day would kill me financially.


edit: just thinking about it..... there's no way you drink tea Dave.
nothing wrong with moccona as instant coffee. besides bhuying 4 cups of coffee a day would kill me financially.
edit: just thinking about it..... there's no way you drink tea Dave.

If it aint fresh beans it aint coffee! *puts his purist cap on :p

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