Is it true it's illegal to to not wear underpants in Thailand if you go outside? How do they police this law?
I saw a woman in the street wearing happy pants yesterday.
They looked new.
How would you notice, I bet if come to work tomorrow not wearing underpants no-one would know, unless they have x-ray vision. Just seems like a stupid law (if true), why should I have to wear underpants if I don't want to?
Wham is decent music!
How would you notice, I bet if come to work tomorrow not wearing underpants no-one would know
Doesn't your knob hang out the bottom of the cuff?Deadset give away everytime!
Unless I could see your sack, of course. Which was my point and most likely the point of the law.
Yes, Thailand's government is running on the back of an anti-HB79's ball bag agenda.
George Michael is actually very talented!
Has anybody watched Wilfred its funny as!
Watched for the first time last night. Nearly wet myself I was laughing soooo hard. Absolutely brilliant Aussie humour at it's best. Nearly popped a valve with Wilfred talking to his life sized Pooh Bear. Ooo and then when he ate the easter egg with the engagement ring and they had to wait 3hrs and 6mins for him to poop. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I like the part when he dismissed the cat for passing wind! hilarious!