My Beer Is Not Carbonating

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Don't stress too much over the first one, dropbear. Even with the problems you had, it will probably be better than most megaswill. ;) And if not, thats ok, its a lesson learned.
Glad i read this forum, i bottled a test sample of the Mex Cerveza a week back and tested it Thursday (when i bottled the rest of the brew) and it was good enough and a small but ok head.
Just now i opened one from Thursdays brew (knowing 3 days wasn't quite enough to carb up) and its almost dead flat.
Looks like i will have to buy another slab for this month and hopefully in December it will be ready to drink.
Once they get going they can be fairly quick. A brew I bottled four weeks ago was fairly timid by week two, just opened one now as it's beer o'clock here and it's a bit overcarbed if anything.

Three days? at that stage the poor old yeast, having done its thing in the fermenter has just woken up to a new offering of fermentables and is scratching its head, gone off to the bathroom for a pee, fed the cat and just put on some coffee and toast and looking for the morning paper.