Since I got my large chest freezer I've been storing the few bottles I get from each brew (I keg everything) in there as well as it is a nice temp controlled 18 degrees.
I notice this morning that a number of the bottles have mould spores on the outside.
Seems that a little of the overflow from bottling has proven a great breeding ground for mould.
I've never had this problem before (ie when I used to store the bottles in boxes in the shed).
Anyway I've wiped all the bottles down with bactarial wipes and in the future will have to make sure I also wipe any bottles after bottling.
Has anyone else had this problem ?
I notice this morning that a number of the bottles have mould spores on the outside.
Seems that a little of the overflow from bottling has proven a great breeding ground for mould.
I've never had this problem before (ie when I used to store the bottles in boxes in the shed).
Anyway I've wiped all the bottles down with bactarial wipes and in the future will have to make sure I also wipe any bottles after bottling.
Has anyone else had this problem ?