Well-Known Member
Fw version? Pcb vetsion? Compiling setting? Menu setting?
// sensor and lcd
OneWire ds(11);
LiquidCrystal lcd(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
// push buttons
const char Button_up = A3;
const char Button_dn = A2;
const char Button_start = A1;
const char Button_enter = A0;
// outputs
const byte Pump = 8;
const byte Buzz = 10;
const byte Heat = 9;
Impressive rig.arzaman said:The test of the all in one board controller are fine and I can assure that the board is a little masterpiece
We are now testing the ArdBir 2.8 release that will be released soon
Completed also the wiring and the front panel.. Here is how it looks like
All details on our FB pagedjar007 said:Can you send me link to the firmware capnk. I will test it today.