Beautifully done Brissy!
Funnily enough I have been pondering a mill design, and it occurred to me that we could probably sacrifice some roller length in favour of diameter. I doubt many of us really need an especially high throughput, but a decent diameter has plenty of advantages. I see that's pretty much what you've done
I love the look of the gap adjustment, I guess there is some kind of cam behind that knob? Very elegant.
With the rollers, to be honest I don't care what they are made from, and I bet most people would really be the same truth be told. As long as they are hard and hardwearing I'll take one. Stainless, mild steel, brass, aluminium, whatever - it isn't difficult to get the specs, and if you are happy with a particular material I'm happy to trust you.
Regarding the hopper, I see that most folks have voted for a hopper to be supplied with it. Personally I think this is a mistake - I reckon any hopper worth having would add significantly to shipping cost and inconvenience, for what is essentially a large empty space. How about building it with a 'common solution' in mind? For example, I bet most of us could get our hands on a plastic water cooler bottle without too much drama, cut the bottom out and there's a pretty decent hopper/funnel right there. If you could build a simple 'adaptor plate' with the bottle neck in mind then I reckon folks could rig it up pretty easily themselves, and it wouldn't be hard for people to make up (or find) more glamorous solutions if that was important to them. I wouldn't want to pay extra to get a hopper that may not fit into the space I have etc.
Top work anyway :beer: