Little Creatures Next Single Batch

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Will try and make the trip down/across myself. Sure I can talk the missus in to meeting me there too drive me home :)
Hey brewers:

Hand Pump at Freo

I'm gonna try to make it down for this one. :icon_cheers:
The ad near the bottom of the flyer, 'Beer Geek Wanted' sounds interesting for someone who works in hospitality.
Talking about beers and brewing as a job sounds good to me, Oh wait, I do that now. :icon_cheers:

Did anyone get down to the brewery in Fremantle to try the sneak peek of the next one - "Dreadnought Foreign Extra Stout"? 7.4%, 60IBU, black as black....

The stuff that we had on yesterday was actually barrel fermented. I was there earlier this week and tasted the product out of the maturation tank - and it tasted pretty good - intense, rich, great bitterness and roast character....


Looking forward to this one hitting the shelves, I still have a few bottles of Marzen tucked away for the warmer wether
I got the email yesterday, guys. The Dreadnought is out!
I have hinted to the missus that it would be great to take the kids down to Freo for fish and chips on Saturday.... ;)
Going to give a couple of bottles a work out this weekend, looks great! I love me some fuggles. It's in specialty bottlo's around Melbourne

LC's site states: "As for the technical stuff, this beer has arrived with an IBU of 60, an EBC of 100+ and an ABV of 7.4%... by all accounts a pretty serious beer. With six speciality roasted malts on top of our classic pale malt and a good dose of fuggles hops thrown in the mix, this is a dark, black, formidable yet smooth stout, balanced with a pronounced biterness."
awesome! can't wait to see how this one goes...
I tried 3 of different lc bottle shops in search of it tonight, it isn't on the shelf yet. Drats.
I will be in Fremantle in 5 weeks for a week of R&R. Is this still gonna be on tap or do the change over monthly?
I will be in Fremantle in 5 weeks for a week of R&R. Is this still gonna be on tap or do the change over monthly?

Well...I went down to Freo about 3 weeks after the Marzen had been was ALL gone. None in bottles or on tap. I had to find some in a bottlo on the way home.
Camperdown Cellars in Sydney on Parramatta Road had 7 cases (now 6 cases) as of 6pm tonight. Apparently arrived this arvo.

I tried 3 of different lc bottle shops in search of it tonight, it isn't on the shelf yet. Drats.

Purvis on bridge road has some, I'm drinking one now. very nice, nothing harsh, big coffee but a tiny bit syrupy
I picked up one from RedBottle Alexandria. They always seem to get them early, although I haven't tried it yet.
It's on tap 3 ways at the Wheaty from last night. I'm too crook to drink though. :(

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