Little Creatures Next Single Batch

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Oh how i miss living up from the brewery. :(

Any idea on price per carton?
Mary Ellen hotel in Newy has a keg sitting in the cellar they're gunna tap the sounds of it I can't wait
Had one tonight.

1st thought.

V. similar to Cooper's ... but with a bit more choc and slightly higher FG.

2nd thought.

Don't drink the rest of the bottles until next winter... this one's a keeper (as was the Brown Ale and the Oatmeal and to some degree the Marzen).

A good feeling when someone more knowledgeable puts the same thoughts up.

I agree 100% with you. I think it will be a reall rewarding keeper!

bit off topic, but does anyone have an Oatmeal from LC they would be willing to sell? I missed it and have heard rave reviews about it!

The oatmeal single batch....... sorry Aus_Rider_22 my supplies went a long time ago. it was a great drop. I also found the Dreadnought similar to Coopers stout. now I am certainly no expert but I did find it smoother, beautiful mouth feel, but as with all Little Createres beers it had very little carbonation and a head which vanished very quickly. I am kind of a fan of the lower carbed beers
The oatmeal single batch....... sorry Aus_Rider_22 my supplies went a long time ago. it was a great drop. I also found the Dreadnought similar to Coopers stout. now I am certainly no expert but I did find it smoother, beautiful mouth feel, but as with all Little Createres beers it had very little carbonation and a head which vanished very quickly. I am kind of a fan of the lower carbed beers

All Creatures beers are low carbed? What is good carb?
yep, scratch that comment about carbonation. too many home brews last night and was wandering off track!!
thats what i was getting at. do they brew it without a concern for head? Not that I'm bothered, they are great beers either way
No flavor problems though, which IMO is the point
Agreed. I think its lovely. To me its like what I imagine liquid velvet would taste like!! I am certainly not really qualified to comment but the mouth feel is tops. I grabbed 3 bottles on Thursday and am drinking the last one now. Better than the Oatmeal stout IMHO. Now the label says 6 specialty malts were used, I would love to know what they were. this beer is lovely. Did anyone get down to the brewery and try it off the pump, after it was aged in barrels?
tried it on friday night, was quite pleasant
Be there on th 7th of october for my bithday for 3 days and try to get to ferel.Whos keen too catch up for a beer or 2 .

Flying out to bali after that for 10 nights.Me and the missus away for a rest from being great parents yay a break for once.

I cant wait to have a beer not too here Dad Im hungry,Dad Im thirsty,Dad Im bored .

Pease and quiet.

I will miss Dustyn my little man so much but we all need a break.

Alright - 7 hops and Citra, Stella are among them (and in my freezer). Yeah, everyone does cascade, centennial and simcoe, but my faves aren't a commercial mainstay.

Little Creatures Dipper

I know the name's corny, but I kinda like it.

I thought it would have galaxy, with the space them going on.

Stella will have to do though.

Nice work, Goomba. When I first opened up the link, I made a strange little noise. The missus gave me a stare.
This sounds really good...

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