Kegging Setups

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She's not quite finished yet, need a few more bits to get all the internals completed, but say hello to my new friend. From Picnic tap to Celli. I'm in heaven.

This is my setup. Chest freezer with wooden collar. 4 Perlick taps installed. I made a gas manifold from 1/4" stainless BSP fittings and valves. Also I wanted stainless nuts on the shank instead of the existing ones that were corroding. I bought some 7/8" stainless unf nuts but they didn't screw on. Then bought a 5/8" BSPP tap and tapped out the thread.



randomiser said:
This is my setup. Chest freezer with wooden collar. 4 Perlick taps installed. I made a gas manifold from 1/4" stainless BSP fittings and valves. Also I wanted stainless nuts on the shank instead of the existing ones that were corroding. I bought some 7/8" stainless unf nuts but they didn't screw on. Then bought a 5/8" BSPP tap and tapped out the thread.
Blood?? Izzat blood in your keezer?
spog said:
Wow that is a cool setup,got me thinking about how to judge how much beer is left in the kegs of a kegerator without having to open it and check by lifting the kegs and guessing.
Could a digital flow meter be connected to each beer line to help gauge usage ?
Or scales which would measure usage by loss from original wieght .this is " way out there" but with all the electronics being used in HB applications surely someone could come up with an idea.
I use a travel bag weighing thing. I tare it first using an empty keg, then lift the keg I want to know how much is left - no guessing the scales to me the weight which is an easy 1:1 kilo/litre conversion.

You can find these on ebay cheap:

weigher.gif weightlift.gif weight.gif

Anyway, this is my fridge - it fits 6 kegs, but at the moment I usually have 5 and the gas bottle, I am yet to drill a hole in the side for the gas line so I can use all the fridge space for kegs. It also fits 1 shelf (not in there at the moment) for putting hops, yeast, wifes wine bottles etc.

beerfridge.gif beerfridgeinside.gif

The beer lines need to be replaced. They haven't been used for almost 6 months (just getting back into the brewing) and I didn't clean them out when last used. Or if someone can recommend something I can flush through/sock them with that would be preferrable.

Crouch said:
I use a travel bag weighing thing. I tare it first using an empty keg, then lift the keg I want to know how much is left - no guessing the scales to me the weight which is an easy 1:1 kilo/litre conversion.

You can find these on ebay cheap:
Anyway, this is my fridge - it fits 6 kegs, but at the moment I usually have 5 and the gas bottle, I am yet to drill a hole in the side for the gas line so I can use all the fridge space for kegs. It also fits 1 shelf (not in there at the moment) for putting hops, yeast, wifes wine bottles etc.


The beer lines need to be replaced. They haven't been used for almost 6 months (just getting back into the brewing) and I didn't clean them out when last used. Or if someone can recommend something I can flush through/sock them with that would be preferrable.

Keg fridge = GOLD
scale Idea = GOLD!!!!!! (just hit Ebay)
Crouch said:
Or if someone can recommend something I can flush through/sock them with that would be preferrable.
Hit the beer lines with PBW. Let that sit for 10 mins, then hit it with warm water, same again and finally starsan. Great video here:
I use a spare keg, hot water and PBW, let it sit for a couple of hours. Flush with water, works for me.

Hi everyone

I am new to this home brewing stuff but thought someone might like to see the keezer I built
Got the chest freezer for $350
Some electrical work behind the keezer coffin
Coat of lacquer or two
First beer from the new keezer
That keezer looks really nice. I think I'll copy the coffin but separate the electricals, aren't you worried about condensation?
Evening all,

Long time lurker on the board and picked up loads of tips, I use search a lot! Will try and get more involved though :)

Had enough of bottles and not always having a perfect carbonated drink so moved to a keg system. Had a tall freezer so converted that.

My keg is filled from a local brewer while my own homebrew is ageing in a cube. It's a bit 'foamy' but I think that is down to being shaken around in the car, hopefully get it sorted at the weekend. Used all the spreadsheets and think I have my line right, it is 2.4m.

Perlick 525SS tap but the shank is not SS, the one I had was too small to get through the door, so, to get it all up and working I had to order a longer 13cm shank asap to get her sorted. Will replace when I add another tap.

I've installed a fan to help move the air around and placed the temp sensor in a small container on the keg. Got some glasses in the container under the wood support.

Next up is to get some more kegs, only have the one at the moment, install a gas breakout to help CO2 into a cube and also carb once I get another keg, will install another tap and finish off my small fermentation fridge with some stripes and temp control.


PS I'm a Crystal Palace fan hence the stripes

2014-07-17 21.37.05.jpg

2014-07-21 19.15.31.jpg

2014-07-17 21.38.11.jpg
Welcome to the forum, and even more so welcome to the world of beer on tap. Which must be one of the best luxuries in life.
Mark^Bastard said:
Im assuming you are gunna put taps through the coffin?

Yes I now have one ss perlick installed, I have left room to put in 4 taps but just don't have the funds at the moment
sjp770 said:
That keezer looks really nice. I think I'll copy the coffin but separate the electricals, aren't you worried about condensation?
I don't have any condensation in there, I am thinking of running the fan off a switch instead of having the fan run whenever the compressor runs, this way when I am using the keezer the taps and beer lines are always cold also I won't need that 32amp relay that always makes the dog jump to its feet every time it clicks on.
Hey all.
Just a quick question.
I am in the process of setting up a party style twin 9.5L keg esky.
I have a 2.6kg bottle and reg which will live in the esky with the kegs, but the only thing is it has to lay down to fit in.

Any issues with this ?
I assume not as it is under pressure and will still come out the same.
Here is a photo, before it is all finished....obviously.
ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1406200749.095255.jpg
Perlicks will be mounted on front, beer line coiled under the kegs to be kept submerged in ice slurry.
I am reasonably confident that it should be fine.
Any feedback appreciated.


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