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This has gotta be a laugh....

Anyway, "kerrplease" next time leave ur brew in the fermenter for 10 to 14 days. Check the gravity after 7 days for 3 days running to make sure it's the same each day. You want around 1010 or as close as possible. If it changes over the 3 days you're checking it, it needs a bit longer.
thank you i totally do not know i was just going on what the instructions said. so 10 -14 days after 7 days 3 days running. would the yest still carbonate the bottles after that long fermenting again.thank you so much because i would of done it again with the stout.is the fermenter clear not milky still like i did with my when bottle.
the hidromater readed 1040 {10% alcohol} how come the lager was 1020 {2% alcohol} why would the alcohol level go from 10% to 2% shore it would not start at 1.0000 0 % then 1020 which is 2% .why start at 10%?
from 1040 to 1.00000 is 0% to 5% so 0% to 5% is 5%.1030 a quarter of 5% being 1.2% alcohol 1020 being half of 5% is 2.5% alcohol so 1010 would be 3 quarters of 5% is 4.2% alcohol.
my ones 1020 so its half 5% 2.5% alcohol ? and i was pretty happy if it's sort of light beer anyway.in conclusion i found that i would rather like a heavier stout than the lager.
Just got some inspiration for the next Tax Return!
"I have seemed to have nailed my legs to the table and can not move"
plastic bottles wont explode.
I have some glass ones you can have :)
which town are you in,i not sore i trust people i do not know well.
This guy is so awesome he is quoting himself in the first person the first time he says something...
No wonder Jason Bourne is still alive.
ok 1010 being 5% alcohol so 1020 is 2 thirds of 5% ruffle 3.3 after carbon drops

i think the yest was off in the lager and its still milky in the bottle because it did not hardly even bubble out the top but just look at the stout then and the yest smelt very fruity.
That is a very small kettle. Or a very large hydrometer.
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