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I want to take my precioussss Kaffir Lime to my new residence upstate but it's a bit too leggy to survive the trip undamaged in furniture van and just too spread out to fit into car.

Given that it's spring and it's just starting to go berserk for new season would it f*ck the tree to prune it back to more compact right now?

Prune it and wrap it in a plastic bag with a bit of soil and keep it moist

Give the root ball a light trim

Dig a hole, fish emulsion, planty of organic matter, let it rip

The soil you plant it in will be the key

Did a big hole when you get there and fill it full of organic matter. Find a few dead fish and bury in the bottom. Citurs like acid soil so piss in it as often as possisible
Obviously a case of what doesn't kill it makes it stronger.
My wife just about annihilated our Kaffir lime with pruning but it bounced back, I have had to do the same with our Grapefruit tree but doesn't seem to worry the citrus family.
On another note it is not politically correct to use the word Kaffir any more, Australia has adopted the Thai word Makrut, Kaffir is insulting to Muslims, but I am sure no one will be losing any sleep because they have used the word Kaffir lime. :ph34r:
Actually the word ***** is more likely derogatory to non muslims as it differentiates muslims from others (***** meaning non muslim). It is just as likely though the the term for the fruit refers to the derogatory british term for Africans or from the Sri Lankan Kaffirs.

Regardless, it's still in common use and I don't see too many people caring.
manticle said:
Actually the word ***** is more likely derogatory to non muslims as it differentiates muslims from others (***** meaning non muslim). It is just as likely though the the term for the fruit refers to the derogatory british term for Africans or from the Sri Lankan Kaffirs.

Regardless, it's still in common use and I don't see too many people caring.
Facts are irrelevant and have no place in countering snide religious jibes.
You are all a pek of Kaffir lovers.
manticle said:
Actually the word ***** is more likely derogatory to non muslims as it differentiates muslims from others (***** meaning non muslim). It is just as likely though the the term for the fruit refers to the derogatory british term for Africans or from the Sri Lankan Kaffirs.
Regardless, it's still in common use and I don't see too many people caring.
I thought it was an African word basically meaning ****** ?
I heard that ***** limes now have a new PC name but can't recall it now.
Makrut lime. Yes kaffir is a derogatory term for dark skinned people in south africa but it has other contexts as well. I believe there is a common etymology between the boer use and the islamic one but the sri lankan one is separate and has no offensive/derogatory context.

I'm not one hundred percent certain of the above but I'm currently fine using either kaffir or makrut in terms of that delicious knobbly fruit and its zesty, tangy leaves.
spog said:
I thought it was an African word basically meaning ****** ?
I heard that ***** limes now have a new PC name but can't recall it now.
I always thought that too.

I was told at a cooking school in Thailand that some people find the term offensive, but it doesn't matter because that's what the tree is called in English, and bad luck if you don't like it. Gotta love Thais.

And as stated, Piss on your Citrus.
I have so many seeds in the ground at the moment that I'm scared to weed in case I pull up new seedlings. Various varieties of beans and potatoes are showing their faces so I might start with them next weekend.
Jack is also a South African derogatory term

Maybe we should stop letting people name their kids that too

Just Another Confused Kaffir

PC is starting to get silly IMO

Why are you guys pissing on your citrus ?

Got a few potted citrus and I get fruit every year without pissing on them , but what ever works for you
Had a South African mate and when he needed a new hand saw his work mates would always buy one for him ....
Always the same brand/type from bunnings ...... One of those JACK Saws haha he didn't appreciate the joke haha
spog said:
I thought it was an African word basically meaning ****** ?
I heard that ***** limes now have a new PC name but can't recall it now.
You are correct. Those boers could be such unpleasant chaps at times.

From Bryce Courtenays 'Power Of One' (the bit where the commandant ordered Morgan Freeman to teach the pommie kid how to box)


You teach this boy basics, and
you teach him good or I knock
your black head flat, you hear?


I teach him best I know, baas.

We train every day. First thing
in the morning. Miss two
trainings, you're gone.

Yes, meneer.

Come tomorrow. See this old

Yes, meneer. Thank you, meneer.
Lieutenant, a word?
On another note.
Had to dust my kale over the weekend. Started looking like Swiss cheese and I discovered clusters of tiny white eggs on the underside of the leaves. Bastards.
The silver beet and baby spinach have so far remained untouched.
The spanish garlic is powering. Time for some stink breath inducing bagna cauda soon.