it will work fine.Would cascade hops work instead of centennial?
same ****.can i use light malt for this or does it have to be pale is there a difference?
Wondering how you went with this brew, as I'm also up to my forth brew and want to give this one a go. The first three I made were kits for Cascade Pale Ale, Leffe Blonde Clone & Bavarian Wheat which tasted like Hoegaarden. they all involved dropping the goo straight into the fermenter, and boiling the powdered malt extract, hops etc to add later. Is it correct that the only difference with this recipe is that the two tins of goo go into the pot with hops etc for boiling in lieu of the powdered malt extract, or have I missed something? It could be a dumb question but having made a few errors with my first batch from not asking enough questions, better to be safePut this down 4 days ago, stuck to recipe + 200g light crystal. Sampled a little out of the fermenter today and it's awesome, smells amazing, tastes great can't wait till this ones ready. This is only my fourth brew and my first extract but judging by this I don't think I'll be going back to kits, cheers for the recipe Neill. Will post results in a few weeks
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