The way bubbles form is very interesting, it isn't really the size of the hole that makes the bubble larger or smaller.
You cant see anything much smaller than 1/4mm (250um) yet we can all see the bubbles forming on a 2 or 0.5um airstone.
Frankly the pore size isn't all that important, the problem with 0.5um air stones is that they are so fragile, easy to block up and hard to sterilise that I think the 2um is a much better choice.

You cant see anything much smaller than 1/4mm (250um) yet we can all see the bubbles forming on a 2 or 0.5um airstone.
Frankly the pore size isn't all that important, the problem with 0.5um air stones is that they are so fragile, easy to block up and hard to sterilise that I think the 2um is a much better choice.
