Dedicated Herms Guide, Problems And Solution Thread

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That's the return Mahdu. The plunger valve allows a slight flow past it (mainly so there's no serviceable seals to perish I think) but the hose is what returns the wort to the top of the mash. The smaller stainless float keeps the hose on top of the mash. I'll try and post a pic of it in action.
2014-12-05 17.55.53.jpg
Start of recirc - got a bit of a whirlpool going!
I am using the Auto Sparge now, I could not be happier with it - not that riding ball valves was demanding, its just cool. B)

Pics of new herms set up soon!


massive thanks to Camo for the tips... he is an honourable hom.
Hey camo how would that float valve work on a willow cooler I bet it makes your day a lot less stressful
Yeah Coops, it'd work fine in a cooler but you'd probably need to extend the thread with a threaded socket to clear the thicker walls of the cooler.
Definitely adds less stress to brewday. Not that it was hard to fly sparge without it but now I don't have to watch it as closely.

And Cocko, don't ever ask me to help you jiggle your ballcock again. Especially after offering me a cheap rim job...
Hi you Autosparge users, how does it cope with the initial flow of grain bits and pieces when you first start the HERMS recirc? I am considering getting one but I would like to know if I need to run two separate return paths, one for the HERMS and another for the clean sparge water.
Regards, Dave
Hey Dave, no problems there. When recircing I set the float arm well above the mash so the weight holds the valve fully open. In this position there's almost no resistance so grain can't get caught up anywhere. The arm is held with a wingnut and super easy to adjust position.
Yep. Blichmann bling baby. Mentioned above but got it from Full Pint. No affiliation yada yada.
Cheers Camo,
looks like it will be on my Christmas list, I already have a Therminator and would like a hop rocket some time down the track but the Autosparge looks like a very useful bit on Blichmann Bling (BB).
All the best, Dave
I admit that if I was to upgrade anything in my brewery, the autosparge would be it. Such a good concept. The [fly] sparge process is the only part that requires a lot of attention, which isn't ideal when you have kids.

Only query I have with them is how easily they pull apart and/or impede cleaning. I have 36l MT which I carry 1 handed often and tend to knock it around a bit (it loves a bit of slap and tickle, gives my beers some character). Does the float arm come off easily and if the tun got dropped would it damage much apart from pride?
Having a lazy day today Wiggman so happy to get some pics up and dust off the rig. Very easy to break down but this is the first time I've done it in maybe 8 or 9 brews and it was clean as a whistle. The valve is pretty rugged and the arm has 6mm threads so easily lengthened or shortened with a bit of SS all-thread. I'd hate to drop the float but reckon it could take a knock or two would just be a shame to dent it! Probably straying a bit off-topic as it's not really a HERMS device so happy for mods to move my posts if it's a problem.

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A couple more pics and info in this thread.
Camo6 said:
Having a lazy day today Wiggman so happy to get some pics up and dust off the rig. Very easy to break down but this is the first time I've done it in maybe 8 or 9 brews and it was clean as a whistle. The valve is pretty rugged and the arm has 6mm threads so easily lengthened or shortened with a bit of SS all-thread. I'd hate to drop the float but reckon it could take a knock or two would just be a shame to dent it! Probably straying a bit off-topic as it's not really a HERMS device so happy for mods to move my posts if it's a problem.

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A couple more pics and info in this thread.
Could be worthwhile to either create an Auto Sparge thread or move it to one? Sure this is not the only piece of equipment people have to manage this part of all grain brewing.
I’ve just rebuilt my brewery after a 10-year hiaitus, embracing all of the technological innovations that I can afford in the meantime (previously gravity-fed)...Now I’m seeking feedback on what I’ve got & ways to improve.

I’ve had a few “thinking beers” along the way today & perhaps I’m over-thinking it....

Here’s a piccie of what I’ve got:


To explain:

Top-right – Active HLT – STC controlled. Recirculated by a LBP to avoid stratification.
Top-left – A pot that I’ve put there for the purposes of the photo, representing a passive HLT (possibly in the future active, STC controlled).
Centre – MLT – Temp-controlled by STC through the HERMS coil (I’ll get to PID control one of these days..).
Bottom-right – Primary boiler.
Bottom-left – Secondary boiler/holding tank/decoction boiler.

The intent of this is:

1. Double(+) batch in a single run;
2. Parti-gyle 1st/2nd runnings into separate boilers,
3. Decoctions in the 2nd boiler
4. Start a 2nd mash whilst the 1st is boiling, &/or
5. Reclaim heat energy from the immersion chiller back to the HLT to start another mash for back-to-back batches in a single day.

You’re brewers, right? So you know where I’m coming-from....

The only thing I’m not sure-of is where to put everything. Like I said, the piccie is a mock-up so far.

I’m pretty sure I SHOULD have the pump at the lowest point in the system, but if it’s below the MLT outlet, it will self-prime by gravity anyway & I’m using a March 809, so no problems pumping back upwards.

The only problems I see now are:

1. Access to the pump outlet valve (easily fixed)
2. Proximity of the hoses to a boiler (or both in full-tilt)

Feedback welcomed....!
Hi Martin ,

Like what you have done . How high is the top tier ?
Because you have two pumps you could probably lower it to below shoulder height , if you have the space you could make it longer and not higher , that way you don't have to stand on tippy toes to get to the top tier .Maybe have your HLT just above the MLT for gravity feed and you can pump everything else around your system . Like what you have now but lower and longer . With the BK's in the middle instead of underneath everything and the two HLT............... Hmmmmm now you have me thinking .

What about an L shape single tier that can hold 3pots on one side and 3 pots on the other ? Like 2 3V single tiers at right angles . Just a thought .
Hi BB. Thanks for the reply.

I deliberately went up rather than spread out, soas to reduce the overall footprint of the rig (it's in the carport of the shed, where we want to be able to park cars & I can still brew). I could potentially widen the whole thing (great idea, thanks!), but that's dependent on the lengths of handy-angle I can get my hands on & the load-bearing capacity across the available span (those 4-ring burners weigh a shitload on their own, let alone with 2 full boilers as well).

The top tier is 1.8m high (that's just the length the handy-angle came in at the time). I used to have the MLT higher (for direct gravity feed into the BK's), but I want to be able to man-handle it out for emptying & I'm not getting any younger!

I can see into the MLT where it is at the moment to monitor liquor levels during sparging (I'm a die-hard fly-sparger from way back). The only bugbear is having to use steps to see into the HLT when I'm filling it, but I can fix that with a sight-glass down the track.

Thanks, you've given me some more things to think about..
Martin in regards to filling your HLTs you could always plumb in a couple of those cheap plastic ball-cock valves. A t piece to each hlt and you could fill both at the same time. I think wide eyed and legless mentioned having a heap of them lying around otherwise they're pretty cheap on evilbay. Rig looks great mate.
Slainte! Cam! Great idea, but that's down the track right now....

A lot of thought went into the design of this rig when I designed it 15+ years ago, when only gravity was available (ie. before pumps were dirt-cheap, like today..).

I'm an old fart :p , being dragged, kicking & screaming into the 20th century (or should that be 21st??). Well, maybe not, 'cos I want to incorporate all the stuff that works better.

I KNOW that I don't NEED electronic gizmo's to make great beer ('been there, done that.. -_- ) 'cos that ability is all in your head.

I just wish a lot of new brewers could/would understand that...

I'll keep working on this until I get what I want (hopefully, before the July Bummock happens.... :chug: ).

Edit: I know that's not what folks reading this thread want to hear, but it's your head that makes beer, not equipment..
Nothing fancy or electronic bout a ball cock valve. My toilets been brewing with one for yonks!
Hear what you're saying though. I still think some of my favourite brews were out of a keggle and a bag. But my head also loves making the equipment as much as the beer.

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