Once I connect the counterflow chiller, I recycle into the Grainfather for 5-10 minutes without cooling water, to sterilise the chiller. Then turn on the cooling water and give it another 5-10 minutes to stabilise. The wort temp inside the Grainfather comes down to about 70-75C. By this time the filter has a good layer on it and the flow slows down considerably. The temp of wort coming out of the chiller is around 20-25C and it goes straight into the fermenter.
I don't need a huge water flow through the counter-chiller and I collect the water back into the sparge water tank, a large plastic bucket and another empty fermenter and use this for the clean-up. The sparge water tank heats the water for clean-up while the fermenter is filling. I also collect the cleaning water from the cleaning cycle and use this for the next day or 2 for cleaning other things as well.