It's good to see that you can see some positives in your brew. Best of luck for next time.
Did you do a whirlpool for 10 or 15 mins after flame out before draining the wort into your no chill vessel? That should solve the issue of trub making it to the fermenter. I don't no chill so am not sure if people still whirlpool or not but I know that on my system, the wort will still be at 95 degrees after a 10 min whirlpool so I can't see any issues with the sanitation side of things draining it in at that temp.
I've just entered a Comet hop version of my latest recipe into the Perth Royal Beer Show. I entered it as an APA as it will be about 6 months old by the time it is judged in July so the aroma and bitterness would have faded a bit I think. Fingers crossed for that. I'm also only a couple of months off brewing another version using the same hops as you did to enter in the WASABC comp. later in the year. Fingers crossed for improved scores over last year