my understanding with regulators is that you'll be able to do double batches with a medium pressure regulator easy. like the one craftbrewer/grain and grape and others sells. The burner that you use should have enough outlets to cater for that pressure.. if it doesn't, you should get one with bigger/more holes.. or get creative with your existing burner
that said, has anyone ever tried one of these adjustable high pressure regulator before?
pretty good price.
Looks like a different bottle fitting?
I thought burners were measured in BTU's, not kw. What type of burner are you looking at? A 3 ring burner with an adjustable reg can easily boil that much, even a standard reg should do it.
If you get into one of the serious (read more expensive) burners they should boil it in a heartbeat.
You can measure the output in either, it's like HP or KW in cars
Hi guys,
I'm a bit confused about how to compare burners, regulators and how to compare the required heat for a certain boil volume. As well as gas used ect.
For eg, the burner I'm looking at does 8.5 kw. The boils Im doing are around 30L.
What type of regulator would I need? Would I be able to save gas by going straight for the adjustable reg and lowering it? or is there a better way to do this?
Any links or useful reading would be great. I have no idea what to search for.
8.5kw is about 30,000 btu, or about 30Mj
IMHO not enough power for a 30L. It will do the job, but will take a while to get to the boil.
I like about a factor of 1.5, so for 30L x 1.5 = 45Mj/hr (but I like my burners to be able to get up to heat fast)
Different burners require different pressures to run them. A burner designed for the standard bbq reg (low pressure) will have larger sized jets than one of equal output designed to run on higher pressure. When you look at burners you need to look at the recommended reg for it.
You can add a higher pressure reg to a burner than for what it was designed for, this will develop a lot more heat, but this is dangerous. I have run my 3 ring and also my Mongolian both which were designed for a low pressure reg on my 0-207kpa reg, and both developed more heat this way. If you try this and blow yourself up don't blame me.

Unless you are looking at a 32jet Mongolian etc you won't need to worry about the kg/hr rating of the reg.
I've got some info on my website (link in sig) under homebrew, howto, lpg burners