Hey everyone,
After coming to the realisation that a pseudo-BM may be the best option for me to upgrade my current 3V, I have a few questions due to the size of the pots I intend on using (170L kettle and 100L MP).
I noticed that the 50L BMs have 2 elements (1 internal to MP and 1 external) to help with ramp times and whatnot, and was wondering just how necessary these are for larger batches? Is it possible to have a few low-density elements in the main kettle but not having one 'internal' to the MP? I was hoping that with the use of the camlocks as feet, I could get away with having 3 x 3.6kw (or similar) standard elements rather than having to get a couple of custom built ones. I'm mainly just concerned about not having the internal element for the MP to help reduce the ramp times, especially on a larger system.
This self-imposed restriction is purely due to my next question as I don't plan on cutting a single large hole in the MP as per the BM, but using 3 x camlock fittings to hold it in place, similar to some of the other designs on here (still with a FB at the bottom to reduce channeling). I'll be using a chugger pump so am hoping that the chugger will handle 3 x outlets and the large volume to pump through. I'll have the threaded bolt to secure the mash filters welded to the base of the MP as opposed to the kettle.
I was also thinking of making say a 30-40L MP for smaller batches, and being able to re-use the kettle's camlock fittings to secure the smaller MP in place as well (which would mean ensuring that the position of the female camlocks on the kettle will be suitable for either the big or small MP). I have a fair few camlock fittings laying around so aren't too worried about using 3 male fittings on each MP.
I would then look at having 3 elements evenly positioned in the kettle (I'll be having 3P power to the brew shed) with the 3 female camlocks fitted in between the elements, 2 outlets to the recirc-pump, a PT100 in the centre of the kettle and a standard pick-up outlet. All secured (incl. control panel) on a single frame with castors (similar to Tony's), with a frame over the top holding an electric winch which will be able to lift the large MP.
Can anyone see any issues with what I've proposed? Any help on the above build would be greatly appreciated..