Saw the unit in the flesh on the weekend, it's a good little unit and you've done a great job choosing all the components and building.
Next step automated sparge and chill![]()
That's great matho! Love the adjustment for the opening...
So it looks like 2.4KW looks fine until you get to bringing 32L up to boil which is over 45 minutes (with no lid). I could use a lid, but we've all suffered the dreaded boil-over, and with an unattended brew that's a likelyhood!
Perhaps I'll start with 2.4KW and add another 1.2KW if it's too weak.
In terms of cleaning, is there anything you would change in your design?
Well I had my first brewday today on my new system (5 months after I started the build).
Everything went exactly to plan, which surpirsed me!
I brewed a Dr Smurtos Golden Ale with 3kg grains and 18L starting water - I probably ended up with around 8-9L of wort, which seems a little low to me.
I'm still having issues with my Brewtroller setup. The first board I received had a short in the outputs and the second board won't pick up my temperature sensors. As such this was a completely manual brew with only on/off control on the element which is probably why I lost so much liquid during the boil. I tasted the wort while hot and it was quite bitter, my initial hop addition calculations my have been off. I haven't measured the FG yet but will do so before pitching and adjust with extra water if needed.
Things I would do differently:
I would try and source a SS pot instead of the aluminium pot I have.
I would spend more time bending my element (with a pipe bender!) so that it sits lower in the pot allowing for smaller batches if needed.
A huge thanks to matho for his help with the thermowell.
I fully understand people wanting a hand made one...... they do look the goods...... but for those who want a ready bought one....... i just ordered one of these for mine.
30 programable steps, dual alarm relays, Analogue output to run one of these:;products_id=30
That puppy is good for 9600w @ 240v and there is a 25A good for 6000w @ 250v for $15
Going to fit it to one of these:
cost about $150 delivered.
They have temp probes, flashing alarm buzzers ( i ordered one of these too) and other cool stuff.
Clayton, i use one on my system. I have a crown urn( pictures in blackdog brewhouse on this forum...should of put them here). I did have the non ramp one at first and liked the % output to control the boil, however i find the ramp model works fine. My boil is between 98/99 C, ( live on a mountain) so i just set it for 99, urn still cycles on/ off but decent boil.
Not as much control but works on my system + ramp/ soak feature makes up for it. The basic pid is pretty cheap so could have both in the control box and switch at boil.