I hacked around at the beginning of the year trying to get a single vessel to work with brewtroller. In the end, I decided to go back to my trusty auberins programmable PID temp controller and a counter. I have named mine;
"The one pot screamer"
I was working on a design that eliminated the bottom seal. Basically the 'malt pipe' is a smaller pot that is suspended at the top of the outer vessel (keg). The keg was cut open and left a lip, the pot I used for a 'malt pipe' was flared at the top, I cut a circle out of the bottom and fitted a false bottom to the 'malt pipe'. I was then pumping from the bottom of the outer vessel back over the top into the malt pipe. Probably sounds double dutch, I'll take some pictures.
I have some 3 way automated valves, I have set them up so that I can automate the process including chilling through a plate chiller. The pipe work and valves is a little complex as I wanted an easy way to back flush the chiller, in case it became blocked. Eventually, I'll automate that as well with feedback from a pressure transducer.
The whole setup is fitted to a frame, the top of the frame has a tipping frame that is attached to the main frame via hinges and welded to the screamer and so at the end of the session I simply tip the outer pot into a wheel barrow and wash it out. This only the hop and break material, the spent grain is winched out and above the outter pot at mash out
I have most of the hardware done
The PID controls the temperature and time.
I have an auberins counter that I have mated to a flow meter and solenoid, I enter the required water, the solenoid opens and the counter counts the pulses over time and a simple calculation and it is measuring volume. Once the volume required is reached, the counter automagically shuts the solenoid. It works, but I am yet to test the accuracy.
Although not as automated as the brewtroller, it is a lot less work to setup.
I purchased a small 240v winch, which will eventually by controlled by a mashout temp alarm. Its job is to automatically remove the 'malt pipe', but that is a project for down the track.
I'll take some pictures this weekend.
I went to TAFE at night and did the welding classes with the apprentices, best move I have made for builiding brewing gear.