Beersmith 2.0 Available For Pre-order

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Found the problem. My Darling wife has been playing with the monitor again!!!
All of my headings seem to be squashed up. I'm running Windows 7. Anyone else have this problem?

What screen resolution do you have Travas? My desktop is 1920 x 1084 and the laptop is 1200x800 and both are fine. That is looking at the program in XP but I don't believe that has any bearing.

Try hiding the side bar and see if that has any effect. View-show/hide sidebar.

Mine worked for a minute, and now won't launch. Grr.

ED: something to do with auto-imported stuff in Docs dir, Win7 64. Deleted folder, it runs.
Many thanks to Dr Smurto, NRB, hashie, Gryphon Brewing*, and LloydieP for allowing their recipes to be used under the name in BeerSmith2. Recipes such as DrSmurto's can be simply changed to your equipment set-up (BIAB or traditional) by using the 'Scale Recipe' button.

I've started a 'How to Use' thread for BIAB'ers here and suggest they follow that as posts will be continually added there. 'How to' info gets under way in Post #4.

BeerSmith2 is far superior to 1 with several old 'issues' fixed and improved mathematics. Only one area I can see is not entirely intuitive but a little study will soon solve this and I'll post on this in the linked thread during the next week.

Congratulations to Brad - the guy who never sleeps! It's a very powerful program. Two AHB members (maybe more?) are listed as major contributors - AndrewQLD and Chiller. Top job!


* Did not have time to do a recipe add-on for this release but they will be included in the first upgrade. Apologies to Nev and others that I did not get all of them in - many are best of show's so thanks again.
You missed some of my best winners :( Soon to be added ?
Mate I know you put a lot of time into this new BIAB section, I hope it is appreciated by all who use it.
Well done mate. ;)
Cheers Nev
had a bit of a play with it today. one problem i have found is the starter calculater for a lager while giving readings similar to mr malty for every thing else, decides a 1.5 l starter is sufficiant as compared to 5.5l on mr malty. small gripe but one i thought would have been sorted in beta testing. besides that ive been loving the rest of the program so far.
In the import video, it shows that Brad has a shortcut to BrewMate on his desktop

It is not surprising, but I thought it was funny to have in a training vid.

ED: also the duplicate chinook entry has disappeared, bye old friend.

First look tonight - this program looks awesome. Well worth the upgrade price. Love the BIAB features, excellent. :D
had a bit of a play with it today. one problem i have found is the starter calculater for a lager while giving readings similar to mr malty for every thing else, decides a 1.5 l starter is sufficiant as compared to 5.5l on mr malty. small gripe but one i thought would have been sorted in beta testing. besides that ive been loving the rest of the program so far.

Seems like it conks out at the 1L mark - In my recipe I get 254.4 billion cells regardless of a 1 or 2 litre starter.
Also it is strage that all of the fermentation profiles that I have seen descend in temperature rather than ascend.
had a bit of a play with it today. one problem i have found is the starter calculater for a lager while giving readings similar to mr malty for every thing else, decides a 1.5 l starter is sufficiant as compared to 5.5l on mr malty. small gripe but one i thought would have been sorted in beta testing. besides that ive been loving the rest of the program so far.
It will probably tell you to pitch multiple packets of yeast into a smaller starter, rather than the mr. malty calc where you can force it to use 1 packet.

or the stir plate growth factor is massively out of whack
anyone having any trouble with the brew steps sheet not auto updating as you change things around??

Example: i put in 5kg's of Pale Malt, and told it i wanted to mash at 15lt (3lt/kg)
Based on my equipment settings, this told me to fly sparge 15.3lt to give me a preboil volume of 25.3lt for a 20lt batch.

When i change some of the parameters like batch size for example, the mash and sparge settings seem to stay unchanged when i click on "brew steps"...

I changed the batch size to 40lt using the scale feature (that previously worked fine for me in BS1) and then clicked on the brew steps button, and it still told me mash at 15lt and sparge with 15.3
I should point out that the actual recipe formulation steps with those new button next to recipe design, like mash details etc, do show the correct scaled quantities. It's just that when i go to have a look at the brew steps, it's not the same info.

Not sure if i'm doing anything wrong, or just rushing over something important in my keenness to get this latest version up and running....

Gryphon Brewing said:
You missed some of my best winners :( Soon to be added ?
Yeah sorry about that mate. I got bowled over by a bug on Thursday and came to a grinding halt. They'll be in the first upgrade for sure as a 'Add-On' but can be scaled to traditional in one click. Thanks a heap for them :icon_cheers: .
Bizier said:
Also it is strage that all of the fermentation profiles that I have seen descend in temperature rather than ascend.
Biz, I think the lager ones have a diacetyl rest in them but it looks like 'Storage Temperature' could be improved as well as something a bit strange in the Kolsch 'Tertiary' temps :)
Big Nath said:
Anyone having any trouble with the brew steps sheet not auto updating as you change things around?
Nath, I remember reading somewhere that you have to save the recipe before it changes the brew step sheet. I'm not sure if this is being treated as a bug or something you get used to?

I think they are the only questions I am capable of answering sorry.

I'm testing out an 'Equipment Profile' to convert the recipes from Brewing Classic Styles to 'Your Equipment.' It seems to be working very well but I'll run a few more recipes through before posting it here.

Nath, I remember reading somewhere that you have to save the recipe before it changes the brew step sheet. I'm not sure if this is being treated as a bug or something you get used to?

Aah thanks PP, works now!
Hi Gang,

I down-loaded V:2 and its running good and there's some nice features there, but I have found two things that worked in V:1.4 but not in V:2

These may seem like immaterial things, but I run a full inventory in V:1.4 and I have over 117 items in there, the issues are....

1) In V:2 you can't print a whole inventory list, only one item at a time (In V:1.4 you select print inventory and you get the whole list.

2) In V:1.4 if you select (highlight) all the items in your window, down in the bottom right-hand corner it tells you how many items you have selected, but in V:2 nothing.

Anyone else spotted this, or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance for any advice

Carboy :icon_cheers:
Carboy, I'm using the 'Print List' button (top left of screen) and it seems to work okay so not sure?

The second feature is probably missing and should be posted here. That forum and this one are good ones to search at the moment for possible bugs and problems.

Anyone noticed that the bitterness calculations are correct now? :party: Some notes on this here.

Really liking the new layout and added functions.

Anyone else think the image displaying the beer as per EBC for the recipe is a touch weird? It's a good idea but the orange tinge looks weird with light coloured beers. I guess it's great they give you the option to add an actual photo of the recipe beer later on but I just can't help but prefer having a little colour scheme thing like the previous version.
One thing i've noticed since upgrading from 1.4 is that all of my weyermann, bairds, thomas fawcett etc malts have disappeared and have reverted back to the stock standard malts that appear on a fresh install of beersmith...

Anyone know where I can download the above malt profiles again?
One thing i've noticed since upgrading from 1.4 is that all of my weyermann, bairds, thomas fawcett etc malts have disappeared and have reverted back to the stock standard malts that appear on a fresh install of beersmith...

Anyone know where I can download the above malt profiles again?

Use the addons button and select the applicable ones you are after


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