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Does anyone have any wisdom on the mash profiles when using the BIAB selections?

I choose Mash, BIAB Medium Body and it gives me two entries: Sacc rest at a step temp of 66.7C. Fair enough. But it also tells me to add 33L of strike water at 66.7C for a 5 kilo grain bill. Of course, when adding one to the other, the temperature won't be 66.7C any more. Put short; my strike temp is the same as my step temp, and it shouldn't be.

Nick, the mash profile you are using is a BIAB temperature mash profile, this has been set up for brewers who apply heat to raise the temp of the mash to sacch temp after the grains have been added.
To set the strike temp the way you want it simply edit the mash step and change the type label to "infusion" this forces BeerSmith to calculate the infusion temp.
Attached is a pic of the change you need to make.


Edit: See following post as well.

Have just spoken to Brad re the BIAB Mash profiles and he is going to do a patch on the BIAB strike temperature prob.

So, once the patch is done, you will see something like...

Add x litres of water and heat to 67.8 C. The Step Temperature beside it will read 66 C.

I have also asked him to get rid of the, "...over 10 mins," that you currently read.

One more note on sample recipes - traditional and BIAB. I asked Brad to change the light, medium and full body temperatures to lower temperatures than used in BeerSmith1. (I was hoping for 63, 66 and 69 C but we ended up with 64.4, 66.7 and 68.9 C. You can change these yourself though.) He did this just before release so I didn't have time to re-assign the sample recipes to the new mash profiles though they still bear the same name. To re-set these, simply open the recipe and re-select the mash profile.

Nick, the mash profile you are using is a BIAB temperature mash profile, this has been set up for brewers who apply heat to raise the temp of the mash to sacch temp after the grains have been added.
Sorry Andrew, I should have mentioned that this is not correct. BIAB'ers should be adding the grain after water reaches strike, not before.

The existing profile is just missing the strike calculation. I thought this was actually working in earlier beta versions but then again, it is entirely possible that I missed it in the rush :wacko: .

Cheers mate,
Sorry Andrew, I should have mentioned that this is not correct. BIAB'ers should be adding the grain after water reaches strike, not before.

The existing profile is just missing the strike calculation. I thought this was actually working in earlier beta versions but then again, it is entirely possible that I missed it in the rush :wacko: .

Cheers mate,

Hi Pat, I am with you on the mash profile being incorrect for brew in a bag, but a simple fix is to change from "temperature" to "infusion" in the mash profile setup screen. The existing profile isn't missing the strike calculation it was just set up incorrectly in the first place.
It's just as easy to create your own BIAB mash profile from scratch as well.
Having said that it would obviously be better to have the correct one included as a standard in BS2, I'm sure Brad will have it sorted ASAP.

Are you able run this software on multiple computers on the one licence? My question being is that my current computer is old and me. Now if I purchase another computer do I have to get another licence?

Store it on a USB, use it on whatever computer you want to
Hi Pat, I am with you on the mash profile being incorrect for brew in a bag, but a simple fix is to change from "temperature" to "infusion" in the mash profile setup screen.
I thought your fix was very clever. I would have never worked that one out. Works perfectly!

Nice to see the IBU's corrected. My only disappointment is BeerSmith still working on 'into fermenter efficiency' instead of 'post-boil.' It's the one thing I find inconvenient and hard to explain to new users. Maybe BeerSmith 3? ;)


BeerSmith2 Build 40 has just been made available here.

Lots of excellent changes and corrections.

I strongly advise re-naming your Documents/Beersmith2 directory to Documents/BeerSmith2-39'. Then uninstall Beersmith2.

This will give you a nice clean fresh install but allow you the option of pulling in anything you have already created.

Awesome. Downloaded, installed. Some nice corrections in the update - water/grain ratio editing like BS1 used to have!

Looks like they've fixed the priming sugar qty on brewsheet problem too.....
Brilliant a few things I found broken/missing appear to be fixed.
Thanks for the tip, Steve. I've only put one recipe through it so far but it runs much better than BS1 used to for me (on a previous distro/install).

I haven't had time yet but in the next couple of weeks I will try to write up a simple tutorial on any things to be aware of using BS2 under Wine.

I run it solely under Linux now and speed and stability are excellent. I found that saved reports printed out with very accurate layout and presentation using Konqueror. Firefox also prints out ok but not as well as Konqueror.

As I have time I will put together simple howtos on areas that I see people have questions on, but the advantage of this forum is that guys like Andrew and Pat are well equipped to help steer new users in the right direction. And they do. Thanks guys.

Anyone got it running under Wine yet?
For those who might be interested there might be a very, very, tiny, tiny hope of a native Linux version in the future. Here's some excerpts from an email I sent Brad & his reply:

....Hi Brad,
> I'd definitely buy a native Linux version of the program.
> I've had my registerd version of BeerSmith 1.4 for a few years now,
> & for the most part it works pretty well under wine, but it has always
> had annoying quirks (usually these are in windows that wont display
> information properly when the screen is refreshed.) I don't attach any
> of these problems to your program but to the complexities of having it
> running under wine. It has however spoilt the whole user experience for
> me of using the program. The same experiences apply to ProMash........Blah ...Blah....Blah...
>........................Even if I could get all these problems sorted out, all the
> spaghetti code that ties them together is always only one update from
> maybe breaking the program...........Blah ...Blah....Blah...
>.........I have been using the Ubuntu Linux OS since it first came out. Its
> three great strengths are that it is constantly monitored for security
> updates, it has a Long Term Support version,& a six monthly release
> that tests new ideas for the next future main release. It's very easy to install,
> use, & keep up to date. About 2 years ago in Australia the Suncorp Bank
> switched over to using it on their desktop computers................Blah ...Blah....Blah...
>......... So to summarise:
> I will buy a native Linux version of BeerSmith 2.0 if you release one.
> I'd pay double the price of the Windows version if I had to!
> It's a great mistake for companies to think people who run Linux wont
> pay for good software, I switched to Linux full-time in 2002 to escape
> my two years of frustration while at a Microsoft licensed campus, I
> haven't looked back. Over the years since, software companies have
> missed out on getting thousands of dollars of my money because they
> haven't targeted the Linux market. That's their loss not mine.
> I would recommend the Ubuntu Linux OS as a good system to target. Or
> if not Debian.
> I do believe whoever first releases a professional native Linux brewing
> program will be surprised by the response they get.
> I won't buy another version that only runs under wine. I want to use a
> tool out of the box not waste countless hours trying to get it to run.
> The new version looks terrific, great work Brad,
> Cheers
> Tony
Brads reply:

Thanks - the platform I developed under is Linux compatible. The
question always is how much breaks when I actually go to move it over

I will take a look at it once I have the new version released and stable.


Brad Smith


I ended up installing BS & ProMash on an old laptop which is okay, but with 4 laptops & a tower system in the family, all with different OS's,
I've got enough work keeping them all updated & secure without adding to the task. Oh well fingers crossed for a Linux release, but I won't hold my breath.
What type if grain is the Joe white ale when entering it into brewsmith?
Need to go to add on's and add the grains.

It has all the Joe White grains available.

Another question:

I cant seem to be able to add new yeasts into the ingredients list. WHat am I doing wrong?

EDIT: And how do you export recipes to .txt files now?
Another question:

I cant seem to be able to add new yeasts into the ingredients list. WHat am I doing wrong?

EDIT: And how do you export recipes to .txt files now?

Ok, to save a recipe as a .txt file select "plain text" as the way you want to display the recipe and then click "save report"and save to your preferred location.

To add a yeast select "yeasts" from the "ingredients" drop down box and then select "add yeast" fill in the required fields and the click "ok".
You might find that the yeast will be added to the bottom of the yeasts list.

Don't want to start yet another new thread, so I'll add my problem to this one.

My computer decided about a week ago to stop wanting to co-operate and go onto the internet. It also doesn't want to deal with sound when I try to use skype. It's also been slowing up noticably recently.

Solution was to go and buy a new desktop tower, and retire the old one. I've installed BeerSmith 2.0.40 onto the new computer.
Although I have been able to transfer most of my data from the old to the new, using a flashdrive, I can't work out how to do it with my BeerSmith data.

Any clues from anyone with details of to the steps required would be most appreciated.

Thanks, Rob.
well usually programs store stuff into doc & settings/username/appdata (or application data) but there is no beersmith folder in there. Only thing I can think of is copy all the .bsmx files from your old computer and replace on the new one worst comes to worst you will have to reinstall beersmith

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