To run BS2 under wine download this file vcredist_x86.exe [about 1.7mb];displaylang=en
Install this file before you try to run the BS installer
When installed ---- Run the the BS2 installer with Wine.
PS there are a few small issues running under Wine but I have used it exclusively under Wine on my Laptop and Desktop for a few months now and it is very stable.
issues -- Don't try to click and hold to drag tabs this will lock up Wine and you will need to kill Wine.
Printing. BS2 internally links to IE [I believe] and while you can install IE with Wine for some reason IE doesn't appear to be seen by BS2 so brewsheets etc. don't print via the Brewsheet button. Brad has provided a save to .html function so you can then save to your Beersmith folder which is in your home folder [I created a "Recipe Printout" folder] load he saved file using the browser of your choice. I have found Konqueror has the best printout for me.
There may be other small issues but considering the program is designed for Windows and runs 99% perfect under Wine in Linux I'm well pleased.
I run the latest PCLinuxOS but also tested with Ubuntu 10 and 11. I did find Ubuntu 11 to be fairly buggy when first released but it has had many routine updates since then so probably like all the linux versions is now very stable.