'battle Of The Toucans'

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Hey all, title is pretty self explanitory: Whats your best toucan recipe?

Two cans of anything, plus some finishing hops if you put them in - thats basically it...

Essentially, I'm curious as to the combinations that people put together and what they come out like - after all its a good cheap way to make a strong, well bodied, good-headed beer! I caved in and put down a toucan of Farmland Draught the other week...looks delicious: ruby red, great aromas, and will be ~7% AbV.

So, any recipes/combinations?

Cheers - boingk
ive done a twocan farmland draught before.

just a basic twocan, 1kg dextrose i think (chucked it in as a last min thought), 150g crystal and some ekg for flavour and aroma.

fermented with s-04

turned out pretty good.

got a twocan coopers stout in bottles now, will let you know how that goes when its ready. two cans of coopers stout, 1kg dark dried malt, 10ml liquorice extract, dryhopped with fuggles. fermented with s-04
ive done a twocan farmland draught before.

just a basic twocan, 1kg dextrose i think (chucked it in as a last min thought), 150g crystal and some ekg for flavour and aroma.

fermented with s-04

turned out pretty good.

got a twocan coopers stout in bottles now, will let you know how that goes when its ready. two cans of coopers stout, 1kg dark dried malt, 10ml liquorice extract, dryhopped with fuggles. fermented with s-04

Only done 3 so far (the third in the fermenter at the moment) but my first was the best.
Coopers Stout
Coopers Dark Ale
500g Brown Sugar
both yeasts.

Frothed like crazy, and ended up as a bloody beautiful drink.

The one in the fermenter is a cascade spicy ghost & coopers lager, thrown on a belgian strong ale yeast cake. It's tasting fabulous so far!
Not expecting much in the way of alc strength, though.
Did a toucan late last year
1 x coopers stout
1 x coopers real ale
1kg dry DME
1kg coopers b/e 2
a handful of amarillo pellets boiled 10 minutes & tossed in fermenter
23 litres
US-56 re hydrated

approx 2 weeks in primary, low 20s, 2 weeks in c/c, kegged.

Came out very nicely, definitely not a session beer, almost needed a spoon.

mixed the last 5-6 litres with approx 10 litres of k&k morgans old a couple of weeks ago, combined beautifully into a hybrid light stout / dark nut brown style.

I also have an experimental 2x Wander Munich lager with 2 x own yeast bubbling at the moment as a "cheap & cheerful" experiment. In hindsight probably should have used a better yeast as it was slow to start & taking a while to ferment out, will report back in the next few weeks.
Coopers Toucan Bitter + Fuggles for flav+aroma.

Nothing else, will give you 5.5% ABV.
I did a Coopers Bavarian Lager, with a Farmland Draught. Didn't add anything else except some Saaz pellets in the secondary for Aroma.
I used the Coopers Bavarian because I heard it has a better yeast. Dunno if this is true or not.
I think it's a nice drop, but the mates think its a bit too dark and bitter (pansies).
Outta curiousity, does anyone know the IBU's of the basic supermarket kits (Coopers, Farmland etc)? I wanna do another toucan thats a bit more friendly to the masses, so I need to bring the bitterness down a bit. I was thinking a Coopers Cerveza and a Farmland Lager, but i'm open to suggestions.
Outta curiousity, does anyone know the IBU's of the basic supermarket kits (Coopers, Farmland etc)? I wanna do another toucan thats a bit more friendly to the masses, so I need to bring the bitterness down a bit. I was thinking a Coopers Cerveza and a Farmland Lager, but i'm open to suggestions.
Don't know about farmland, but the Coopers were listed on site a while back. Here they again:


Lager 90 33.51 390 21.20
Draught 130 48.60 420 22.83
Real Ale 230 86.34 560 30.43
Bitter 420 158.04 620 33.70
Dark Ale 550 207.09 590 32.07
Stout 1800 678.79 710 38.59
Canadian Blonde 70 25.96 420 22.83
Bavarian Lager 90 33.51 390 21.20
Mexican Cerveza 53 19.55 300 16.30
Australian Pale Ale 90 33.51 340 18.48

Unfortunately they don't look too good on here, but it is the last figure on each line that should interest you.

I also suggest that you read here for further information on toucanning and bittering.

Using the calcs you can assess your final IBU rating when adding ldme & dme to a kit, by the change in OG.
For example a Coopers lager IBU 21

If approx 1.5kg malt added to bring the SG up to 1048, then your final IBU rating for the brew would decrease from 21 to 18 or 19. A slightly seater beer with more body.
Cheers mate! I had actually just been reading that thread after I initially read this one.

Based on what you've said (assuming Farmland Draught has a similar IBU to Coopers), and using the multiply by 1.5 or 1.6 rule for toucans, my brew shoulda been around 34-35 IBU. Not that bad by any means. My friends really are weak! If I try my Cerveza/Lager toucan, I should come in around 29-30 IBU. Hopefully that's closer to the mark for their tastes.

Just started my first Toucan
Coopers Lager + Coopers Draught
Saflager W34/70
Should be interesting when I can drink it.
Would never have thought to use two cans until I started reading this site :party:
Still don't know what it's like but my first toucan brew was kegged 3 weeks ago and is one of 2 firsts for me.

1. First Toucan brew - 2 x Coopers Stout.
2. First use of a liquid yeast - WLP1214 Abbey Ale

Hope all is well and will report back in a few weeks or so when I try it.
Still don't know what it's like but my first toucan brew was kegged 3 weeks ago and is one of 2 firsts for me.

1. First Toucan brew - 2 x Coopers Stout.
2. First use of a liquid yeast - WLP1214 Abbey Ale

Hope all is well and will report back in a few weeks or so when I try it.

I'm drinking one at the moment. Next time I'll be either boiling one kit or adding a can lme or kg dme. Final bitterness = 58 IBUs.

I call my Toucan Coopers Stout, "Poor Man's Stout".

Its all personal taste.

Ha!! New maths......

Lager + lager = pale ale
Draught + Draught = Bitter....

I think I'll go and have another beer. :chug:
I brewed my first toucan last year before finding this site, flying blind. Cascade imperial kit + tooheys draught and both yeasts. It came out far too chewey for my taste. got a little better with age and I probably adapted somewhat to the taste.

I'm thinking of doing another soon, bought on special coopers stout + coopers dark ale. I would like it to be a bit easier to drink this time so planning on boiling the dark ale in 8 litres of water for 1 hr to drop some of the bitterness. Then rack to secondary with goldings for aroma.

Any thoughts if this would give me a smooth finish? or would be better to boil both cans?

Ta. :)
Still don't know what it's like but my first toucan brew was kegged 3 weeks ago and is one of 2 firsts for me.

1. First Toucan brew - 2 x Coopers Stout.
2. First use of a liquid yeast - WLP1214 Abbey Ale

Hope all is well and will report back in a few weeks or so when I try it.

Well, just trying this after letting it sit in the keg for 9 weeks and the taste is , well, unusual.

A bit too bitter and a bit too roasty (Read: burnt) on the palate.
Not entirely undrinkable but the flavour and bitterness is definitley out of balance.
Not something I'll be repeating but atleast I can drink the mistake! :chug:
Really you lot, you need something more than 2 cans.

Try this,

1 x Can of Cascade Choc Mog Porter
1 x Can of Coopers Wheat Extract
200gm of Crystal Malt
20 Grams of Saaz (boiled for 5 minutes)

Brew to 12 liters.

Comes out at about 8.2%. Really thick, very sweet (maybe a bit too much).
Suggest bringing up to 15 to 18 litires for those who don't like beer can can slice !

Works out to be a 4+ Can Brew. Really tough beer.
Try a better yeast (I used 34/70 which is a bit weak) and get this up to 10%.


P.S. You an try the Choc mog as per the brewers instructions from Cascade if you like it a bit less intense. See their web site for the instructions.
Comes out at about 8.2%. Really thick, very sweet (maybe a bit too much).
Suggest bringing up to 15 to 18 litires for those who don't like beer can can slice !

Works out to be a 4+ Can Brew. Really tough beer.

Sounds like you'd need a spoon :excl: :D
I've done a few now because I have a dedicated toucan keg but I think my favourites were:

1 Coopers Stout
1 Coopers Dark Ale
500g LDME
15g Progress
S-04 yeast

2 Farmland Draught
30g Cascade
US-05 yeast
well ive been drinking my twocan stout and its amazing.

2x coopers stout can
1kg dark dried malt
25g fuggles hops
15ml brewcraft liquorice extract
safale s-04 yeast fermented 18C-20C

black as the night with a head on it like meringue
Ok, I kegged my very first toucan on Sunday and tasted it last night, now I was not expecting big things, it was a bit of a "throw in what I have lying around" sort of brew.
Fermented in primary for 6 weeks cause I forgot about it, transferred to cube and kept at 4oC for 9 weeks cause baby came along and I had no time to do anything!.......... but oh my god this is a top drop, can't wait to get home to have some more tonight!

2 X Tooheys Classic Dark Ale (1 in boil for 60min, the other added at 5 min)
500g dark brown sugar
30g Perle @ 30 min
15g Cascade @ 5 min

Ok, I kegged my very first toucan on Sunday and tasted it last night, now I was not expecting big things, it was a bit of a "throw in what I have lying around" sort of brew.
Fermented in primary for 6 weeks cause I forgot about it, transferred to cube and kept at 4oC for 9 weeks cause baby came along and I had no time to do anything!.......... but oh my god this is a top drop, can't wait to get home to have some more tonight!

2 X Tooheys Classic Dark Ale (1 in boil for 60min, the other added at 5 min)
500g dark brown sugar
30g Perle @ 30 min
15g Cascade @ 5 min


Nice, I've been wanting to try a toucan dark. Would you say it's stout-ish?
Nice, I've been wanting to try a toucan dark. Would you say it's stout-ish?

ohhhhhh yeah.
Its black, its thickish, its smooth and its got a head that lasts and lasts, but the taste is what has won me over, damn its good!


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