Arduino Development Thread

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Hey Guys,

a mate of mine spotted this and emailed it to me.

looks like someone else has beaten me to it and released an opensource arduino based system for brewing



Hey Guys,

a mate of mine spotted this and emailed it to me.

looks like someone else has beaten me to it and released an opensource arduino based system for brewing




Just been sent those links too.
Looks pretty slick.

A few years back Kegbot was launched at Defcon.
I was intrigued and started down the path of assembling the bits to mess with for a possible office solution.
Life got in the way and it didn't happen.
Revisiting the project today and it has evolved into v3 of the code, and is using USB and the Arduino controller.
I've found my ibuttons, and reader, the solenoid, and am trying to locate my flowmeter. Maybe this time I'll get it done and have it integrated to Twitter etc.
Anyone else keen ?

Very Interesting Doc,

I'm in the camp where i'd prefer not to know how much i'm drinking but it could come in handy to know if you've only got a few pints of say amber left
so you have enough warning to brew another batch before it blows dry.

hmm... might have to look into that one.


p.s. will post some updates soon on the progress of my project, i've been working on it non stop for 2 weeks now!
I don't think I'll have it on the main kegorator in the house. Simply because there are 6 kegs in that one, and it would be a bit of a pain to manage, let alone the cost of multiple flow meters, solenoids etc.
More I was thinking about it for the party setup :p

Is everybody still working up their projects? Thanks to RandyRob I have got a healthy interest in this now. Contemplating the first project to control my fermentation processes especially for lagers. I'm hoping to catch Bonj at the next BABBS to discuss.
Bump... I have yet to go beyond an uber thermometer.

For those into PID control I note the arduino PID library is now out of beta. It has an excellent description of the code and implementation associated with it for those so inclined.
It might be controlling my espresso m/c before it makes it into the brewery! Arduino PID library
Bump... I have yet to go beyond an uber thermometer.

For those into PID control I note the arduino PID library is now out of beta. It has an excellent description of the code and implementation associated with it for those so inclined.
It might be controlling my espresso m/c before it makes it into the brewery! Arduino PID library
I've been using the brewtroller ( for two years now. I reckon it's the bees knees! Beats reinventing the wheel.
I've been using the brewtroller ( for two years now. I reckon it's the bees knees! Beats reinventing the wheel.
'tis a tad overkill for those not after full automation though.... and the arduino code is a fun pursuit to those of us that way inclined.... not to mention the price difference.
'tis a tad overkill for those not after full automation though.... and the arduino code is a fun pursuit to those of us that way inclined.... not to mention the price difference.
I guess its horses for courses. I spent a lot of time developing a picaxe brewing platform but having an open source community makes it a lot easier. There is always the cheaper brewtroller path of etching boards and buying components. I'm happy because I don't have to know PID maths or algorithms to make it all work.

RandyRob has also done some great work with his brewing rig which I'm pretty sure is arduino based.
For sure. The brewtroller is a great looking piece of kit (pretty sure it's arduino mega based).
It's based on the sanguino which is an arduino clone with extra memory. It was developed by the reprap mob.
Here's my cheapo 20l brew setup. Arduino controlled, basically only HLT and Kettle temp control at the moment. Monitors Mash tun temp, CFC outflow temp, and rough PID-ish control for the HLT and Kettle.
One day when I can afford to upgrade, I'll do controlled valves, pump, etc.
Hardware is an Arduino 644 (My own design, basically an Arduino but with the Atmega644), a couple of 25A SSRs, and a bunch of DS1820 temp sensors. Display is a scrounged 16x2 LCD, and a CNC cut plywood box.

welcome to AHB antonc

love your work mate, putting a temperature controller on my HLT was the best thing i have done to make my brewday easier, good job :super:

cheers matho
welcome to AHB antonc

love your work mate, putting a temperature controller on my HLT was the best thing i have done to make my brewday easier, good job :super:

cheers matho

Thanks matho... It has certainly made life easier. Just need to make a stirrer now to get the temp even throughout the HLT.

Pist'n'Broke Brewery
Ha! Love it... I can relate :D
Thanks matho... It has certainly made life easier. Just need to make a stirrer now to get the temp even throughout

Or if you're thinking about getting a pump, you could just recirculate in the HLT. I think that's what I'm going to do to try and avoid uneven temp distribution in th HLT.


Or if you're thinking about getting a pump, you could just recirculate in the HLT. I think that's what I'm going to do to try and avoid uneven temp distribution in th HLT.
If you are OK with well oxygenated sparge water (HSA?) then in the sous vide world folks are using aquarium air pumps and bubblers to stir up the temperature controlled vessel.
I might do it for a HLT/HERMS but would be reluctant in the mash tun.
A little update. Things haven't exactly been fast, but I have started working on my HERMS controller again. I ordered some custom PCB's and they arrived yesterday:

The board has been designed to accept a Really Bare Bones Board (RBBB) from on the back, and a HD44780 LCD on the front, running in 4 bit mode. I also have a wifi expansion module design ready to send to the PCB fabricator, which will plug into the ttl serial header on the middle left of the board (marked a and b ). The serial header rx and tx can be switched via jumpers at the bottom left, which should help with uart dyslexia :p

The heater control pins will switch a SSR on command from the arduino PID algorithm. The minimum order was 10 boards, so I added a few extra pin holes and an optional header so I can use the board on other projects that might need a similar control.

The temperature sensor used is the Dallas Semiconductor DS18B20, which will be mounted in a probe end from Brewer's Hardware (formerly in the outlet of the HERMS coil.

Programming of the HERMS steps will be done via the serial connection, either directly via a FTDI cable to a netbook, or via the wifi module when it gets completed. The serial comms will also allow for logging and monitoring via the planned web control panel. I have a 7" Android tablet which will make a great control panel.
Soldered the female headers yesterday. RBBB is attached, and headers are ready for the LCD.

More complete build log here
I have now 2 assembled boards, with LCDs. Now it's time to start work on the code and the HEX plumbing for my HERMS.

Pic 1 is testing output for the step control:

Pic 2 is testing large number output with custom characters for simple monitoring:

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