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I did it! I BIAB'ed !! :D

Followed colinw's Amarillo APA recipe ...slightly greater hop additions.

Used the BIAB excel checklist pretty much unchanged ...

Almost 5 hours from start to flameout ...smooth, easy, watch the footy sort of day ...extended boil to get volume down, but luckily I saw it coming and could hold back the aroma hop additions.

What a top way to make beer!

THEN...***** hit the fan! Hadn't really thought enough about siphoning hot wort into "no chill" cube!

All I had to work with was a length of clear hose tap on kettle, no auto siphon, very basic! Anyway, I managed to get most of the wort into my storage vessel - but, there will be a nervous wait to see if that final 5 minutes of the process doesn't cause mucho havoc.

Final Analysis: BIAB Method ... 11 out of 10 for ease and accessibility

My post-boil procedures ... 1 out 10 (Hope I haven't farked it up :angry: )

Thanks to all the contributors of the BIAB and AIO threads ...especially PP.

If you're thinking about trying it for yourself ... Jump in and HAVE A BASH at a BIAB!!!!!!! (but, get an auto-siphon first) :lol: :ph34r:
LOL Jimmy! Glad you enjoyed it.

I'm not too sure what the solution is if you have to syphon the hot wort as the auto-syphon will bend - been there, done that :huh: Maybe a ss dip tube or copper tube to use as a racking cane next time?

What sort of kettle did you use? Be good to fine tune the initial volume figure I gave in the guide for kettles that look like kegs as I sort of guessed it!

How many beers did you celebrate with?

Top stuff Jimmy,
BIAB Disaster... :(

As I added the second bag of grain the keggel gave a couple of rummbles and burps I reached for the paddle and gentley stired and could see grains on the other side of the bag.. So maybe with a nasa burner We need to get the water hot first then add the bag with the grain already in that... I dont know ... I will take it as a lesson , order grain again and have another crack next weekend... I was not quite ready but wanted to get one under my belt...So this week I will make sure I am better setup and more ready ....
bugger &*^$@ & *%$$ mutter mutter ....

I'll be out the back by the pool with a jug of stout for the rest of the day

Oh Ned - spewing!

I suppose that's one question answered definitively. Just sorry it had to happen on your first bash especially living so far away.

Maybe it's, as you say, only with the NASA as I haven't had any scorching even. Mind you from now on I'll use a cake stand or something to keep the bag off the bottom. Agh! I'll send an email to Adam as he's using a NASA as well - hopefully not right now!

Let me know if you need any more material too. What a bastard!

Hope the stout is going down quickly and well. We all owe you a few beers.

:beer: Pat
Nah I don't think I'll be burning anything today lol. Woke up with a huge headache this morning, and $200 extra in my wallet, supposedly I was at the casino and I won pretty big. Not a freeking clue how I got into the casino, I must have been pretty tanked haha.

I've been lazy and havent even made my bag yet, was going to buy material today but I'm not really in teh shopping mood! Will keep that in mind though, keep the bloody bag off the bottom of the pot!
FNQ ............?

Don't know what to say, Mate? Thanks for taking one for the team!

PP ...started with 40L had 37L after removing bag and returning extra collected from draining.
Boiled in a 15gal aluminium stockpot ...reduced to 26L after 90mins. I gave it another 10-15 mins..

But, yeah, the kettle to the cube part really stuffed me!

I see my options as being:

1. fit tap to kettle
2. use keggle which i had fitted out as mash tun
3. make and use a chiller
4. let wort cool in covered kettle ...transfer directly to fermenter etc

I'm going to pitch a US-56 yeast on my APA this arvo ...hopefully, I'll get away with it ...if I don't, at least I'll know why!! <_<
Man FNQ, that truly sucks the big one :(

I was actually thinking about that potential problem the other day.

My solution is to add a drawstring when making the bag and have the wall of the bag set to a height slightly shorter than your brewing vessel.

This way when the drawstring is tightened and tied off the bag doesn't touch the bottom (it would obviosly be more secure if used with a vessel that is lipped at the top).

Maybe try making your next bag this way?

As for the cake stand, that will still transfer heat from the base to the grain, so maybe not the most "efficient" idea...but PP, that was my first idea...just couldn't stop thinking about a fully suspended bag though :chug:

Maybe this design method should be included somewhere in the BIAB tutorial so as to avoid future distasters like this one? :blink:


***...spelling edit...sure I missed some***
Howdy Finger!

I'm just in the process of moving your BIAB beer up the list in the BIAB thread ;)

I've also placed a warning in the thread re the burning bag.

Regarding suspension of the bag. If you suspend it as suggested, it will be harder to do agitations and I think will cause more problems than it's worth.

I still reckon go the cake stand. The heat will dissipate almost immediately into the water/liquor so I can't see any chance of it burning. FNQ's kettle has a concave bottom. This with the NASA would have concentrated the heat a hell of a lot on reflection.

Also on reflection, I suppose a cake stand is going to be a little awkward in a kettle with concave bottom? Any other ideas?

BTW, how's your Boddington's clone tasting now?

Well, I've been thinking today. I've decided I'm going to be cheap, VERY cheap!

My brew bag will literally be one of those linen shopping bags you can get at shops. All I will do is secure the bag by tieing the handles of the bag on the handles of the pot. The handles will make it easy to remove, and easy to hang somewhere to drain!

I will finally be brewing this week, hopefully!
Come on Adam - brew tomorrow! What better way to spend your birthday than doing your first AG?

I love your shopping bag idea! I also can't see any problems with it apart from the fact that it may take a little longer to drain. Can't wait to hear how this goes.

Nice present from the casino too - lol. Well done mate!
BTW, how's your Boddington's clone tasting now?

More and more like hopped water as I drink it alongside other beers :lol:

My thinking is that not only did I suffer from bad efficiency, but that the recipe I "copied" may be a little light on the grain bill.

Still gives very good indications of what is to come and I was going to try it again with more grain today but the good HBS is closed on Sunday, which of course I forgot about until I drove up the the window...luckily I was on that side of town doing other things already :lol:

I don't see why the suspended method makes it a problem...just stir with a spoon :beer:

LOL Finger!

I reckon you are right on the grain bill. It is very light. If you reckon it's tasting a bit underwhelming maybe I should delete that brew from the 'Successful BIAB' list and wait until you do it the next time? PM me if you think that's a good idea.

You're probably right on the suspended bag though it wouldn't work for my pot as I wouldn't be able to get the drawstring tight enough around the lip etc - it would just come off. I also like being able to jiggle my masher up and down without worrying about things collapsing.

Mind you, I've had full heat on my bag many times before with no worries so maybe it is just the concentration of the NASA flame plus the concave shape?

Thanks guys ... I won't be put off..

PP Thanks for the call , Misses & I slipped up to Daintree in the boat for late lunch and a few beers to drown my disapointment...

I had a drawstring in the top but allowed for a loose fit in the kettle...
I still have the other half of the material thanks Pat..

Got to do reroof today .... Whoops Now
Will do order tonight ...

Howdy Wemba-wemba! (Aboriginal for Bunyip)

Had to call the other day to make sure you hadn't thrown yourself from a third tier into a Coopers tin.

Glad to see that you won't be put off and I know your first AG beer will taste better now that you have taken one for the team. All my beers taste great! ;)

Make sure you take plenty of pics and you better start a new thread the day the first AG is ever done in the Daintree!

All the best,
Glad to see PP taking my tips (cake stand)////
My cake stand is like a round perforated lid with legs (ss)..not the usual wire ones....(1.00 at Vinnies)
I used it in an electric kettle covers the element....bucket on top bag in the bucket....
Worked OK ...
Dont ask for recipe as it is a SECRET......
Dont ask for effiecency it is a secret...
All other INFO is a secret.....
Gunna sell my recipe to replace V>B>
Now to wait and see....
LOL Poppa.

Congratulations as well on your first AG which sounds like a hybrid between electric and BIAB. Hope all went well and easily.

Bubbling away...But i think i overhopped....Tastes a bit different..But maybe i am not used to what beer tastes like....