Finger, you've done a great job mate. It's very helpful when brewers post what things they could have improved on. I agree that the tight packed bag would be a little bit of a prob.
Please post your taste tests back here and to the BIAB thread as/if you notice any differences in flavour. I'm sure James and all the others would appreciate any feedback.
Nothing wrong with a light beer mate. I'm actually quite wrapped at the time of writing as I've just poured myself that Kilcenny clone. I didn't realise until now that it's only 3% - perfect! It's actually a top beer for those who are used to mainstream on tap beers but it has a hundredfold more of everything.
I first tasted it on Sunday before arriving at Ross's and I found it to be an easy drinking beer but had a million distractions on this first taste. Then I got to Ross's where everyone had been drinking beers, many of which were at high bitterness and alcohol levels, for several hours. I poured the guys a beer and received little comment....
Screwtop, one of the few that was driving, had some very good comments though. I was a bit mystified at the lack of feedback until I had a few of the beers that they had been drinking. I went back to the Kilkenny and couldn't taste it at all lol!
Most of these guys love full-flavoured and usually very bitter beers. They all, from what I gathered, loved both the mid-strength and full-strength BIAB black beers (Schwartz). As Jye said after tasting the BIAB Schwartz, "Well there's obviously nothing wrong with the brewing method, it's just the recipe (meaning the Kilcenny)."
Personally, I'm absolutely wrapped now in this Kilcenny clone. This is a lovely 3% beer that was hammered brewing-wise. It has full-body, very low bitterness level and a great amount of complexity. I'll test it out on my beer-swilling neighbours over the next week and let you know what they think as well. I don't really care but it would be nice to have an easy brew that both the nieghbours and I enjoy. I'll be telling them it's 5% though as these are the sort of guys that 'know,' a beer is crap if it's 3%.
Sorry about the long post but you're used to it by now and beer reviews are always best done live