Well I guess someone had to "Rain on the Parade" of BIAB/All in One Brewery/Full Volume Mashing
After 12 brews using the "All in One" concept I am going to revert to "traditional mashing" as non of my past 12 beers has been as good as those I made using traditional mashing methods (albeit a "bucket in a bucket system")
I have spoken at lenght of the issues with Roy at TWOC and tried a number of adjustments without any real improvement.
Most beers have evidenced a "chill haze" I have tested and confirmed conversion with an Iodine test and also tried increasing whirlfloc addtion to 30 mins from end of boil with no benefit.
Most beers have exhibited a sweet tatse (best way to describe it) with a variety of yeasts US56, Wyeast 1056, Weast 1272, Rogues Pacman, WLP 530. Grain bill has not had an excess of either Crystal, Munich or Vienna malts
Most beers have tended to be quite "malty" with mash temps of 65C. Double checked the reading with a second thermometer
I have been using a muslin hop bag (about 200mm dia) and none of my beers exhibit the hop flavours of those brewed with the hops added direct to the boil. SG into boiler have typically been 1035 to 1040 and hop additions have been equivilant to that required to provide a range of 26 to 40 IBU according to Beer Smith. I have purchased so called "fresh hops" to try and discount old/stale hops.
I have been using an immersion heater in lieu of a three ring gas burner. Evaporation rates have been down a bit from 14% to around 12%.
So I'm going back to using a new (Christmas present) Ice Cold eski with a Phills False Bottom (an upgrade from the Bucket in a Bucket) and also going back to adding the hops direct to the kettle in an effort to get back where I was 6/8 months ago and use the three ring burner again for the boil
Comments would be welcomed