All In One Brewery...

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Just took this pic:


Ice Cream Spider anyone? :lol:

Hi everyone

Some of you has asked for an instruction how our system is used

I have make a little guide in english(?) with 35 pictures, which you can
download as PDF from here
Hope you find it use- and helpfull

Since my last post I have made a CFC and a crane, to improve our system

Kind regards
Success!!!! :beerbang:

This beer ain't bad at all, although the hop schedule was obviously quite wrong given my final volume and whatnot...but still a nice drop.

Thanks to everyone who has posted in this thread, as it was you guys who's posts I read and thought "Hey, I could do that too"! Not to mention Pat who gave plenty of much appreciated encouragement behind the scenes :party:

I've almost got all my gear ready to go full batches now, so this beer has really boosted my confidence after my past failure (bloody incorrect reading thermometer was the cause).

Unless I come across a big bucket I'll probably try the bag option for my first full batch AG? Well I never! :lol:

Flemming - that is a brilliantly written PDF. Very well done :beer:

Finger, it's brilliant to see you got there. Really pleased for you. Bloody thermometers eh? Also great to hear you are getting the equipment to do a full batch. I'm pretty amazed at how you guys are managing with the small equipment. You'll probably fall asleep on your next one - it'll be that easy. Enjoy that beer!

Looking forward to tasting Ausdb's beer too when I get to Perth if he hasn't drunk it all ;) What's your all in one system going to be Aus?

vjval1974 and I recently did some side by side brewing. I posted the results as "BIAB Versus Batch Tasting Results," which was a bit stupid as a more accurate title would have been, "Full Volume Versus Batch-Sparging Taste Results."

All of you who are doing the full volume brewing will be pleased with the results which I posted here though I am worried that since we haven't heard from anyone here for a while that you may have all been electrocuted :eek:

James Squire/Flemming and any other users of the "All in one Brewery"system

I have completed 11 brews now using this concept and I have noticed that most of my beers now exhibite a "Chill Haze". I assume it's chill haze becaues it is only evident in the cold beer. Beer in the bottle prior to refridgeration is very clear, hazy in the glass when the cold beer first pored and then tends to clear again as the beer in the glass warms a little.

I have not changed by grain type (JW) since adopting this method. Mash schedule is basically a single infusion batch sparge. PH of mash is around 5.3 - 5.5 (as best as I can measure), whirlflock used for the last 15 mins of boil. There is virtually no sedimemt in the bottle or what is has set quite hard on the bottom and remains there during poring

I haven't tried a protien rest because most of my reading suggests that with todays malts this isn't necessary.

Do other users of this concept experience similar results.

This chil haze isn't necessarily a serious issue it is just something I have now noticed and would like to understand why it is occuring. If it was an issue I could always drink out of a "beer stine".

Any thought/comments would be appreciated.


Well I guess someone had to "Rain on the Parade" of BIAB/All in One Brewery/Full Volume Mashing

After 12 brews using the "All in One" concept I am going to revert to "traditional mashing" as non of my past 12 beers has been as good as those I made using traditional mashing methods (albeit a "bucket in a bucket system")

I have spoken at lenght of the issues with Roy at TWOC and tried a number of adjustments without any real improvement.


Most beers have evidenced a "chill haze" I have tested and confirmed conversion with an Iodine test and also tried increasing whirlfloc addtion to 30 mins from end of boil with no benefit.

Most beers have exhibited a sweet tatse (best way to describe it) with a variety of yeasts US56, Wyeast 1056, Weast 1272, Rogues Pacman, WLP 530. Grain bill has not had an excess of either Crystal, Munich or Vienna malts

Most beers have tended to be quite "malty" with mash temps of 65C. Double checked the reading with a second thermometer

I have been using a muslin hop bag (about 200mm dia) and none of my beers exhibit the hop flavours of those brewed with the hops added direct to the boil. SG into boiler have typically been 1035 to 1040 and hop additions have been equivilant to that required to provide a range of 26 to 40 IBU according to Beer Smith. I have purchased so called "fresh hops" to try and discount old/stale hops.

I have been using an immersion heater in lieu of a three ring gas burner. Evaporation rates have been down a bit from 14% to around 12%.

So I'm going back to using a new (Christmas present) Ice Cold eski with a Phills False Bottom (an upgrade from the Bucket in a Bucket) and also going back to adding the hops direct to the kettle in an effort to get back where I was 6/8 months ago and use the three ring burner again for the boil

Comments would be welcomed


Hey Wobbly,

I think I just discovered the problem. I did post some possible answers a few weeks ago in the BIAB thread but just popped back here to look something up and noticed...

I have been using a muslin hop bag (about 200mm dia)...

This will have been a major problem as such a small bag doesn't allow for enough agitation and therefore rinsing.

Anyway, I live close by now (met Roy the other day) so hopefully we'll catch up and have a beer in the not too distant future.
