AHB Articles: AHB T-Shirt ideas

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really like this.

Me too. Nice one Sammy - though the hops would have to be tweaked a little so they dont look like grapes.

P.S. You'd have to include a water droplet in the circle too.
Another thought, we could modify the image below and add the following text:

Home Brew

All the cool kids are doing it!


Or plenty of other variations:

Real beer, real flavour

Real Beer, Brewed my way!

etc etc

Cheers SJ

It beats smoking crack

(apologies to ratebeer)
Personally i'd prefer slogans that:
  • don't mention homebrew (I brew beer, and homebrew has such negative connotations)
  • don't slag off commercial beer (Everyone hates beer snobs)
  • aren't derogatory or sexist (Let's try and get a design that the majority would be proud to wear)
I'd like to see something like the one above (the helping ugly people) but with a Frank Sinatra head and the slogan
"I brew it my way"
I was chatting to my friend at a recent brewday about the shirt design thread and he suggested this (forgive the quick paint job)-


The above speaks to Brewing..............but not Homebrewing.

We need to define our hobby..............and then represent how we feel about being homebrewers...on a T shirt.

What do we get a kick out of as homebrewers, what sets us apart as a group as homebrewers, what do we identify with as homebrewers, and what we are proud of as homebrewers.

So what from this list do you want the T shirt to represent????

Good beer
Satisfaction - from making it yourself
Healthy - No preservatives/chemicals

Go ahead add to the list..............

I like the way your thinking SCrewtop.

I would like it represent Good Beer, plus i also enjoy a hunmorous or tongue in cheek joke.

not really a fan of showing all of the ingredients that go into beer on a t-shirt.

Cheers SJ
View attachment 27437

The above speaks to Brewing..............but not Homebrewing.

We need to define our hobby..............and then represent how we feel about being homebrewers...on a T shirt.

What do we get a kick out of as homebrewers, what sets us apart as a group as homebrewers, what do we identify with as homebrewers, and what we are proud of as homebrewers.

So what from this list do you want the T shirt to represent????

Good beer
Satisfaction - from making it yourself
Healthy - No preservatives/chemicals

Go ahead add to the list..............


This is sort of where I was heading with my bottle shirt idea - I just did a poor job of presenting it. The idea was originally to have a bottle with a hand-written label saying whatever popular phrase or quote that would be recognised by most on AHB
A picture of me naked with a pint glass covering my private parts with a the tag line underneath
"At least the beers sexy?"


oh good lord.. at least the patients in the Pych ward would wear it chappo! LOL :lol:
The above speaks to Brewing..............but not Homebrewing.

We need to define our hobby..............and then represent how we feel about being homebrewers...on a T shirt.

What do we get a kick out of as homebrewers, what sets us apart as a group as homebrewers, what do we identify with as homebrewers, and what we are proud of as homebrewers.

This is what I was thinking too, I'd love something that suggests how our little "hobby" soon turns to obsession. That was the inspiration behind my original suggestion of combining SJ's idea of the circular system on brewing and drinking with a "Craftbrewing: It's not a hobby, it's an obsession" on the back and just the AHB logo on the front.
Hi Everyone,

Here's my 2 worth. Could be done in either AHB green or black. Black tends to show less brewing stains... LOL



Carboy :icon_cheers:

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