I haven't got time this morning to do this one up, but another thought was the same image but with:
If I had to explain
You wouldn't
www.aussiehomebrewer.comIf you can get my drift.... Credit to Cleanbrewer for the wording.Cheers, Sully
Nice work there Screwy, the only quibble i have with this type of design (i.e. a dig at mega swill via the flavour & aroma path) is that comes of a little pretentious. Remember those who drink megaswill enjoy the flavour and aroma etc and are blissfully unaware. They also think homebrew has a funny/different taste, and hence don't like it.
Just my 2 cents. I recon a simple design, celebrating/revelling in the fact that we brew and we love it (never hurts if the message is funny too!), rather than digging at others.
Cheers SJ
I'm with Screwy give 'em heaps!
FFS have we all gone politically correct now? 99.9% of megaswillers wouldn't get it anyway. Christ anything over 20IBU's and they would be choking on the ground screaming bloody murder! Sooks!
I reckon poking a little fun at megaswillers is more than acceptable... Scheesh! We ain't no la dee da wine society are we? I say crush the hopes and dreams of them being real men!!!
I really like this one.Well, in that vane:
A hard earned thirst needs a big cold beer, and the best cold beer is.....
brewed at home?
Cheers SJ
edit: spelling!
Well, in that vane:
A hard earned thirst needs a big cold beer, and the best cold beer is.....
brewed at home?
Cheers SJ
edit: spelling!