A Different Stc1000 Question

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That is ******** dangerous advice to be giving people with no knowledge of electricity.


I have been the recipient of a good boot from an (apparatus plugged into a power point) because the power point that had the active and neutral reversed. The powerpoint was switched off, but there was still current running through the appliance thanks it being wired incorrectly.

edit- clarification

That is ******** dangerous advice to be giving people with no knowledge of electricity.


I have been the recipient of a good boot from a power point that had the active and neutral reversed. The powerpoint was switched off, but there was still current running through the appliance thanks it being wired incorrectly.

Browndog, that say's it DOES matter which "cable" you switch.

That is ******** dangerous advice to be giving people with no knowledge of electricity.


I have been the recipient of a good boot from a power point that had the active and neutral reversed. The powerpoint was switched off, but there was still current running through the appliance thanks it being wired incorrectly.

Caravans HAVE to have double pole switches by law for this very reason, any silly c*** can wire an extension lead up wrong
Caravans HAVE to have double pole switches by law for this very reason, any silly c*** can wire an extension lead up wrong

ANY switch (unless double pole) should switch the active because if you are switching the neutral then the item/apparatus you have switched off is still live and can kill you.
As browndog says, you should always switch the active.

Put neutrals on the common, and the active on the NO contact.

Otherwise there can still be current flowing out to the device, even when its switched off, as there's no break in the circuit out to the device along the active.
No. That's not what i was getting at.

What are you getting at exactly then? So far you've made a claim but I've seen nothing to back it up. So please, rather than confusing the issue, simply supply some evidence for your claims. Please dont launch into a tirade of abuse this time, I'm not looking for a tantrum, just curious to know where your coming from.

My assumption is based on the side of the switch, if the power is on the open side (on the right) then no power can get to the unit until it closes, by no means an expert on electronics but to my thoughts it was a safety way to wire it, still does in my mind,

Happy to be corrected though I think I would, if wiring up another, wire it as I have been with power in on the right.


Still fishing yob? Power goes to the relay in both cases. Are you concerned about the STC-1000 contstantly being powered on via pin 1 as well? I mean having power to pin 1 seems dangerous doesnt it? [/sarcasm]. If you are that concerned about having power going to one side of the relay, but not the other, then I'd suggest you throw you STC in the bin and buy something else. Logic FAIL.

Honestly, its uninformed comments like these, said with such authority at the time, with no evidence to back up what has been said, that confuse a basic topic and muddy the waters. Its no surprise some really good brewers CBF with AHB anymore. I've posted my pics of my wiring on 2 other forums and guess what response I got? "Thanks for contributing". If you are 100% sure on something, then back it up with some evidence, otherwise make your post a question, rather than a statement of fact. In the meantime, wire up your STC with power in going to either side of the relay, both are correct, IMHO and in the opinion of several electricians I have spoken to.
Let it go mate.
What youv'e posted is fine. Its a waste of time arguing with some of these people who post things that they don't know much about, but like to make out they do.
Making a comment about the terminal strip that you used is an example.
If they knew what they were talking about they would know that the current carrying capability of that terminal strip is fine.
I think they want to get their post count up because why else would they comment if they don't know.
Just let it go mate. I can't be ****** with this anymore.

It's not even your thread FFS.

Seriously, I've admitted I don't know a lot about electric circuits, aside from being able to follow simple schematics. Yours works, mine works who gives a ****.

Put yourself in someone else's shoes for a sec and think how all this **** started...
1. You posted a pic of your wiring.
2. For years, it's been considered by the electrical gurus on ahb that the in should go to the evens, out should come from the odds.
3. I don't know you, or your level of expertise.
4. Yob and I see what we have been led to believe by even more experienced people as an incorrect diagram.
5. We pointed it out. We're trying to keep you safe. If it turns out you know more than us then that's fine. Happy to admit it in fact. I've said all along that I could be wrong or 'as far as I know' etc...

Even the most experienced of us make mistakes every once in a whole, but we are big enough to admit it. I haven't displayed arrogance in my posts, just a desire to help and correct something that has been considered incorrect for a long time. Followed by a sharp tongued defense when my initial advice turned to ****.

You'll notice I backed away from derailing this thread yesterday arvo, and I'd suggest you do the same.
I have no intention of contributing in this thread anymore.
I'll stick to helping the more appreciative brewers, or at least the ones that can see both sides of the coin.
It'd be good if the mods clean up this thread because for the people who are wiring by rote ... it's really offputting to their confidence.
Just let it go mate. I can't be ****** with this anymore.

yeah I cant be ****** with people who dish out personal abuse either mate. Apparently questioning The Big Nath warranted abuse? I'll be sure to keep it in mind before I dare to question you again.

peace out and thanks to the PMs from people who thought Big Nath and yobs behaviour was unnacceptable. Personally I think calling someone a "Spoilt Little ****" should not be tolerated.....would The Big Nath say to my face I wonder? I'd certainly call BS when I see it to anyones face, but personal abuse, no, I dont think that is OK.
yeah I cant be ****** with people who dish out personal abuse either mate. Apparently questioning The Big Nath warranted abuse? I'll be sure to keep it in mind before I dare to question you again.

peace out and thanks to the PMs from people who thought Big Nath and yobs behaviour was unnacceptable. Personally I think calling someone a "Spoilt Little ****" should not be tolerated.....would The Big Nath say to my face I wonder? I'd certainly call BS when I see it to anyones face, but personal abuse, no, I dont think that is OK.

Have pm'd you.
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Not even close sponge, but i did chuckle at it...

I actually pm'd and clarified my stance and offered an apology.

Check out the stuff where they talk about diodes and relay polarity.
Which bit are you referring to Nick?
When they refer to the diode and polarity they are referring to the relay coil not the switched contacts.
On a relay with a DC coil polarity is very important.
The STC1000 uses DC coil relays for switching the heating and cooling contacts and use a diode across the coil for the collapsing field, but that doesn't have any baring on how you connect the active wires to the switched contacts.
at the end of the day it's a switch, will (possibly) work either way, just not as intended (I guess)..

I could be wrong there also..

Happy to be corrected though I think I would, if wiring up another, wire it as I have been with power in on the right.

''k' n' ell, thought this finished yesterday.

No abuse anywhere in my posts, thought it ended with the 'Happy to be Corrected' bit... when Nige posted some relevant info.

Again, Happy to be corrected as I presumably have been.

My box's are wired as per the diagram Nick posted. (from the thread from a few years ago)
I gotta weigh in here:


Changed the drawing a little, does this change your thoughts Yob ??

NigeP62 are you an old........Blue, Orange, Green, Brown, Slate man from the land of the positive earth??
