This is my first year growing hops and it looks like mine are lagging behind a bit.
Pic 1 is a Cascade which I got from Diggers club towards the end of last year, it died back to the rhizome almost as soon as I got it home. It wasn't doing much until about a week ago but has shot up since then.
Pic 2 is my set up, I just have 1 pot for Cascade and 1 for Chinook and have tied some string to the roof for them to climb.
Pic 3 is Chinook from a rhizome I got from Dr Smurto this year. The first shoot was doing well until the slugs and snail annihilated it last week, now the other 2 have started to pop up.
Does it look like they are lacking nutrients? or is this just normal for new plants?
Also, should I cut that first Chinook shoot back and let the other ones go?
Thanks for any help!
- Rob