2015 Vic Christmas in July Case Swap

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I’m already getting a bit antsy about how this is going to go down, so I want to get as much planned/sorted & resolved well in advance, so that it runs as smooth as baby-poo.

For those (other than Tahoose?) unfamiliar with my military background & SMEAC, let me explain. .

SMEAC stands for:

Admin & Logistics
Command & Signals

Don’t worry, I’m not going to go barking orders at people (this has to be a big team effort), but in my experience, the more you plan in advance, the better the result.

Proper Preparation & Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance.


2015 Xmas in July case swap is to be held at my place (the Phoenix Brewery in Kinglake) on the weekend of 4-5/7/15.

Weather is likely to be absolute crap, so we’ll need to make allowances for it. That means tents/marquees/tarps etc...

Gas/water/electricity/food/accommodation requirements need to be established in advance & catered-for.


To produce as much fermentable wort (in as many different styles) as possible in a single day, using multiple rigs & have as much fun as possible doing it.

Secondary mission: To produce 1000+L in total.

  • A large-volume, single-style brew involving gear from Idzy/Yob/Whiteferret/Relaxed Brewer etc...etc...
  • Parti-gyle secondary wort from the same system?
  • Concurrent, multiple, back-to-back 60-80L batches from MartinOC’s system.
  • Concurrent, multiple back-to-back 20L batches from Siborg’s BM (I’m now wondering if we can use Siborg’s BM to produce high-gravity worts for transfer/dilution/boiling in one of my boilers?).
For the smaller batches, I suggest folks band-together in pairs/threes & work-out what they want to produce, bring the grains & water-treatments. I’ll then run them through my system as the back-to back batches.

In the interests of producing large volumes, I'd suggest simple, single-temp. infusions, but I can accommodate step-mashes & even decoctions...

Not all worts will have to be cubed, as my system is geared to reclaiming the hot water from the immersion chiller to start another mash, so some could go straight into fermenters, ready to pitch.


Electricity: I’ve got dedicated 10A, 15A & 20A circuits in the brewery area, plus a generator available. Depending on the different systems’ requirements, we may need another gennie to cover everything.

Water: I’ve got a 22500L rainwater tank that can provide brewing liquor & chilling – No problems there!

Gas: I’ve got 3 (9Kg) bottles, plus 2 x 45Kg (but they’re primarily for domestic use). BYO would be preferred/appreciated if you’re bringing your own gear.

Food: Need a volunteer to organise this. I’ve got a hooded gas BBQ that can do spits, but previous preference has been for charcoal. Since I’m guessing most will be stayers, bacon & eggs etc. breakfast on the Sunday will probably be needed. I can lay-on buckets of strong coffee & tea....

Anyone got access to a marquee or two? I’m guessing weather will be ****, so one for food & one for everyone to put their beers into...?

Accommodation: It’s BYO tents/sleeping bags/mats etc...etc.... There’s plenty of flat areas available for pitching tents.

Despite my strongest suggestions to the contrary, SWMBO reckons that she’ll be in attendance & doesn’t want a bunch of drunken “yobs” ( Jesse, you’re not singled-out here!) sleeping in her shed (which is where we’re living right now). I’m hopeful I can persuade her to go to Hepburn Spa or something for the weekend for a bit of girly pampering.....(Donations to the cause gratefully accepted!!!).


Like I said before, I’m not going to bark orders at anyone. This HAS to be a team effort. You’re all my guests, but I can’t be expected to do everything myself.

I need a volunteer food coordinator , as I’m otherwise spread too thin.

Most communication can be done here until we get closer, when we can do SMS’s & phonecalls.

Questions? Queries? Doubtful points?
aiming for +1k?

Love it.. so thats everyone with 2 cubes right? One from Idzy's mega pot and one from selected batches.. as the systems in play firm up we should raffle the second cubes to add the random element?

Im happy to be involved for food again to some extent but I also think some other players could perhaps step up to the plate in that regard, there seems to be a circle of habitual players doing the grunt work for the last few and it would be good to have that shared.. yes Mardoo, Im looking at you :p many hands making light work and all that.

So for someone considering this, all it means is co-ordinating interest from the thread into a group PM and pull it all together, it's not difficult but can take a little time just prodding people and getting things locked in... do it, the role is filled with glory ;)
I keep having these suicidal thoughts about doing a taco bar for a swap... :ph34r:

...and maybe staying a bit more sober.

Edit: Sobering comments
Once again the spit is available to be used for the mega event. Bloody thing has attended these things for longer than I have :)
Right. May live to regret this, but put me down to coordinate the food.

- I can make a mean curry and can be an anal retentive so and so.

- you may all end up having to forage your own dinner from martin's block.

Either way, if people can flag an interest on here to help out with the food I'll get a group PM up and running to sort out the logistics.

What's the worst that can happen...
AJ80 said:
Right. May live to regret this, but put me down to coordinate the food.


- you may all end up having to forage your own dinner from martin's block.

We've got PLENTY of bunnies available......
Make sure you include me in the food PM group so I know what's going on/required.
Cool AJ80. Personally I think picnic style food is much more interesting. A bunch of people bring their specialty and everyone gets to try a bunch of different stuff. It's how I did my wedding actually. Instead of gifts we asked everyone to bring a dish. Everyone said it was the best food they'd ever had at a wedding.

Be much easier for me to do a mini taco bar than one catering for lunch for 40-odd blokes!
Mardoo said:
Cool AJ80. Personally I think picnic style food is much more interesting. A bunch of people bring their specialty and everyone gets to try a bunch of different stuff. It's how I did my wedding actually. Instead of gifts we asked everyone to bring a dish. Everyone said it was the best food they'd ever had at a wedding.

Be much easier for me to do a mini taco bar than one catering for lunch for 40-odd blokes!
That's a very good point mate. So you're down for a taco bar then? ;-)

I know it's early, but anyone else keen to chip in with a dish of some sort?
Mardoo, I reckon this is your chance to sit-back & let others do the grunt-work this time (you've MORE than proved your worth on the past few...). Besides, I want you to come up with a triple-decoction Weizen recipe to keep you distracted from over-imbibing & trying to walk home from Kinglake.... :p

Food: Soups, stews, curries etc. are all good (it's going to be winter, after all). Stuff that folks can continually graze-on during the day & help themselves to as they want is perhaps a good idea & help soak-up the booze. A spit can be done (I've got the gubbins for it), as well as a Webber for roasting dead beasty-flesh & veggies if that's what you want to go with. If a roast is on the cards, ley me know, as I'll need to provide space & shelter for it. The usual suspects will provide the hardware if that's the decision.

Bacon & eggs etc..for Sunday morning recovery (no direct suggestion from me.. :ph34r: ).

How many vegetarians do we have?
I'll put my hand up for a big batch of veggie soup. Can be reheated on the day for simplicity. I think I have a pot at home that can candle about 10L of soup.
yep ..put me down for the food group

reckon I will bring some chicken wings and some other stuff ..tbc

ive got a spare big w pot ...for soup

I think an advance party ..to sort digs and build a fire pit and out door dunny ..Thoughts
micbrew said:
I think an advance party ..to sort digs and build a fire pit and out door dunny ..Thoughts
Happy for anyone to come up early (ie. on the Friday) to sort stuff out & set up gear.

I've already got 3 fire-piles accumulating, but I may get rid of a couple of them before the event. I've also got a brazier which is a bit more "friendly". PLENTY of fuel available.

We've got a portaloo, so that's covered & only a short walk- it's in the brewery..... :unsure:
You attempting some new wacky form of spontaneous fermentation Martin :O
Added myself to the reserve and brewer list. Should be back brewing by July.

1. Idzy
2. DJ_L3tHAL
3. Yob
4. Nullnvoid
5. Brewnut
6. GrumpyPaul
7. mofox1
8. Tahoose
9. Siborg
10. Midnight Brew
11. Technobabble66
12. MartinOC
13. Whiteferret
14. Grainer
15. Mardoo
16. Black n Tan
17. AJ80
18. AndrewF
19. JB
20. Micbrew
21. Navarau

22. Damn
23. Symphony1975
24. poggor

Reserve Swapper
1. Droid
2. Husky

1. Droid

1. Idzy
2. DJ_L3tHAL
3. Yob
4. Nullnvoid
5. Brewnut
6. GrumpyPaul
7. mofox1
8. Tahoose
9. Siborg
10. Technobabble66
11. MartinOC
12. Whiteferret
13. Grainer
14. Mardoo
15. AJ80
16. AndrewF
17. JB
18. Micbrew
19. Navarau

20. Damn
21 symphony 1975
22. poggor
23. droid

24. husky