OK, guys! I've obviously been conspicuous in my absence from this conversation thus far, for good reason......'been thinking...
1. Had to confirm it with SWMBO (she's "in", but I've gently suggested that she may want to be "otherwise engaged" on the weekend...).
2. Dates: Kinglake's coldest, wettest & windiest month is July. If it ain't snowing (I kid you NOT!!), it's gonna be bloody cold & wet, or the wind-chill factor will likely be below zero anyway (we're ~600m above sea level, on top of a ridge). With luck, we could just jag ourselves a perfect winter's day. On the bright side - no magic boxes or supplementary ice required!
3. Since there's nothing on the block but a shed, there will be requirements for everyone to BYO warm clothing/tents/sleeping-bags/wet weather gear/marquees/cuddly toys/hot water bottles etc..etc..(or just schnuggle-up to Cocko :unsure: ).
4. I'd hope that everyone will stay o/nite, since the roads in/out are windy/windy (yes, that's the same word, but with different pronunciations) & require extreme concentration, especially in winter. I don't want anyone to write-themselves-off 'cos they've had a few bevvies & simply out-brake themselves on what COULD be black ice.
I propose a massive bacon & eggs etc. fry-up on the Sunday morning with lashings of strong tea/coffee (plus, helping-out with the inevitable cleanup

Lectures/scary-stuff out of the way.....:
I wasn't expecting that folks would want to bring all the gear up the hill for another mega-brew (ie. multiple cubes of one brew) & that I'd simply run a few batches through my rig during the day & we'd just burn a SHITLOAD of wood & eat/drink too much....however....it's got me thinking some more....
My rig (once properly configured

h34r: ) is geared to doing double/triple batches back-to-back on the same day. Essentially, I can knock-out a triple batch every 3-4 hours (even less if no-chilling). So, I was thinking how about we have a go at a SYSTEM WAR & set a precendent that no other states could possibly ever match for a case swap & cement us Mexicans as the true case-swap behemoths?
Maybe folks get together in pairs/threes with a recipe & I knock it out on my rig whilst the "mega" brew is being done?
There's no reason we couldn't do parti-gyle's, decoctions or any combinations of chill/no-chill brews in a single day! The only caveat on the idea is the power/gas/space requirements.
I've got space.
I've got 10A, 15A & 20A outlets in my brewery area (guess who designed the shed's power plan??

I've got multiple gas bottles & I'm sure others can provide more as required...
I've got a petrol gennie that can be pressed into service as required...
**** I think too much.....!!!
Now, YOUR thoughts?