2014 Xmas in July - Vic Recipe

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Yep, ONLY 30l/min :unsure:

Waddya reckon? Bring 'em along (even if only for the Cocko-challenge :D ), or ditch the idea?

I know a lot of this depends on RB's & Idzy's MLT's & your vision for how it's all likely to work.....
Haven't heard from idzy, hope he didn't fall in the kettle on the weekend...

One spare pump should be enough with any luck mate, but if it's not a pita, why not?

Just heard some folks on the Brewing Network talk about a monster brew day they were doing - 50 gallons/190 liters. Allowing for losses we're doing 95 gallons/360 liters :p
20lt losses? I think we should potentially aim for higher volume, say 380 pre boil, Id rather end up with en extra cube than not enough to fill them all...

does that round out to an even 100 gallons?

Bah! Tish & pish, I say! What do those silly Americans know about monster brew-days? Mere amateurs....

Geez, I hope someone's bringing a video camera for this....
Yob, my thoughts exactly, except I was thinking post-boil.

Martin, you sound old. Nary a person there WON'T have a video camera.
MartinOC said:
Geez, I hope someone's bringing a video camera for this....
It's like that old metaphysical question,

If a homebrewer falls over in a drunken stupor, and nobody has a video camera handy to upload it to Youtube, did it really happen?
In a Court of Law??

Only if Cocko witnesses it 1st-hand...y'know those rumours about High-Court Judges (exemplified in multiple Monty-Python skits....)?
I'll be wearing the Go-Pro Martin but from the sound of it, it'll be too busy compiling a Youtube clip of Cocko's "Amazing shining left egg and fire-twirling urethra spectacular" all while wresting a tennis ball from the grips of an industrial super-sucker. Jesus Cocko you've got a lot to live up to. If you're not wearing a glitter-ball bodysuit I'll be sorely disappointed.

Jeesus, this will be an epic brew. I'll need to leave about fivish but are you all sorted for gas Yob? I've got a 9kg swap n go I can bring along to bolster supplies.
I think we're cool, I've got a couple and I think another couple are being brought, if we need more than that we're in some serious **** anyway..
No worries Yob. I've also got a small pile of cut cypress sitting in the backyard. Do you need extra firewood?
Online Brewing Supplies said:
I will get some happy snaps of jyo @ WA swap for the viewing and pleasure of all.
Dont thank me now.
We already know what jyo looks like

Camo6 said:
Jesus Cocko you've got a lot to live up to. If you're not wearing a glitter-ball bodysuit I'll be sorely disappointed.
Dont ask much do you carnt....


SmallFry said:
We already know what jyo looks like


I have some killer shots of jyo, seriously, but I wouldn't do that to mate. ALTHOUGH, they will be available on the day via my phone!

Sorry John, it is only fair that the world sees you in your biking kit! :p
Mardoo said:
Yob, my thoughts exactly, except I was thinking post-boil.

Martin, you sound old. Nary a person there WON'T have a video camera.
The man the says "nary" should not call anyone old....

Next you'll be saying, "...you soundeth old, Nary a person shallt haveth ye olde video camera"