2014 Xmas in July - Vic Recipe

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Kryall Castle, 1995? Was that you?

Damn. I stared at that lightshow for hours. You mean that was pyrotechnic porkspinning?!
(Violent retching)
Cocko said:
I don't know how he knows that.... but tis true, I accidentally 'helmet shelved' a glow stick when I was high on acid at a rave in my youth....

Ever since, glowing urethra.

Please don't tell anyone else.
You're a sick man......

Getting back on topic.......about the recipe.

Is it a final decision we are all individually cube hopping?

I am a cube hopping virgin....so how doe we work out the amount of hops to use? and whats the ideal IBU range we are looking for.

I have some 375g EKG,150g Bramling Cross, and 200g Challenger that would probably suit.

I got these from the Temple Hops give away.... so I am happy to bring them along to other to help themselves to as well if anyone is interested.
I think so Paul, we may need to keep an eye on the wort temperature as we are running off and I wouldnt be surprised if we need to heat up and whirlpool again at the half way mark (or there abouts)

I think we'll probably get a stout of about 1050 so 40 IBU should sort it out pretty well... if peeps want to bring piles of hops along, Im cool with that, everybody can sort out their own addition and vac seal the leftovers.
anyone got an idea on Salt quantities for this brew?

I'd assume some Cal Chloride but without me spending time researching, I dunno how much we should be adding.. a p/l ratio would be nice as we can make up 3 different jars for the different MT's

Need to do some serious calcs this week,

Idzy, when you ran that trial the other day on the kettle, did you work out what the evap rate was? also the losses to the kettle? Knowing our losses (as close as possible) will help hit targets.

Yob said:
Idzy, when you ran that trial the other day on the kettle, did you work out what the evap rate was? also the losses to the kettle? Knowing our losses (as close as possible) will help hit targets.

Didn't boil for long enough. Will check this out.

Okay Trial Recipe for Saturday

The Big Drop
200 litres
1.057 SG

30kg Pale
10kg Munich
10kg Wheat
3kg Carabohemian
50g MgSO4
5 x Whirlfloc

66c for 75 mins
76c Sparge

Let me know if you have any concerns.

I'm planning a trip down to Core Brewing Concepts and can swing past Keg King next Friday. If we need any bits/grain/adjuncts let me know.
Damn said:
I'm planning a trip down to Core Brewing Concepts and can swing past Keg King next Friday. If we need any bits/grain/adjuncts let me know.
Not wishing to hijack the recipe, but according to the last-known commitment to grains (see below), there was/is still a requirement for 4Kg of Roast Barley that you could take care-of if you choose. I offered to split the RB requirement earlier, but there were no takers.

RelaxedBrewer said:
I have the Carafa II

5.00 kg Pale Malt (75kg) - Yob - CONFIRMED
0.25 kg Amber Malt (4kg) - Midnight Brew/Techno - CONFIRMED 2kg each
0.25 kg Vienna Malt (3.77kg) - Midnight Brew - CONFIRMED -
0.25 kg Carafa (4kg) - RelaxedBrewer - CONFIRMED
0.25 kg Chocolate Malt (4kg) - MartinOC - CONFIRMED
0.25 kg Roasted Barley (4kg)

Fuggles - XXX - Yob - Probably
EKG - XXX - Yob - Probably
Consider it done....I'll confirm on Wed evening as I may go there as early as thurs arvo. I'll drop it off with the cockatoo boys or get them to swing past on there way in on Sat Morn. Fark I luv this chit its like were building a bomb or invading the krauts....no offense intended. (LoL you can tell when I get on the turps)
Excellent! Bear in mind that it needs to be crushed, &/or delivered to Yob & ready to go by Friday night, or latest 10am Saturday morning for the mash-in.

No pressure, it's just what needs to happen to fulfil the plan for this MONSTER brew!! :beerbang:

Don't worry about the Krauts - I'm going to watch the World Cup Final match with a house-full off Krauts this weekend. They put-on good beers for the event, even 'though they can be insufferable in defeat :unsure:
It will be there crushed by 10am......on the Sat
I await other requests
For those contributing ingredients.

10am is an extreme outside time,

ideally, it'd be 8am more realistically 9am.. Id really like to get all the ingredients on site and milled into the MT's on the friday night so all we would have to do on the Sat. morning is heat strike water and mash in...

Ive a burning desire to get this done and dusted before dark. That really means having the vast majority of the setup and milling work done Friday Night.

If the spec grains cant be on site early, can they be cold steeped the friday night and the runnings bought in time for transfer to the kettle? (as an alternative option)

If there is any problems with ingredients for this scenario, let us know so we can sort it in the mean time.

Im picking up a few things on Friday like the Base Malt and extra silicone hose etc so we can sort it if we know.

Would it help for me to bring along my over-the-side element so you can speeding up the heating/ramping process if needed?
How long is the planned mash for? 90mins or longer? Ive got a party for friends kids 1st bday until 2pm ish so guessing ill miss most of the brew stuff I wanted to see ie. Running off and sparging :-(
GrumpyPaul said:
Would it help for me to bring along my over-the-side element so you can speeding up the heating/ramping process if needed?
We have one on site, I think martin is briging another but I dont think well need them mate, the idea is to have the 3 MT's at different temps, itll all work out, besides, I dont think Ive enough juice out there for that many elements.

DJ_L3ThAL said:
How long is the planned mash for? 90mins or longer? Ive got a party for friends kids 1st bday until 2pm ish so guessing ill miss most of the brew stuff I wanted to see ie. Running off and sparging :-(
60-75ish I guess, itll depend on a few factors but yeah, would hope to be in the kettle boiling by 2.
I don't have an over-the-side element, but can bring-along an extra 50 or 80 Litre boiler to get strike/sparge water heated if that's required? I'm bringing a 4-ring burner to keep my soup hot on the day, so it can easily be re-tasked for the brew & no electricity required.

Yob, I picked these babies up on the weekend. Any use to us?

Apparently, they haven't been run in years, so I'll clean/test them tomorrow to be sure.

The top one is a March. The bottom one is a Mono, "only" capable of 30L/min (I thought it would do more), but apparently will pump mash, so no potential problems with clogging.

Obviously, no fittings compatible with the usual stuff in a homebrewery, but possible to Jerry-rig for the day?

I'll be bringing my March with camlocks & some extra silicone hose anyway as requested (also QD's to match Relaxed Brewer's gear), but I figured these might be useful?

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