2014 WA Winter Case Swap -- ** Tasting **

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Mitch- 76 Belgian dubbel with choc.
Looks like murky swamp water but tastes damn fine! Choc definitely comes through. Nice Belgian esters, head is rocky and holds the whole glass. Nice work, mate.
Mitch76 - Dubbel

I left this on the shelf, and the bottle was very hard when I put it in the fridge this morning. It pours nicely though. It has some clarity, I wouldn't say it is complete murk. Aroma is strange, a little Belgian a fair bit of dark sugars, maybe pear, and something else I can't define, phenolic maybe. Flavour has some good complexity, with more of that same je ne sais quoi as in the aromatics. Fermentation is good and complete. The finish on the palate was a little harsh at first, but as it warms it is getting nicer. The booze level is good and sneaky, 8.7% slipping under the radar nicely - no bottle conditioning problems either.

Well done, I wouldn't be surprised to find this beer in one of those Belgian mixed cartons.
Tell me zig, you mention ferment a lot. How/what does a good ferment/bad ferment taste like? How do I pick it through a myriad of other things going on in a beer like hops/malt/attenuation/esters/infection etc?
I'm gonna start pontificating here - since I'm most the way though a pint of Clint's Belgian.

I could go on about diacetyl, VDKs, infections, esters and whatever else, but I don't think that's really it - usually when you can pick those out individually, it is pretty obviously crap already.

After brewing, and drinking several hundred batches, good, shit, and everywhere in between, along with a lot of different commercial beer, you get a sense for it in the patterns of flavour - in that beer you didn't like as much as the other one for mysterious reasons, or in that other beer that, while having an otherwise completely unremarkable recipe and process, is still remembered among your mates as a legendary beer years later.

I don't think my palate is particularly good, I'm pretty lousy at picking out individual flavour notes explicitly, or coming up with various fruits and vegetables to compare hop varieties to.

But I've brewed an infected beer, which was infected with exact same greblie as that one Neanderthal brought to the case swap, for example, so the relatively subtle infection-flavour that beer had, can be easily matched to the more prominently infected beer I badly brewed some years ago. So I guess that same concept carries to all the other bad flavours - having had them before in crap beers, I now have that memory of the flavour which can be compared.

So to summarise - if it reminds me of one of my previous fuckups, it's a bad ferment.
And I mention ferment a lot, because it is that important. A beer will never be excellent without the quality of fermentation to match.

It doesn't matter, with the freshest american hops, or the most arduously decocted malt, if the ferment isn't good.

And on the other side, you can have a beer with cheap ale malt, a kilo of white sugar, and three year old POR bittering hops -- with a nice clean ferment, it will be a great beer.

Many swill drinkers know this, even if they aren't aware of it. As brewers it is easy to get focused on the exciting and flavoursome parts of the beer. But, without those distractions, try giving a kinda-ok brewed pale lager to a swill drinker, and they'll probably be reaching for their can of Export for their next beer after drinking yours, despite the fact yours had malt in it. But give them something clean (and I don't mean flavourless, could be a good Czech Pils or whatever), and they'll be there sucking down the keg.
Wilburs Porter

The roast in this is full, toasty yet smooth, and not overpowering, even though I'm pretty sure a fair whack of dark malt has been used. There is a bit of a choc / vanilla hint in the background...a bit like those chico lollies we had as kids. Carbonation good. Head retention is very good. Clean yeast flavours and the alcohol hides well. I nursed this in the second half of the Freo V Port match, and let me tell you, I ******* needed it. Kind of ended up helping me drown my sorrows.

This is a well made beer.

dent said:
But I've brewed an infected beer, which was infected with exact same greblie as that one Neanderthal brought to the case swap, for example, so the relatively subtle infection-flavour that beer had, can be easily matched to the more prominently infected beer I badly brewed some years ago. So I guess that same concept carries to all the other bad flavours - having had them before in crap beers, I now have that memory of the flavour which can be compared.
I did find the cause for this infection which made it into my next 2 brews as well.
I stripped my kettle tap down and it was fully of some nasty gunk. A lesson learnt, I spray all my taps with StarSan after each brew and will be stripping them down or soak / replace them every 6 months so now.
Neanderthal said:
I did find the cause for this infection which made it into my next 2 brews as well.
I stripped my kettle tap down and it was fully of some nasty gunk. A lesson learnt, I spray all my taps with StarSan after each brew and will be stripping them down or soak / replace them every 6 months so now.
Do you chill post kettle or in the kettle? Although it sounds gross, I would have thought you would get away if you chilled post kettle.
Neanderthal said:
No, Im one of those dreaded no chillers
interesting. I wouldnt have thought an infection hot side would do much harm. Maybe some of the crud broke free into your cube, brokedown and unleashed its cruddy goodness.
Added review of Dent's Porter

1. dent - Baltic Porter (10%) - CPBF + ready to drink, but feel free to see if it changes over time in the fridge if you've already sucked on the tap
  • jyo -Deep, rich chocolate, with a coffee flavour that could become a little cloying… but then the alcohol cuts through to thin things out and balance it all, and stops this from being overly sweet. Clean yeast flavours. This is one of the biggest beers I have had, and I really enjoyed nursing the pint and a half over an hour or so.
  • Ned/Velu - lovely deep garnet colour with small brown head that dissipated quickly. This beer has been staring at me from the fridge for some time now, and I was a little scared of it to be honest, a 10% porter if I made it would be like a distilled campfire. Lucky for me Dent is a much better brewer and this was a lovely beer. Full malty flavour, lovely mouthfeel, warming alcohol, I just wish I had drunk it on a cold rainy day to really saviour it.
2. jyo- Oatmeal Stout- Bottle Conditioned for just over a month.
  • Neander - Pours easy with a nice head, off cream colour but dissipates quickly, a tad lightly carbonated. Nice roasty flavours with a touch of chocolate coming through, I like this with a bit more carb (Is it just or is there a shitty batch of caps lately as I have had a few beers go flat on me) and it would be very good. Very close to my own Oatmeal stout.
  • Ned - Lovely oat flavour, and a hit of roast and chocolate. How much oats did you use? I got a little bitterness at the end of each sip which worked well with the sweetness. Lightly carbonated but the head on mine lingered a little while.
  • danestead - Really enjoyable. I wish I had of done a side by side with Keifer's Dry Stout
3. Milk Lizard 84-Golden Ale ready to drink
  • NEV- poured with great head, nice carbonation, hop aroma was there for sure but a good balance. My idea of a session ale.
  • jyo- definitely a session ale. Balanced toward a nice maltiness, but enough hopping to keep me very interested. Mine was prefectly carbonated. I could drink this by the gallon.
  • danestead - as above. good head retention and clarity. neutrally balanced malt/hops. balanced bitterness. a good quaffer. something that would be a good starter for those just starting to explore beers other that commercial lager piss.
  • Neander. Poured really well and great clarity.Light carbination Thin head which disapated quickly with light lacing that stick tothe glass to the end . Tastes light and a bit drier than I like but drank it very fast. It would be a great summer brew.
4. Nev**** Fat Albert Belgian Amber 8% - bottle conditioning
  • I didn't really know what to expect from a Belgain! Amber as Belgian beers arent really my thing however I really quite enjoyed it. Mild belgian yeast character (belgian yeast character is usually what puts me off belgian beers), well balanced, head didnt hang around long. Slight alcoholic flavour coming through so maybe I should of held out for another month. In general, really nice Nev. The flavours reminded me of a lighter version of the Hoegaarden Forbidden Fruit Clone that Mikey brews. Cheers.
  • jyo- Really enjoyed this, nev. I shared this with a mate at the end of a big night and it finished things off nicely. Lovely Belgain esters and moreish underlying malt backbone. The alcohol is very well hidden...
5. keifer33 – Dry Stout - Bottle Conditioned and ready
  • Neander - This one was infected, very strong medicinal floavours.
  • danestead - neaderthal must have had a one off infected bottle (hopefully) as mine was quite enjoyable and i havent picked up any infected flavours myself. Poured with minimal head however whatever head it did have, lingered as a nice film on the surface. I'm only recently getting into stouts so I'm still getting my head around the general descriptors however I get the typical stout aroma, dark roasted malt and coffee. Flavour is again typical stout (to me) with subtle coffee and it is well balanced and has a medium mouthfeel and as you would expect, dry finish. Thanks for an enjoyable beer.
  • Lanerigg - Nice white head did dissipate quickly, nice roast flavours but I think the body is little thin still good enjoyable drink.

  • jyo- No infection in this one. Very tasty, finishes nice and crisp, and choc and low coffee flavours linger. Fairly clean overall and enjoyable. Cheers.

6. Mitch_76 - ?Dubbel Choc 8.7%
  • Ned- I had this last night and I loved it, highly carbonated, long lasting head, big flavours of malt, dried fruit and warming alcohol (but not over the top). Looking forward to trying Nev's belgian now. Cheers
  • danestead - im not all that knowledgeable in belgians and dont really know how a dubbel is meant to taste however it seemed well balanced and made. cheers
7. twocansam - American Wheat Bottle conditioned, ready to drink now
  • keifer33 - Good beer but could do with a little more hop character for me personally. A dry hopped version would be tops.
  • Neanderthal. Good Beer. Very surprised as I dont really rate wheat beer. I guess its the totally unlike wheat characteristics. Nicely carbed slight bittereness with a fruity tang to it. It does have a sour after tasty but that doesnt put me off having another mouthfull. I would have no problems drinking more of this. Might even look for an America Wheat recipe. Whats the ratio wheat to barley?
  • Ned - I liked this, ideal summer beer
  • jyo [SIZE=11pt]light, easy drinking. I get a bit of honey dew melon and mandarine in flavour and aroma. This would get thrashed around here in warmer weather. Really nice, cheers.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]danestead - ive never had an american wheat and im not the greatest fan of wheat beers in general however i found this one well made. subtle wheat character, nice low-medium balance of hops, well balanced bitterness. great quaffer. cheers.[/SIZE]
8. Recharge - London brown ale
  • jyo- I get some dark brown sugar and treacle flavours and aromas in this. I get the “milk bottle lollies” character that dent is on about, but it’s not a bad thing. Maybe almost a slight vanilla flavour? Finishes crisp. Pretty easy to drink for what I thought was going to be a meal of a beer. Nice work. Cheers.
  • danestead- i didnt really know what to expect from a london brown ale as the few browns ive had have been heavily american hopped. it was nice to drink. i got a lot of earthy/peaty flavours from it and balanced. cheers.
9. Rad - Amber ale - Ready to drink
  • StalkingWilbur - I did enjoy this, but I found it had a little bit of a cloying sweetness. When I had sips i enjoyed it. When I took a bigger mouthful is when I found it too sweet. Aroma was good and reminded me of endeavour amber ale, although I haven't had one of those for quite a while so could be way off.
  • Recharge- Poured perfectly clear and looked great in the glass. Enjoyable beer. Thanks
  • Ned- I enjoyed this, I don't drink a lot of amber ales, so the sweetness was different for me, I think I will try more amber ales after drinking this beer
  • jyo- shared this with a mate and we both enjoyed it. Decent malt with low hop character but it was well balanced. A nice beer, cheers.
  • danestead - mine poured clear also with head which somewhat lingered. as jyo commented, i experienced a low hop character however was enjoyable to drink. cheers.
10. lanerigg - IPA
  • keifer33 - Sorry mate my bottle was rock solid and a gusher. Waited for it to settle but wasnt drinkable. Very Phenolic and Solventy unfortunately.
  • Dent - Yeah this one seems infected, sorry.
  • Ned - As above reviews I'm afraid
  • jyo- [SIZE=11pt] Deep rich colour and head retention is great. This finishes really dry with a mouth puckering astringency and, unfortunately, I think there is an infection here. I think this would have had a good flavour, but the body and hop character has been chewed up due to the bugs.[/SIZE]
  • Neander - Yes, as above.
  • danestead - same
  • Recharge - sorry dude completely undrinkable. Went down the sink. Concur with likely infection.
11. StalkingWilbur - Robust Porter - give it some time. Three weeks in bottle, but was left outside in the cold so was still undercarbed when I tried one before the swap.
  • Ned- Lovely dark colour and malty aroma, small, brownish head which dissipated quickly (possibly because I drank it before it was ready). Malt driven flavour, but a little hit of bitterness in there too. I liked it, I couldn't drink a lot of it in a sitting, but its not designed for that. Cheers
12. danestead - american IPA hop hog clone - CPBF ready to drink
  • NEV- First off I got the mineral bite but after the first glass it mellowed, its a good beer, nice and mellow and not too hoppy for me. Cheers
  • StalkingWilbur - Damn. I really enjoyed this. If I had known what I was in for I would've made sure I had a hop hog on hand so I could do a side by side. The aroma jumped out of the bottle andreminded me of hop hog. I think the taste was pretty close too and packed a nice hop flavor and punch. Will be looking to brew this at some point.
  • lanerigg - a bloody good clone! really enjoyed it. Will be making it soon
  • keifer33 - Great beer mate. Maybe a little drier and slightly more hop aroma and it will be an even better beer.
  • recharge - hop hog clone. I had a feral hop hog in tap at the kalamunda hotel on Wednesday for lunch, was disappointing. Not so with your beer, it was very enjoyable good balance of malt and hops I was looking for more. Thanks.
  • jyo- yup- this is tops. I shared this with a mate who is a Hop Hog freak and we were both impressed. If you truly want a clone, then I agree with Keiffer with there maybe being too much body, but flavour and aroma were pretty damn close. A great beer.
  • Ned- I enjoyed this, well balanced, not quite as aggressive as the real deal, but pretty bloody good
  • danestead- cheers for the feedback guys, really appreciated. I also agree that the body needs some thinning and a dryer finish and the aroma needs a boost which it what I've adjusted for my planned version 3.
  • Neander - Loved this beer. Didnt take notes at the time but I was impressed with the likeness of the clone. Would be happy to sit back and drain a keg.
13. wilkens - choc/vanilla porter
  • danestead - Unfortunately mine was near on flat. Hopefully mine was a 1 off. The chocolate was prominent thought, which I quite liked.
  • Dent - these need more time to condition IMO - if you have bottles in the fridge, put them on the shelf!
  • Ned - mine was not very carbonated, with little head, but the chocolate flavour was great, and just when I was expecting some roasted grain flavour, some smooth vanilla kicked in, nice!!
  • Neander - I drank this last week at a tasting. We all enjoyed the chocolate flavours but didnt really get any vanialla. Should of held out a bit longer.
  • jyo- Very lightly carbonated. I enjoyed this. Chocolate / cocoa flavours came through. The only thing I can pick is that it seemed to finished very dry and coated the top of my palette.
14. Ned - Rye APA. bottle conditioned, ready to drink because I thought the swap was on in June for some reason
  • Nev- a good balance of hops and malt, easy drinking, didn't realise it was bottle conditioned so last glass was thick but overall a great beer.
  • danestead - this was quite interesting because my first rye beer to brew is on tap atm (dr smurtos golden ale rye version). i'm still to get my head fully around what rye is meant to taste like however there were some interesting things going on in this beer but im not sure if it's the rye or not. the initial aftertaste is immediately sweet, a medicinal type flavour which wraps around the sides of my tongue and then disappears straight away to a dryness or minerally taste, i think. Please dont take this harshly because my biggest weakness is explaining what i can taste but this is either the rye or possibly what dent was saying as a mild infection? On the positive, it poured with a beautiful lasting head and superbly clear. cheers
  • jyo- [SIZE=11pt]Balanced hopping rates. Carbonation pretty high and it climbed out the bottle. Could maybe do with a bit more body for me, as things seemed to be a bit thinned out in the middle. This may be the mineral taste danestead refers to. Maybe a higher mash temp or a little more crystal, but I enjoyed it. Cheers.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Neander. Nice beer, melow hoppy aroma and citris on the palette. Nice creamy head that stays to the bottom of the glass with good lacing, cloudy. Well Balanced beer a bit highly carbinated as when opened had to head for the sink.[/SIZE]
17. Neanderthal Black IPA - Bottle Conditioned - ready to drink.
  • Milk-lizard84- Really enjoyed this. Poured a treat and had a nice aroma and mouthfeel. Only just starting to appreciate darker beers so this hit the spot for me.
  • danestead - Quite enjoyable. I like the use of hops. Crisp finish which is great compared to my Black IPA I brewed which finished up at about 1.020 and 7.5%. Cheers for an enjoyable drink (and about 100mL is being used on IPA swap can chicken tonight!)
  • Ned - loved it, first glass was too cold, only got the hop flavour (which was great though), once it warmed up the malts really came through
  • jyo- This is a really nice beer. Great aroma and some citrus and sherbet lollies in the finish. I’d like to see a recipe for this one. Wondering about the yeast?- it gives some low esters but stirred up easily. Thoroughly enjoyed this after a rough Friday at work.
  • Lanerigg - Sorry I tried this a few weeks ago and have lost the notes. I do remember a loving the use of hops and really enjoyed it sorry for non descript review
18. Rickcobba - American IPA - needs more conditioning time, bottled 2014-07-10
  • danestead - there are not many words to explain this brew however it pretty much sums it up by saying 'an absolute ripsnorter of a beer!'. IPA is where it is at for me and this hit all the buttons. I could drink this all night, apart from the fact I'm a light weight.

  • jyo- Colour is sexy and golden, and the head lasts the whole glass. For 6.7%, this is going down a treat. The vienna-like maltiness is just enough to balance the bitterness. I could have had more aroma hops, and as it warms up there is a very (very) slight phenolic flavour, and I mean it’s only just there, but other than that, this is great. Top work, mate.

  • Pours well with a good head with minimal lacing. A nice golden straw colour. This has a slight funky taste. (The same flavour and aroma of the ClusterFuck I bought to the brew day. Its unfortunate as after trying to drink my keg the flavour is too overpowering for me now. ) Very dry on the mouth and sour/tartness to it.
19. Jono- Oatmeal Stout
  • jyo- Mine gushed out of the bottle and carbonation was dangerously high for a glass bottle- maybe get these in the fridge ASAP. Once settled down it had a deep rich, roasty stout flavour and was pretty good. I can feel the 6.5%....
  • Nev- Ended up with 1/4 of a bottle after the gush stopped. Nice beer but potentially a bottle bomb !
  • danestead - gusher also. It tasted quite alcoholic to me so maybe it would mellow over time into a nice beer.
  • lanerigg - Not much to try! had 2 inches left at the bottom by they time the "gyers effect" had stopped was good really just need to adjust carb levels
Jonos BarleyWine.
  • Neanderthal - Well after the warning I opened mine in the sink and nothing happened. Argh, a Barleywine. I then got caught on the phone for 15 mins which allowed it to warm up and settle down. Loads of caramel flavour and only a little fusel type taste from the 10.2%. Sweet but not cloyingly and lingers on the tastbud for a while. A touch too much carbonation as it took a while for me to pour due to being heady. Bigger beer than I planned on my normal drink free tuesday but now I need to go and find another beer. Enjoyed it
Wilkensone - Choc - Vanilla Porter

I've left these on the shelf for ages, hoping that the bottles would show some sign of carbonation. After this long, looks like they're as good as they're gonna get. Pours quite hazy even though it isn't particularly cold, or stirred up. Has at least some hint of carbonation, but you could put this through a hand pump at this level (would be pretty awesome then too). Apart from that, actually drink reasonably well. Firm bitterness and the "features" are nice and subtle rather than overbearingly obnoxious. Ferment is good, though has never quite escaped that insufficiently-bottle-conditioned zone. Put another priming pellet in this and it'd be pretty good!
Added review of Rickcobba's IPA, keifer33 – Dry Stout and Recharge - London brown ale

1. dent - Baltic Porter (10%) - CPBF + ready to drink, but feel free to see if it changes over time in the fridge if you've already sucked on the tap
  • jyo -Deep, rich chocolate, with a coffee flavour that could become a little cloying… but then the alcohol cuts through to thin things out and balance it all, and stops this from being overly sweet. Clean yeast flavours. This is one of the biggest beers I have had, and I really enjoyed nursing the pint and a half over an hour or so.
  • Ned/Velu - lovely deep garnet colour with small brown head that dissipated quickly. This beer has been staring at me from the fridge for some time now, and I was a little scared of it to be honest, a 10% porter if I made it would be like a distilled campfire. Lucky for me Dent is a much better brewer and this was a lovely beer. Full malty flavour, lovely mouthfeel, warming alcohol, I just wish I had drunk it on a cold rainy day to really saviour it.
2. jyo- Oatmeal Stout- Bottle Conditioned for just over a month.
  • Neander - Pours easy with a nice head, off cream colour but dissipates quickly, a tad lightly carbonated. Nice roasty flavours with a touch of chocolate coming through, I like this with a bit more carb (Is it just or is there a shitty batch of caps lately as I have had a few beers go flat on me) and it would be very good. Very close to my own Oatmeal stout.
  • Ned - Lovely oat flavour, and a hit of roast and chocolate. How much oats did you use? I got a little bitterness at the end of each sip which worked well with the sweetness. Lightly carbonated but the head on mine lingered a little while.
  • danestead - Really enjoyable. I wish I had of done a side by side with Keifer's Dry Stout
3. Milk Lizard 84-Golden Ale ready to drink
  • NEV- poured with great head, nice carbonation, hop aroma was there for sure but a good balance. My idea of a session ale.
  • jyo- definitely a session ale. Balanced toward a nice maltiness, but enough hopping to keep me very interested. Mine was prefectly carbonated. I could drink this by the gallon.
  • danestead - as above. good head retention and clarity. neutrally balanced malt/hops. balanced bitterness. a good quaffer. something that would be a good starter for those just starting to explore beers other that commercial lager piss.
  • Neander. Poured really well and great clarity.Light carbination Thin head which disapated quickly with light lacing that stick tothe glass to the end . Tastes light and a bit drier than I like but drank it very fast. It would be a great summer brew.
4. Nev**** Fat Albert Belgian Amber 8% - bottle conditioning
  • I didn't really know what to expect from a Belgain! Amber as Belgian beers arent really my thing however I really quite enjoyed it. Mild belgian yeast character (belgian yeast character is usually what puts me off belgian beers), well balanced, head didnt hang around long. Slight alcoholic flavour coming through so maybe I should of held out for another month. In general, really nice Nev. The flavours reminded me of a lighter version of the Hoegaarden Forbidden Fruit Clone that Mikey brews. Cheers.
  • jyo- Really enjoyed this, nev. I shared this with a mate at the end of a big night and it finished things off nicely. Lovely Belgain esters and moreish underlying malt backbone. The alcohol is very well hidden...
5. keifer33 – Dry Stout - Bottle Conditioned and ready
  • Neander - This one was infected, very strong medicinal floavours.
  • danestead - neaderthal must have had a one off infected bottle (hopefully) as mine was quite enjoyable and i havent picked up any infected flavours myself. Poured with minimal head however whatever head it did have, lingered as a nice film on the surface. I'm only recently getting into stouts so I'm still getting my head around the general descriptors however I get the typical stout aroma, dark roasted malt and coffee. Flavour is again typical stout (to me) with subtle coffee and it is well balanced and has a medium mouthfeel and as you would expect, dry finish. Thanks for an enjoyable beer.
  • Lanerigg - Nice white head did dissipate quickly, nice roast flavours but I think the body is little thin still good enjoyable drink.

  • jyo- No infection in this one. Very tasty, finishes nice and crisp, and choc and low coffee flavours linger. Fairly clean overall and enjoyable. Cheers.

  • Velu/Ned - small white head that disappeared quickly, deep, dark colour, nice roast aromas that finish with a clean, dry finish. Very enjoyable, cheers
6. Mitch_76 - ?Dubbel Choc 8.7%
  • Ned- I had this last night and I loved it, highly carbonated, long lasting head, big flavours of malt, dried fruit and warming alcohol (but not over the top). Looking forward to trying Nev's belgian now. Cheers
  • danestead - im not all that knowledgeable in belgians and dont really know how a dubbel is meant to taste however it seemed well balanced and made. cheers
7. twocansam - American Wheat Bottle conditioned, ready to drink now
  • keifer33 - Good beer but could do with a little more hop character for me personally. A dry hopped version would be tops.
  • Neanderthal. Good Beer. Very surprised as I dont really rate wheat beer. I guess its the totally unlike wheat characteristics. Nicely carbed slight bittereness with a fruity tang to it. It does have a sour after tasty but that doesnt put me off having another mouthfull. I would have no problems drinking more of this. Might even look for an America Wheat recipe. Whats the ratio wheat to barley?
  • Ned - I liked this, ideal summer beer
  • jyo [SIZE=11pt]light, easy drinking. I get a bit of honey dew melon and mandarine in flavour and aroma. This would get thrashed around here in warmer weather. Really nice, cheers.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]danestead - ive never had an american wheat and im not the greatest fan of wheat beers in general however i found this one well made. subtle wheat character, nice low-medium balance of hops, well balanced bitterness. great quaffer. cheers.[/SIZE]
8. Recharge - London brown ale
  • jyo- I get some dark brown sugar and treacle flavours and aromas in this. I get the “milk bottle lollies” character that dent is on about, but it’s not a bad thing. Maybe almost a slight vanilla flavour? Finishes crisp. Pretty easy to drink for what I thought was going to be a meal of a beer. Nice work. Cheers.
  • danestead- i didnt really know what to expect from a london brown ale as the few browns ive had have been heavily american hopped. it was nice to drink. i got a lot of earthy/peaty flavours from it and balanced. cheers.
  • Velu/Ned- I've never had a brown ale so no idea if its to style, so I'll just describe it. lovely dark colour, persistent brown head, quite carbonated (actually lost 1/2 the bottle to the sink as it gushed out), malty/earthy aroma, has a sweetness about it thats hard to pick, not a malty sweetness, and not a bad sweetness, just different. Finished dryer than I thought it might (the high carbonation probably helps this). I like it. Cheers
9. Rad - Amber ale - Ready to drink
  • StalkingWilbur - I did enjoy this, but I found it had a little bit of a cloying sweetness. When I had sips i enjoyed it. When I took a bigger mouthful is when I found it too sweet. Aroma was good and reminded me of endeavour amber ale, although I haven't had one of those for quite a while so could be way off.
  • Recharge- Poured perfectly clear and looked great in the glass. Enjoyable beer. Thanks
  • Ned- I enjoyed this, I don't drink a lot of amber ales, so the sweetness was different for me, I think I will try more amber ales after drinking this beer
  • jyo- shared this with a mate and we both enjoyed it. Decent malt with low hop character but it was well balanced. A nice beer, cheers.
  • danestead - mine poured clear also with head which somewhat lingered. as jyo commented, i experienced a low hop character however was enjoyable to drink. cheers.
10. lanerigg - IPA
  • keifer33 - Sorry mate my bottle was rock solid and a gusher. Waited for it to settle but wasnt drinkable. Very Phenolic and Solventy unfortunately.
  • Dent - Yeah this one seems infected, sorry.
  • Ned - As above reviews I'm afraid
  • jyo- [SIZE=11pt] Deep rich colour and head retention is great. This finishes really dry with a mouth puckering astringency and, unfortunately, I think there is an infection here. I think this would have had a good flavour, but the body and hop character has been chewed up due to the bugs.[/SIZE]
  • Neander - Yes, as above.
  • danestead - same
  • Recharge - sorry dude completely undrinkable. Went down the sink. Concur with likely infection.
11. StalkingWilbur - Robust Porter - give it some time. Three weeks in bottle, but was left outside in the cold so was still undercarbed when I tried one before the swap.
  • Ned- Lovely dark colour and malty aroma, small, brownish head which dissipated quickly (possibly because I drank it before it was ready). Malt driven flavour, but a little hit of bitterness in there too. I liked it, I couldn't drink a lot of it in a sitting, but its not designed for that. Cheers
12. danestead - american IPA hop hog clone - CPBF ready to drink
  • NEV- First off I got the mineral bite but after the first glass it mellowed, its a good beer, nice and mellow and not too hoppy for me. Cheers
  • StalkingWilbur - Damn. I really enjoyed this. If I had known what I was in for I would've made sure I had a hop hog on hand so I could do a side by side. The aroma jumped out of the bottle andreminded me of hop hog. I think the taste was pretty close too and packed a nice hop flavor and punch. Will be looking to brew this at some point.
  • lanerigg - a bloody good clone! really enjoyed it. Will be making it soon
  • keifer33 - Great beer mate. Maybe a little drier and slightly more hop aroma and it will be an even better beer.
  • recharge - hop hog clone. I had a feral hop hog in tap at the kalamunda hotel on Wednesday for lunch, was disappointing. Not so with your beer, it was very enjoyable good balance of malt and hops I was looking for more. Thanks.
  • jyo- yup- this is tops. I shared this with a mate who is a Hop Hog freak and we were both impressed. If you truly want a clone, then I agree with Keiffer with there maybe being too much body, but flavour and aroma were pretty damn close. A great beer.
  • Ned- I enjoyed this, well balanced, not quite as aggressive as the real deal, but pretty bloody good
  • danestead- cheers for the feedback guys, really appreciated. I also agree that the body needs some thinning and a dryer finish and the aroma needs a boost which it what I've adjusted for my planned version 3.
  • Neander - Loved this beer. Didnt take notes at the time but I was impressed with the likeness of the clone. Would be happy to sit back and drain a keg.
13. wilkens - choc/vanilla porter
  • danestead - Unfortunately mine was near on flat. Hopefully mine was a 1 off. The chocolate was prominent thought, which I quite liked.
  • Dent - these need more time to condition IMO - if you have bottles in the fridge, put them on the shelf!
  • Ned - mine was not very carbonated, with little head, but the chocolate flavour was great, and just when I was expecting some roasted grain flavour, some smooth vanilla kicked in, nice!!
  • Neander - I drank this last week at a tasting. We all enjoyed the chocolate flavours but didnt really get any vanialla. Should of held out a bit longer.
  • jyo- Very lightly carbonated. I enjoyed this. Chocolate / cocoa flavours came through. The only thing I can pick is that it seemed to finished very dry and coated the top of my palette.
14. Ned - Rye APA. bottle conditioned, ready to drink because I thought the swap was on in June for some reason
  • Nev- a good balance of hops and malt, easy drinking, didn't realise it was bottle conditioned so last glass was thick but overall a great beer.
  • danestead - this was quite interesting because my first rye beer to brew is on tap atm (dr smurtos golden ale rye version). i'm still to get my head fully around what rye is meant to taste like however there were some interesting things going on in this beer but im not sure if it's the rye or not. the initial aftertaste is immediately sweet, a medicinal type flavour which wraps around the sides of my tongue and then disappears straight away to a dryness or minerally taste, i think. Please dont take this harshly because my biggest weakness is explaining what i can taste but this is either the rye or possibly what dent was saying as a mild infection? On the positive, it poured with a beautiful lasting head and superbly clear. cheers
  • jyo- [SIZE=11pt]Balanced hopping rates. Carbonation pretty high and it climbed out the bottle. Could maybe do with a bit more body for me, as things seemed to be a bit thinned out in the middle. This may be the mineral taste danestead refers to. Maybe a higher mash temp or a little more crystal, but I enjoyed it. Cheers.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Neander. Nice beer, melow hoppy aroma and citris on the palette. Nice creamy head that stays to the bottom of the glass with good lacing, cloudy. Well Balanced beer a bit highly carbinated as when opened had to head for the sink.[/SIZE]
17. Neanderthal Black IPA - Bottle Conditioned - ready to drink.
  • Milk-lizard84- Really enjoyed this. Poured a treat and had a nice aroma and mouthfeel. Only just starting to appreciate darker beers so this hit the spot for me.
  • danestead - Quite enjoyable. I like the use of hops. Crisp finish which is great compared to my Black IPA I brewed which finished up at about 1.020 and 7.5%. Cheers for an enjoyable drink (and about 100mL is being used on IPA swap can chicken tonight!)
  • Ned - loved it, first glass was too cold, only got the hop flavour (which was great though), once it warmed up the malts really came through
  • jyo- This is a really nice beer. Great aroma and some citrus and sherbet lollies in the finish. I’d like to see a recipe for this one. Wondering about the yeast?- it gives some low esters but stirred up easily. Thoroughly enjoyed this after a rough Friday at work.
  • Lanerigg - Sorry I tried this a few weeks ago and have lost the notes. I do remember a loving the use of hops and really enjoyed it sorry for non descript review
18. Rickcobba - American IPA - needs more conditioning time, bottled 2014-07-10
  • danestead - there are not many words to explain this brew however it pretty much sums it up by saying 'an absolute ripsnorter of a beer!'. IPA is where it is at for me and this hit all the buttons. I could drink this all night, apart from the fact I'm a light weight.

  • jyo- Colour is sexy and golden, and the head lasts the whole glass. For 6.7%, this is going down a treat. The vienna-like maltiness is just enough to balance the bitterness. I could have had more aroma hops, and as it warms up there is a very (very) slight phenolic flavour, and I mean it’s only just there, but other than that, this is great. Top work, mate.

  • Pours well with a good head with minimal lacing. A nice golden straw colour. This has a slight funky taste. (The same flavour and aroma of the ClusterFuck I bought to the brew day. Its unfortunate as after trying to drink my keg the flavour is too overpowering for me now. ) Very dry on the mouth and sour/tartness to it.

  • Velu/Ned- haha I thought I had somehow missed out on this brew as I couldn't find it when I did my first count, but was very happy when I found it in the shed this arvo. Lovely colour, excellent balance of malt and bitterness, could possibly do with some more late hopping, but thats just a minor detail. Great stuff!
19. Jono- Oatmeal Stout
  • jyo- Mine gushed out of the bottle and carbonation was dangerously high for a glass bottle- maybe get these in the fridge ASAP. Once settled down it had a deep rich, roasty stout flavour and was pretty good. I can feel the 6.5%....
  • Nev- Ended up with 1/4 of a bottle after the gush stopped. Nice beer but potentially a bottle bomb !
  • danestead - gusher also. It tasted quite alcoholic to me so maybe it would mellow over time into a nice beer.
  • lanerigg - Not much to try! had 2 inches left at the bottom by they time the "gyers effect" had stopped was good really just need to adjust carb levels
Jonos BarleyWine.
  • Neanderthal - Well after the warning I opened mine in the sink and nothing happened. Argh, a Barleywine. I then got caught on the phone for 15 mins which allowed it to warm up and settle down. Loads of caramel flavour and only a little fusel type taste from the 10.2%. Sweet but not cloyingly and lingers on the tastbud for a while. A touch too much carbonation as it took a while for me to pour due to being heady. Bigger beer than I planned on my normal drink free tuesday but now I need to go and find another beer. Enjoyed it
Recharge - London brown

Serious gusher. What was there tasted nice, albeit super dry and carb was insanely high. Couldn't drink it, but could see potential.
Wilkinsone - choc/vanilla porter

Unfortunately mine was also near on flat. Body would've been good with carb. Got some choc, and nice coffee notes. Couldn't get any vanilla. Definitely has the makings of a great porter, just needs some tweaking.

Haven't seen you around, Will. And noticed your kegerator and other stuff for sale. Hope everything's okay, bud.
dent said:
Stalking Wilbur Porter

This is very good! Excellent depth of dark malt flavour. A bit molassesy, but not so much as that keg you brought to the swap, so it works well in this beer. Good luck if you put this porter in a comp, they'd probably complain it was too much roast character or some crap, but I think it's awesome. The only thing I can fault it on is a little bottle conditioning green beer note, but that would go away eventually anyhow. A great Porter.
Dug out another bottle of this. As expected, the extra time has totally smoothed this beer out. Lovely quaffable black goodness.
Niceeee. I thought I only had two left over and they were allocated to the lottery, but there's actually another two hiding away. Will try it out when I get home. Glad you've enjoyed it!
added Nev Belgium Amber

1. dent - Baltic Porter (10%) - CPBF + ready to drink, but feel free to see if it changes over time in the fridge if you've already sucked on the tap
  • jyo -Deep, rich chocolate, with a coffee flavour that could become a little cloying… but then the alcohol cuts through to thin things out and balance it all, and stops this from being overly sweet. Clean yeast flavours. This is one of the biggest beers I have had, and I really enjoyed nursing the pint and a half over an hour or so.
  • Ned/Velu - lovely deep garnet colour with small brown head that dissipated quickly. This beer has been staring at me from the fridge for some time now, and I was a little scared of it to be honest, a 10% porter if I made it would be like a distilled campfire. Lucky for me Dent is a much better brewer and this was a lovely beer. Full malty flavour, lovely mouthfeel, warming alcohol, I just wish I had drunk it on a cold rainy day to really saviour it.
2. jyo- Oatmeal Stout- Bottle Conditioned for just over a month.
  • Neander - Pours easy with a nice head, off cream colour but dissipates quickly, a tad lightly carbonated. Nice roasty flavours with a touch of chocolate coming through, I like this with a bit more carb (Is it just or is there a shitty batch of caps lately as I have had a few beers go flat on me) and it would be very good. Very close to my own Oatmeal stout.
  • Ned - Lovely oat flavour, and a hit of roast and chocolate. How much oats did you use? I got a little bitterness at the end of each sip which worked well with the sweetness. Lightly carbonated but the head on mine lingered a little while.
  • danestead - Really enjoyable. I wish I had of done a side by side with Keifer's Dry Stout
3. Milk Lizard 84-Golden Ale ready to drink
  • NEV- poured with great head, nice carbonation, hop aroma was there for sure but a good balance. My idea of a session ale.
  • jyo- definitely a session ale. Balanced toward a nice maltiness, but enough hopping to keep me very interested. Mine was prefectly carbonated. I could drink this by the gallon.
  • danestead - as above. good head retention and clarity. neutrally balanced malt/hops. balanced bitterness. a good quaffer. something that would be a good starter for those just starting to explore beers other that commercial lager piss.
  • Neander. Poured really well and great clarity.Light carbination Thin head which disapated quickly with light lacing that stick tothe glass to the end . Tastes light and a bit drier than I like but drank it very fast. It would be a great summer brew.
4. Nev**** Fat Albert Belgian Amber 8% - bottle conditioning
  • I didn't really know what to expect from a Belgain! Amber as Belgian beers arent really my thing however I really quite enjoyed it. Mild belgian yeast character (belgian yeast character is usually what puts me off belgian beers), well balanced, head didnt hang around long. Slight alcoholic flavour coming through so maybe I should of held out for another month. In general, really nice Nev. The flavours reminded me of a lighter version of the Hoegaarden Forbidden Fruit Clone that Mikey brews. Cheers.
  • jyo- Really enjoyed this, nev. I shared this with a mate at the end of a big night and it finished things off nicely. Lovely Belgain esters and moreish underlying malt backbone. The alcohol is very well hidden...
  • Great beer loved it, happy I hald onto it this long. Aged well. Clean malty and sweet that finishes very smooth, no hint to the alcohol at all.
5. keifer33 – Dry Stout - Bottle Conditioned and ready
  • Neander - This one was infected, very strong medicinal floavours.
  • danestead - neaderthal must have had a one off infected bottle (hopefully) as mine was quite enjoyable and i havent picked up any infected flavours myself. Poured with minimal head however whatever head it did have, lingered as a nice film on the surface. I'm only recently getting into stouts so I'm still getting my head around the general descriptors however I get the typical stout aroma, dark roasted malt and coffee. Flavour is again typical stout (to me) with subtle coffee and it is well balanced and has a medium mouthfeel and as you would expect, dry finish. Thanks for an enjoyable beer.
  • Lanerigg - Nice white head did dissipate quickly, nice roast flavours but I think the body is little thin still good enjoyable drink.

  • jyo- No infection in this one. Very tasty, finishes nice and crisp, and choc and low coffee flavours linger. Fairly clean overall and enjoyable. Cheers.

  • Velu/Ned - small white head that disappeared quickly, deep, dark colour, nice roast aromas that finish with a clean, dry finish. Very enjoyable, cheers
6. Mitch_76 - ?Dubbel Choc 8.7%
  • Ned- I had this last night and I loved it, highly carbonated, long lasting head, big flavours of malt, dried fruit and warming alcohol (but not over the top). Looking forward to trying Nev's belgian now. Cheers
  • danestead - im not all that knowledgeable in belgians and dont really know how a dubbel is meant to taste however it seemed well balanced and made. cheers
7. twocansam - American Wheat Bottle conditioned, ready to drink now
  • keifer33 - Good beer but could do with a little more hop character for me personally. A dry hopped version would be tops.
  • Neanderthal. Good Beer. Very surprised as I dont really rate wheat beer. I guess its the totally unlike wheat characteristics. Nicely carbed slight bittereness with a fruity tang to it. It does have a sour after tasty but that doesnt put me off having another mouthfull. I would have no problems drinking more of this. Might even look for an America Wheat recipe. Whats the ratio wheat to barley?
  • Ned - I liked this, ideal summer beer
  • jyo [SIZE=11pt]light, easy drinking. I get a bit of honey dew melon and mandarine in flavour and aroma. This would get thrashed around here in warmer weather. Really nice, cheers.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]danestead - ive never had an american wheat and im not the greatest fan of wheat beers in general however i found this one well made. subtle wheat character, nice low-medium balance of hops, well balanced bitterness. great quaffer. cheers.[/SIZE]
8. Recharge - London brown ale
  • jyo- I get some dark brown sugar and treacle flavours and aromas in this. I get the “milk bottle lollies” character that dent is on about, but it’s not a bad thing. Maybe almost a slight vanilla flavour? Finishes crisp. Pretty easy to drink for what I thought was going to be a meal of a beer. Nice work. Cheers.
  • danestead- i didnt really know what to expect from a london brown ale as the few browns ive had have been heavily american hopped. it was nice to drink. i got a lot of earthy/peaty flavours from it and balanced. cheers.
  • Velu/Ned- I've never had a brown ale so no idea if its to style, so I'll just describe it. lovely dark colour, persistent brown head, quite carbonated (actually lost 1/2 the bottle to the sink as it gushed out), malty/earthy aroma, has a sweetness about it thats hard to pick, not a malty sweetness, and not a bad sweetness, just different. Finished dryer than I thought it might (the high carbonation probably helps this). I like it. Cheers
9. Rad - Amber ale - Ready to drink
  • StalkingWilbur - I did enjoy this, but I found it had a little bit of a cloying sweetness. When I had sips i enjoyed it. When I took a bigger mouthful is when I found it too sweet. Aroma was good and reminded me of endeavour amber ale, although I haven't had one of those for quite a while so could be way off.
  • Recharge- Poured perfectly clear and looked great in the glass. Enjoyable beer. Thanks
  • Ned- I enjoyed this, I don't drink a lot of amber ales, so the sweetness was different for me, I think I will try more amber ales after drinking this beer
  • jyo- shared this with a mate and we both enjoyed it. Decent malt with low hop character but it was well balanced. A nice beer, cheers.
  • danestead - mine poured clear also with head which somewhat lingered. as jyo commented, i experienced a low hop character however was enjoyable to drink. cheers.
10. lanerigg - IPA
  • keifer33 - Sorry mate my bottle was rock solid and a gusher. Waited for it to settle but wasnt drinkable. Very Phenolic and Solventy unfortunately.
  • Dent - Yeah this one seems infected, sorry.
  • Ned - As above reviews I'm afraid
  • jyo- [SIZE=11pt] Deep rich colour and head retention is great. This finishes really dry with a mouth puckering astringency and, unfortunately, I think there is an infection here. I think this would have had a good flavour, but the body and hop character has been chewed up due to the bugs.[/SIZE]
  • Neander - Yes, as above.
  • danestead - same
  • Recharge - sorry dude completely undrinkable. Went down the sink. Concur with likely infection.
11. StalkingWilbur - Robust Porter - give it some time. Three weeks in bottle, but was left outside in the cold so was still undercarbed when I tried one before the swap.
  • Ned- Lovely dark colour and malty aroma, small, brownish head which dissipated quickly (possibly because I drank it before it was ready). Malt driven flavour, but a little hit of bitterness in there too. I liked it, I couldn't drink a lot of it in a sitting, but its not designed for that. Cheers
12. danestead - american IPA hop hog clone - CPBF ready to drink
  • NEV- First off I got the mineral bite but after the first glass it mellowed, its a good beer, nice and mellow and not too hoppy for me. Cheers
  • StalkingWilbur - Damn. I really enjoyed this. If I had known what I was in for I would've made sure I had a hop hog on hand so I could do a side by side. The aroma jumped out of the bottle andreminded me of hop hog. I think the taste was pretty close too and packed a nice hop flavor and punch. Will be looking to brew this at some point.
  • lanerigg - a bloody good clone! really enjoyed it. Will be making it soon
  • keifer33 - Great beer mate. Maybe a little drier and slightly more hop aroma and it will be an even better beer.
  • recharge - hop hog clone. I had a feral hop hog in tap at the kalamunda hotel on Wednesday for lunch, was disappointing. Not so with your beer, it was very enjoyable good balance of malt and hops I was looking for more. Thanks.
  • jyo- yup- this is tops. I shared this with a mate who is a Hop Hog freak and we were both impressed. If you truly want a clone, then I agree with Keiffer with there maybe being too much body, but flavour and aroma were pretty damn close. A great beer.
  • Ned- I enjoyed this, well balanced, not quite as aggressive as the real deal, but pretty bloody good
  • danestead- cheers for the feedback guys, really appreciated. I also agree that the body needs some thinning and a dryer finish and the aroma needs a boost which it what I've adjusted for my planned version 3.
  • Neander - Loved this beer. Didnt take notes at the time but I was impressed with the likeness of the clone. Would be happy to sit back and drain a keg.
13. wilkens - choc/vanilla porter
  • danestead - Unfortunately mine was near on flat. Hopefully mine was a 1 off. The chocolate was prominent thought, which I quite liked.
  • Dent - these need more time to condition IMO - if you have bottles in the fridge, put them on the shelf!
  • Ned - mine was not very carbonated, with little head, but the chocolate flavour was great, and just when I was expecting some roasted grain flavour, some smooth vanilla kicked in, nice!!
  • Neander - I drank this last week at a tasting. We all enjoyed the chocolate flavours but didnt really get any vanialla. Should of held out a bit longer.
  • jyo- Very lightly carbonated. I enjoyed this. Chocolate / cocoa flavours came through. The only thing I can pick is that it seemed to finished very dry and coated the top of my palette.
14. Ned - Rye APA. bottle conditioned, ready to drink because I thought the swap was on in June for some reason
  • Nev- a good balance of hops and malt, easy drinking, didn't realise it was bottle conditioned so last glass was thick but overall a great beer.
  • danestead - this was quite interesting because my first rye beer to brew is on tap atm (dr smurtos golden ale rye version). i'm still to get my head fully around what rye is meant to taste like however there were some interesting things going on in this beer but im not sure if it's the rye or not. the initial aftertaste is immediately sweet, a medicinal type flavour which wraps around the sides of my tongue and then disappears straight away to a dryness or minerally taste, i think. Please dont take this harshly because my biggest weakness is explaining what i can taste but this is either the rye or possibly what dent was saying as a mild infection? On the positive, it poured with a beautiful lasting head and superbly clear. cheers
  • jyo- [SIZE=11pt]Balanced hopping rates. Carbonation pretty high and it climbed out the bottle. Could maybe do with a bit more body for me, as things seemed to be a bit thinned out in the middle. This may be the mineral taste danestead refers to. Maybe a higher mash temp or a little more crystal, but I enjoyed it. Cheers.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Neander. Nice beer, melow hoppy aroma and citris on the palette. Nice creamy head that stays to the bottom of the glass with good lacing, cloudy. Well Balanced beer a bit highly carbinated as when opened had to head for the sink.[/SIZE]
17. Neanderthal Black IPA - Bottle Conditioned - ready to drink.
  • Milk-lizard84- Really enjoyed this. Poured a treat and had a nice aroma and mouthfeel. Only just starting to appreciate darker beers so this hit the spot for me.
  • danestead - Quite enjoyable. I like the use of hops. Crisp finish which is great compared to my Black IPA I brewed which finished up at about 1.020 and 7.5%. Cheers for an enjoyable drink (and about 100mL is being used on IPA swap can chicken tonight!)
  • Ned - loved it, first glass was too cold, only got the hop flavour (which was great though), once it warmed up the malts really came through
  • jyo- This is a really nice beer. Great aroma and some citrus and sherbet lollies in the finish. I’d like to see a recipe for this one. Wondering about the yeast?- it gives some low esters but stirred up easily. Thoroughly enjoyed this after a rough Friday at work.
  • Lanerigg - Sorry I tried this a few weeks ago and have lost the notes. I do remember a loving the use of hops and really enjoyed it sorry for non descript review
18. Rickcobba - American IPA - needs more conditioning time, bottled 2014-07-10
  • danestead - there are not many words to explain this brew however it pretty much sums it up by saying 'an absolute ripsnorter of a beer!'. IPA is where it is at for me and this hit all the buttons. I could drink this all night, apart from the fact I'm a light weight.

  • jyo- Colour is sexy and golden, and the head lasts the whole glass. For 6.7%, this is going down a treat. The vienna-like maltiness is just enough to balance the bitterness. I could have had more aroma hops, and as it warms up there is a very (very) slight phenolic flavour, and I mean it’s only just there, but other than that, this is great. Top work, mate.

  • Pours well with a good head with minimal lacing. A nice golden straw colour. This has a slight funky taste. (The same flavour and aroma of the ClusterFuck I bought to the brew day. Its unfortunate as after trying to drink my keg the flavour is too overpowering for me now. ) Very dry on the mouth and sour/tartness to it.

  • Velu/Ned- haha I thought I had somehow missed out on this brew as I couldn't find it when I did my first count, but was very happy when I found it in the shed this arvo. Lovely colour, excellent balance of malt and bitterness, could possibly do with some more late hopping, but thats just a minor detail. Great stuff!
19. Jono- Oatmeal Stout
  • jyo- Mine gushed out of the bottle and carbonation was dangerously high for a glass bottle- maybe get these in the fridge ASAP. Once settled down it had a deep rich, roasty stout flavour and was pretty good. I can feel the 6.5%....
  • Nev- Ended up with 1/4 of a bottle after the gush stopped. Nice beer but potentially a bottle bomb !
  • danestead - gusher also. It tasted quite alcoholic to me so maybe it would mellow over time into a nice beer.
  • lanerigg - Not much to try! had 2 inches left at the bottom by they time the "gyers effect" had stopped was good really just need to adjust carb levels
Jonos BarleyWine.
  • Neanderthal - Well after the warning I opened mine in the sink and nothing happened. Argh, a Barleywine. I then got caught on the phone for 15 mins which allowed it to warm up and settle down. Loads of caramel flavour and only a little fusel type taste from the 10.2%. Sweet but not cloyingly and lingers on the tastbud for a while. A touch too much carbonation as it took a while for me to pour due to being heady. Bigger beer than I planned on my normal drink free tuesday but now I need to go and find another beer. Enjoyed it

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