2014 W.A. Xmas in July Case Swap.

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If another sport opens up can we please save it for Rickcobba. He put his name on the list but when Biggo updated the list he cut Rickcobba off and he was never added back on.

We did his brew today!
StalkingWilbur said:
If another sport opens up can we please save it for Rickcobba. He put his name on the list but when Biggo updated the list he cut Rickcobba off and he was never added back on.

We did his brew today!
Just ad it as 25 , sure there will be a drop out yet .
jyo may have to wash his hair ;)
Nev, when have I ever washed anything?

I need to check with Ledgenko this week and see if he's still in.

Just about to finish the boil on my stout. It's pretty similar to brewing classic styles.

Case Swap 2014 Stout (Oatmeal Stout)

Original Gravity (OG): 1.058 (°P): 14.3
Final Gravity (FG): 1.016 (°P): 4.1
Alcohol (ABV): 5.55 %
Colour (SRM): 37.3 (EBC): 73.5
Bitterness (IBU): 26.5 (Average - No Chill Adjusted)
Volume- 25 litres

70.68% Barrett Burston Ale
7.52% Flaked Oats
6.02% Biscuit
6.02% Chocolate
5.26% Bairds Medium Crystal
4.51% Roasted Barley

3.2 g/L Styrian Golding (3% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil)

0.0 g/L Whirlfloc Tablet @ 10 Minutes (Boil)

Multi step Infusion. Boil for 70 Minutes

Fermented at 22°C with Mangrove Jack's British Ale

Recipe Generated with BrewMate
Stormahead said:
Sorry guys, I'm out cause some clown (me) got engaged and his missus will not move the party from the 26th.
That's a real bummer, mate.

About missing the case swap, not the engagement! B)
jyo said:
That's a real bummer, mate.

About missing the case swap, not the engagement! B)
Yeah spew eh
Nobody told me I'd be lighting the wick on the heap by putting a ring on it :)
Sorry guys, I've buggered up and double booked myself, Ill be overseas on holidays. I will still swap if no one takes my spot that is able to attend the party. Ive adjusted the list to reflect this.


1. dent - Baltic Porter (8-9%)
2. jyo- probably Oatmeal Stout with caramelised date syrup
3. Milk Lizard 84- Golden Ale
4. Nev**** Vienne odeur de soufre 5%
5. smurray - 
6. Spoonta - 
7. keifer33 - American Stout
8. Mitch_76 - Dubbel Choc 8.5%
9. twocansam - something rubbish
10. Recharge - London brown ale
11.Rad - Amber ale
13. Biggo - Braggot
14. StalkingWilbur - Robust Porter
15. EMPTY - danestead will brew if this spot isn't taken (although he can't make the party) - american IPA
16. Krausenhaus - APA (would be an AIPA but I don't want to waste fresh bulk US hops on jyo and Nev.)
17. Neanderthal Black IPA
18. pilgrimspiss - Albany Dark Ale
19. Bada Bing - Some sort of lager maybe
20. Bigmacca- TBA
21.Aces High - Aussie Lager
22. ledgenko- something dark
23. wilkens - choc/vanilla porter
24. Ned - Rye APA
This is coming up quickly! Might have to change the name of mine from oatmeal to a sweet stout due to under-attenuation. It's tasting great, but I'll give it another week and we'll see. If I'm not happy I might re-brew a blonde.

Maybe time to start getting a list together of food to bring.

I'll start off with:

jyo- jumbo bowl of batato salad
You had the controller set up wrong for this one too?

The baltic porter is pretty much fermented out, I'm just trying to get a few more points out of it. I give it a shake every day to keep the yeast awake. Dunno if it helps but makes me feel better, that's the main thing. Already up to 10% or so, pretty good for 9% rated yeast.
This is coming up quickly! Might have to change the name of mine from oatmeal to a sweet stout due to under-attenuation. It's tasting great, but I'll give it another week and we'll see. If I'm not happy I might re-brew a blonde.

Maybe time to start getting a list together of food to bring.

I'll start off with:

jyo- jumbo bowl of batato salad
Nev- Tofu surprisez
A good time to start confirming your participation so we can get some solid numbers.

Just confirm next to your name .Less I have to bottle the better .

1. dent - Baltic Porter (8-9%)
2. jyo- probably Oatmeal Stout with caramelised date syrup
3. Milk Lizard 84- Golden Ale
4. Nev**** Vienne odeur de soufre 5% *CONFIRMED*And TOFU TOO !
5. smurray - 
6. Spoonta - 
7. keifer33 - American Stout
8. Mitch_76 - Dubbel Choc 8.5%
9. twocansam - something rubbish
10. Recharge - London brown ale
11.Rad - Amber ale
13. Biggo - Braggot
14. StalkingWilbur - Robust Porter
15. EMPTY - danestead will brew if this spot isn't taken (although he can't make the party) - american IPA
16. Krausenhaus - APA (would be an AIPA but I don't want to waste fresh bulk US hops on jyo and Nev.)
17. Neanderthal Black IPA
18. pilgrimspiss - Albany Dark Ale
19. Bada Bing - Some sort of lager maybe
20. Bigmacca- TBA
21.Aces High - Aussie Lager
22. ledgenko- something dark
23. wilkens - choc/vanilla porter
24. Ned - Rye APA
Online Brewing Supplies said:
A good time to start confirming your participation so we can get some solid numbers.

Just confirm next to your name .Less I have to bottle the better .

1. dent - Baltic Porter (8-9%)
2. jyo- probably Oatmeal Stout with caramelised date syrup
3. Milk Lizard 84- Golden Ale
4. Nev**** Vienne odeur de soufre 5% *CONFIRMED*And TOFU TOO !
5. smurray - 
6. Spoonta - 
7. keifer33 - American Stout
8. Mitch_76 - Dubbel Choc 8.5%
9. twocansam - something rubbish
10. Recharge - London brown ale
11.Rad - Amber ale
13. Biggo - Braggot
14. StalkingWilbur - Robust Porter
15. EMPTY - danestead will brew if this spot isn't taken (although he can't make the party) - american IPA
16. Krausenhaus - APA (would be an AIPA but I don't want to waste fresh bulk US hops on jyo and Nev.)
17. Neanderthal Black IPA
18. pilgrimspiss - Albany Dark Ale
19. Bada Bing - Some sort of lager maybe
20. Bigmacca- TBA
21.Aces High - Aussie Lager
22. ledgenko- something dark
23. wilkens - choc/vanilla porter
24. Ned - Rye APA
Well can I take the 12TH man / Spot for An IPA?
Sure here you go.

1. dent - Baltic Porter (8-9%) - brewed and good to go
2. jyo- probably Oatmeal Stout with caramelised date syrup
3. Milk Lizard 84- Golden Ale
4. Nev**** Vienne odeur de soufre 5% *CONFIRMED*And TOFU TOO !
5. smurray - 
6. Spoonta - 
7. keifer33 - American Stout
8. Mitch_76 - Dubbel Choc 8.5%
9. twocansam - something rubbish
10. Recharge - London brown ale
11.Rad - Amber ale
12. lanerigg - IPA
13. Biggo - Braggot
14. StalkingWilbur - Robust Porter
15. EMPTY - danestead will brew if this spot isn't taken (although he can't make the party) - american IPA
16. Krausenhaus - APA (would be an AIPA but I don't want to waste fresh bulk US hops on jyo and Nev.)
17. Neanderthal Black IPA
18. pilgrimspiss - Albany Dark Ale
19. Bada Bing - Some sort of lager maybe
20. Bigmacca- TBA
21.Aces High - Aussie Lager
22. ledgenko- something dark
23. wilkens - choc/vanilla porter
24. Ned - Rye APA
Confirmed brewing however I still cannot make the actual party. It still stands that if anyone needs a spot who can attend the party can have my spot.

1. dent - Baltic Porter (8-9%) - brewed and good to go
2. jyo- probably Oatmeal Stout with caramelised date syrup
3. Milk Lizard 84- Golden Ale
4. Nev**** Vienne odeur de soufre 5% *CONFIRMED*And TOFU TOO !
5. smurray - 
6. Spoonta - 
7. keifer33 - American Stout
8. Mitch_76 - Dubbel Choc 8.5%
9. twocansam - something rubbish
10. Recharge - London brown ale
11.Rad - Amber ale
12. lanerigg - IPA
13. Biggo - Braggot
14. StalkingWilbur - Robust Porter
15. EMPTY - danestead will brew if this spot isn't taken (although he can't make the party) - american IPA - CONFIRMED brewing/Not attending party
16. Krausenhaus - APA (would be an AIPA but I don't want to waste fresh bulk US hops on jyo and Nev.)
17. Neanderthal Black IPA
18. pilgrimspiss - Albany Dark Ale
19. Bada Bing - Some sort of lager maybe
20. Bigmacca- TBA
21.Aces High - Aussie Lager
22. ledgenko- something dark
23. wilkens - choc/vanilla porter
24. Ned - Rye APA
danestead said:
Confirmed brewing however I still cannot make the actual party. It still stands that if anyone needs a spot who can attend the party can have my spot.

1. dent - Baltic Porter (8-9%) - brewed and good to go
2. jyo- probably Oatmeal Stout with caramelised date syrup
3. Milk Lizard 84- Golden Ale
4. Nev**** Vienne odeur de soufre 5% *CONFIRMED*And TOFU TOO !
5. smurray - 
6. Spoonta - 
7. keifer33 - American Stout
8. Mitch_76 - Dubbel Choc 8.5%
9. twocansam - something rubbish
10. Recharge - London brown ale
11.Rad - Amber ale
12. lanerigg - IPA
13. Biggo - Braggot
14. StalkingWilbur - Robust Porter
15. EMPTY - danestead will brew if this spot isn't taken (although he can't make the party) - american IPA - CONFIRMED brewing/Not attending party
16. Krausenhaus - APA (would be an AIPA but I don't want to waste fresh bulk US hops on jyo and Nev.)
17. Neanderthal Black IPA
18. pilgrimspiss - Albany Dark Ale
19. Bada Bing - Some sort of lager maybe
20. Bigmacca- TBA
21.Aces High - Aussie Lager
22. ledgenko- something dark
23. wilkens - choc/vanilla porter CONFIRMED (swapping but not attending)
24. Ned - Rye APA
Im hoping to start fermenting my golden ale tomorrow. Been in between moving house so my brewing space is chock full of **** at the moment. Just a question about the day. Do we have to bring anything else other than our beers to swap?
Some food if you feel inclined, add it to the list a few posts up.
Or add it here !
Maybe time to start getting a list together of food to bring.

I'll start off with:

jyo- jumbo bowl of batato salad
Nev- Tofu surprisez
Wilkensone said:
Confirmed brewing however I still cannot make the actual party. It still stands that if anyone needs a spot who can attend the party can have my spot.

1. dent - Baltic Porter (8-9%) - brewed and good to go
2. jyo- probably Oatmeal Stout with caramelised date syrup
3. Milk Lizard 84- Golden Ale
4. Nev**** Vienne odeur de soufre 5% *CONFIRMED*And TOFU TOO !
5. smurray - 
6. Spoonta - 
7. keifer33 - American Stout
8. Mitch_76 - Dubbel Choc 8.5%
9. twocansam - something rubbish
10. Recharge - London brown ale - Confirmed
11.Rad - Amber ale
12. lanerigg - IPA
13. Biggo - Braggot
14. StalkingWilbur - Robust Porter
15. EMPTY - danestead will brew if this spot isn't taken (although he can't make the party) - american IPA - CONFIRMED brewing/Not attending party
16. Krausenhaus - APA (would be an AIPA but I don't want to waste fresh bulk US hops on jyo and Nev.)
17. Neanderthal Black IPA
18. pilgrimspiss - Albany Dark Ale
19. Bada Bing - Some sort of lager maybe
20. Bigmacca- TBA
21.Aces High - Aussie Lager
22. ledgenko- something dark
23. wilkens - choc/vanilla porter CONFIRMED (swapping but not attending)
24. Ned - Rye APA
Just confirming my spot and adding what food im going to bring

Online Brewing Supplies said:
A good time to start confirming your participation so we can get some solid numbers.

Just confirm next to your name .Less I have to bottle the better .

1. dent - Baltic Porter (8-9%) - brewed and good to go
2. jyo- probably Oatmeal Stout with caramelised date syrup
3. Milk Lizard 84-Golden Ale confirmed. Pork and apple sausage rolls
4. Nev**** Vienne odeur de soufre 5% *CONFIRMED*And TOFU TOO !
5. smurray - 
6. Spoonta - 
7. keifer33 - American Stout
8. Mitch_76 - Dubbel Choc 8.5%
9. twocansam - something rubbish
10. Recharge - London brown ale - Confirmed
11.Rad - Amber ale
12. lanerigg - IPA
13. Biggo - Braggot
14. StalkingWilbur - Robust Porter
15. EMPTY - danestead will brew if this spot isn't taken (although he can't make the party) - american IPA - CONFIRMED brewing/Not attending party
16. Krausenhaus - APA (would be an AIPA but I don't want to waste fresh bulk US hops on jyo and Nev.)
17. Neanderthal Black IPA
18. pilgrimspiss - Albany Dark Ale
19. Bada Bing - Some sort of lager maybe
20. Bigmacca- TBA
21.Aces High - Aussie Lager
22. ledgenko- something dark
23. wilkens - choc/vanilla porter CONFIRMED (swapping but not attending)
24. Ned - Rye APA

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